Warframe [Sihroa Rok] - A quiet moment against metal teeth
Summary |
A duo entwined, a decades long partnership; a session of
self-indulgent blood letting and one last mission for an eccentric corpus
mogul. All others are away, the last ship sent out, and the next a few hours
away. As blood is washed away from metal teeth, as hands roam, they rather not
take their time.
Characters | Paeva (tenno 30+) & Varik (Nova)
Contents | Canon-typical violence, Sensual play, Mouth kink, Oral, Grinding, Rimming, Fingering, Anal,
Length | 8,516w
Infested cries are muffled in the weak vacuum as the old freighter struggles to keep decrepit cargo retained, tumors hold fast against metal fixtures and bubbling ratchet straps. Biomass structures strangling eviscerated containers as brilliant blue energy rolls through the chattering throes; a prelude as their paces mount, stumbling over one another until the energy flares and fresh gore bursts one after another with the rapid repeat of a gilded boar.
Blood paints across the off-cream of the warframe’s heavy set body, slick ribbons of gore floats in the low gravity of the cargo as other stain the creases of her sword-steel skin as the infested entrails float in energetic trails. Some are redirected by the dance of the brilliant null starts that continue to dance around the brutal structure as she takes a bite out of a wounded infested ospery - once threatening to diminish her energy to naught - is sheared of its infested flesh with dark metal teeth. Metal is dented and torn as another chuck is torn from the remains of a wing, tossed aside as a hand stained with infested blood uses a corpse as leverage over an infested tubular, stomping upon a charger with sturdy heels before shooting up through the cargo hold. Despite the heft in her step, the sheer girth of her legs and short end of her feet, the nova easily clambers herself over a torn and ailed railing as she bites up the rest of the infested gore to swallow it whole.
Rejuvenated, the nova’s attention is turned elsewhere as the hoard continues to howl - her partner, somewhere else deep in the other side of the languished corpus freighter. She cracks another charger over the head with the shotgun, knocking over a weakened broodmother as she makes short work of the maggots, snarling as an awaiting antimatter drop scatters the infested around her and showers her in red.
‘Five minutes, love,’ dances through the nova’s cognitive relay as she reloads the blood soaked shotgun, wiping infested entrails from the barrel from shoving it into the delirious muzzle of turned crewman. Ecstatic energy dances through the nova as it echoes through her palm, amping up another wave of brilliant blue as the hoards continue their chatter, their endless desire of defense, to scream amongst themselves in hopes to drown out the nova as she continues to sway in her own self-serving tempo. Crushing infested underfoot, still easily knocking the wind out of overwrought ancients as she snaps muscle and bone on her way towards the center of the room again, kiting them as she lets color bloom as she slams energy down into the floor.
Coated with red and vile rotting brown over her off-white and cream of her body, her hexagonal teeth snarl as offloaded energy huffs from her mouth, throat, and sides as secondary functions flare. She takes advantage of the spills as the dark teeth catch a piece of drifting gore, slurping and gnashing the piece down as the waves of energy catches up with the infested - increasing their pace.
The nova dances an orb within her unoccupied palm.
Muffled explosion sings around the warframe as she charges through the freshly dazed hoard, attention turned upwards towards the jagged hole in the hull. A leap here, a bullet jump there, her path is cleared as she lands on an overturned container; aims, and shoots up through a fresh portal into the vacuum of space.
One hand latched around the grip of the boar prime; the other clutches against the passing tug.
‘Careful’ shoots through the nova’s cognitive relay. A transference tether latches - and phases the blood soaked nova through the pressurized hull where finally she catches her breath. Deeply she inhales through the vents along her throat and ribs, exhaling with a simmering growl of satisfaction as her partner finally phases back through her, to reoccupy the pilot seat if it weren’t for the nova’s adrenaline rasped sounds.
A shoulder length bob frames the visor that obscures her somatic sight, golden eyes flickering over the gore soaked nova from jaws to palm, to the thick of her powerful legs as her eyes linger. Very little is spared of the warframe’s excursion into infested territory as the woman tilts the interface visor down. “Had enough enrichment, hm?” She gives a smirk as she tilts the visor back for a moment, to check their trajectory. “Just try not to track any of it in, please, we just had the floors sanitized.” And back to the warframe before her, twice her size and thrice her weight.
“Of course,” Varik’s voice whispers, purring as the tenno steps forwards to seize her gore soaked jaw with a gloved hand. Kissing the top of her cranium as the whorls swirl.
“No touching until we get back,” the tenno chides, stepping back as the towering nova shifts, “not while I’m in this jacket.” The nova frowns with a huff.
Aboard Paeva’s orbiter she’s directed to the helminth. Even as they arrive to the loading dock measures are already prepared for her arrival as the rank stench of infestation still clings just as any other mission as they follow through the process. First blasted with a fresh dose of antibodies to kill of any lingering spores that might’ve snuck aboard, and then making the indignant march up for reveling in the bloodbath as Paeva finishes up her hand of the assignment. She makes sure the treasured boar is handled as well; letting it sit in a sterilization chamber as she goes about with the retrieval of some data or some sort as she never really bothers to figure out what she barters.
Loosening up her golden trimmed jacket to ease her breath, she ditches the interface visor and zips down her second layer as she waits for her client to connect. Easier to sweeten the deal with those conservative corpus moguls by playing of their own insecurities, especially a repeat client who has been the hunt of some rare information he never seems to track down.
Simple and quick she makes the deal; another of her frames will deliver it. A mirage by the callsign ‘Lot’.
Lotnilki waits at the door as Paeva hands it off, a pair of kamas hangs from her back as Paeva exchanges the details of the transaction. A blackmail deal, to try and not kill anyone, but to expect a rival to be sniffing around and would not mind if they ‘cull’ the competition while she’s there. The lark purple and white mirage chuckles and makes no promises - and they exchange their own kiss of good biddings.
Up front the ship cephalon keeps track of the dozens of active operations, the landing craft status, and trajectories towards their next destination as Paeva watches the tug she was piloting departs. Turning head towards the descending ramp and the orbiter’s upper chambers, the only noises that greets her are further down. And as Paeva hangs her bespoke jacket up within the personal quarters, gives her time to share with her first.
But she makes a quick detour to the transference chamber as she lets the second layer hang around her shoulders. The room is decorated with all sorts of marks of absurd opulence; trade, stolen, rightfully bartered for, Paeva only hums as she reorganizes the growing collection of ayatan sculptures that line one of the many shelves, letting the rhythms dance light against the expensive curtains and drapes. Her steps are careful to avoid the scattered pillows and quilts, easily noting out whom has been cuddling with who as of late in her polycule’s leisure. Although the old transference chair still sits center, the seat has been turned into a shrine to lua - and her privacy reserved for the space across from the helminth’s chamber.
Returning back with one less sculpture sitting in the back of her mind, Paeva finally strips herself down to naught more than her heavy work pants and boots. The old jacket is laid to rest on the pile of floofs, her undershirt to the stack for cleaning, her upper garments put aside for later as she finally breathes relieved. Without missing a beat she’s already on her next objective - setting a towel down between the meditation platform and the hum of the mandachord’s tunes, Paeva prepares to give Varik an intimate detailed cleaning as the basin is made ready to one side, a stack of hand towels to another as she kneels.
All that is missing is said warframe.
So she waits, looking out and beyond the observation panes as Jupiter and Callisto looms, her attention wanders from that of the planetary satellites and across the crescents made as the orbiter begins to roam into Jupiter’s shadow as the rings echo into darkness. Easily she dots out the location of corpus Stanchions waiting for orbiter acknowledgment, imagining the boring chatter as idly she massages her breasts for warmth. Although the personal quarters are otherwise warmed by the orbiter’s residual heat, it will still take some time to acclimate back from sitting in a muggy corpus jumpseat.
Paeva doesn’t bother to turn when the door sighs open at the top of the steps behind her; the footfalls are enough as the heavy heels click against the wooden floor tiles. But she does glance enough to be sure most of less easier managed parts have been washed away. Blood only clings to her now; along her maw, along the edges of her throat, along the creases of her body as she sets a canister down beside the basin. Filled with water of course as Paeva sorts herself away from the stars beyond to the warframe’s body.
“Sit,” she commands, uncapping the canister and pouring it into the basin.
The metal soles of the nova’s thick boots click against the floor as she moves around the towel, letting herself falter to one knee with a sigh, and then another as the distant lines beyond the pane frames her form for the tenno before her. Twice as tall, thrice as heavy, the nova’s bulk hangs along her entire form as she comes to rest on her folded knees, shoulders leaning in as her head rests back. Resorting herself to a comfortable position as a hand dabs a small hand towel into the basin.
“Let’s see,” Paeva breathes as she scoots in, standing on her knees as she tilts the nova’s head away from staring at her swaying breasts. Varik complies, staring up into the shimmering gold of the somatic implants.
Starting first from the whorls on the back of the warframe’s skull, the tenno examines every crease along her cranium, pressing the towel along to check for any stubborn stains. As she draws it down and around to the idle expel of lingering energy crawling through the warframe’s spine, Paeva leans in as she chases the phantoms of infested gore caught between the fore and aft plates. It warms her as Varik breathes between the weight of her breasts, feeling as a once violent palm grazes along her thigh as she continues to clean the armored skin.
With a finer towel she makes another pass along the nova’s helm, exchanging between the two as she follows along the crescent between the whorls down towards her shoulder blades. Although the region holds great annoyances in the connection and division of the soft creases, Varik sits patient as Paeva handles the section with such delicate care as she presses between the armored skin. A patience that’s taunted as Paeva leans her chest against the nova’s resting bulk, leaning in and leaving trails of phantom kisses to draw a shiver down the all but stoic trained warframe. But ever a stickler for details, Paeva chases every trace on the nova’s back as she delves between the whorls, at the folds resting mid-torso and at her hips, briefly as the heft of the nova’s ass she not yet dare move; even down to the underside of the perfectly still nova’s boots.
The least entertaining section done, Paeva follows back up, certain that the sections have been cleared as she makes one final pass. Returning to her starting position, she licks her lips for a moment before standing back on her knees, a hand towel tracing below the violent jaws. “Open up,” she commands.
And Varik complies - her mouth still soaked with blood.
Paeva tsks as she trades out for a new towel, a pair of fingers lingering against the gold plated chin guides before she leans in again. “Why can’t you be like the others and indulge in something less messy?” she chides as she wipes the drool from the nova’s jaws, following down the sigh of soft blue vents along the warframe’s throat.
“Not fun,” the nova breathes as fingers spread against the erogenous organ, petting against the exposed branchia as the warm water strokes against her neck. Paeva is careful as she cleans the creases along the nova’s neck and throat, steadily returning to the still held open blood filled maw as she examines the dark mess of blood and ichor black tissue. Reaching into a pocket and pulling on a pair of heavy gloves, she guides the nova’s mouth wider as the hexagonal teeth are well slick with saliva and the captured infested blood, obscuring the dark of her flesh and staining the cream of her lower jaw as she continues to drool as the tenno works. With her head made lull, under full command of her tenno, Varik’s hands again have settled against Paeva’s body, thumbs hooked into her belt as she moves here and there within her jaws.
Washing down the remaining loose particulates, Paeva looks down upon her. “Swallow.”
And so Varik does, licking the trace of liquid from her teeth as she opens again.
Twice more they go through the routine; gentle squirts of water eagerly swallowed.
A fourth time is stalled as she begins to chase down the more stubborn elements of her nova’s feast; a piece of metal stuck between the warframe’s teeth.
Paeva sighs as she looks upon Varik, “could you at least try and chew on something that’s not seventy percent metal at least next time for me, V? You know how hard it is to get these out by hand. Swallow.” And she drops her grasp for a moment to fetch through her pockets as the warframe loudly swallows.
“Do you not enjoy my open, waiting mouth?” Varik’s codices whisper hoarse as Paeva had to get up to search for a tool that’d provide her leverage, waiting with a smile as Paeva and her breasts drop down before her.
“Not like this,” Paeva groans, forcing the nova to look up again. “Not if I have to pry small pieces of armor out of those perfectly gorgeous teeth of yours - it’s not as fun.” Steadying herself for a moment, Paeva presses firm beneath the piece of corpus metal wedged between dark teeth. “Where did you put that chew I gave you? I’d rather watch you chew on that than do this,” she sighs again, dislodging the fragment into her palm before working on another piece that has somehow lodged itself into the warframe’s palate - thankful she hadn’t felt that in their transference exchange.
“I ate it,” Varik grins, and spits out into Paeva’s awaiting palm. A brief moment of silence exchanges as the tenno’s brows furrow. “In the den,” her vents sigh as she leans into the tenno’s palms again, holding her mouth open as Paeva continues to prod for any more intrusions. Though upwards she continues to keep her glance, her hands holding gentle against the tenno’s thighs, another portion of her moves lower, still retained as the wet cloth wipes along her plate teeth.
Care taken in passes top to bottom, Paeva makes several passes as the nova continues to drool onto herself, letting her tongue beckon as the cloth is exchanged for a bare palm, thumb lifting against her lips. With her other hand Paeva traces along the markings of Varik’s cranium, crossing down from the breathing whorls to the lingering, breathing mouth full of teeth capable of biting through metal and bone. Carnivorous, cannibalistic when things get desperately capable to bite through warframe steel. Though empowered by strong jaws - they melt beneath her void marred hands, gently pushing the nova’s jaw open once more as the char black tongue curls in desire.
And Paeva smiles as Varik’s drool traces along her hands as she gets the next hand towel.
She continues to clean - along Varik’s throat, over the muscular arms that graze against her thighs and hips, cleaning the heavy breasts and the vents hidden beneath along the warframe’s ribs. Paeva takes pleasant care as she fondles the breasts as large as her head, following each crease along the cream and charcoal gray from chest to underarm. Varik helps as she squishes them together as she leans in to grace a towel beneath the heft, giving the teasing tongue a soft kiss before moving further down.
Varik ever looks on as she looks no further south than Paeva’s own breasts. Even as she shifts her kneeling posture to accommodate as her pelvic region has begun to feel cramped.
“Stand up,” Paeva commands.
And again, Varik complies.
Paeva ignores the glowing splitting located along the nova’s genital seam, attention instead paid to beneath the nova’s heavy stomach before moving along her outer thighs. The lingering touch of water drenched towels only distract from the yearning left only partial as Varik tries to keep her attention towards the fish tank separating them from the door as she feels the tenno’s hands on her outer thighs, along her thick calves, working along the creases in her armored skin as a heat continues to build among her core.
There, she requires no cleaning as the layers of the seam continue to split above the tenno’s kneeling form; and Varik distracts herself by cradling her breasts as Paeva continues to work around her thick legs, feeling the towel as it grazes along the blood stubbornly clung around her knees as her other anatomy twitches. Ever more does it constantly react as Paeva begins to move inwards, along the inner edges of her boots at first, then along the back of her knees, and further to the deep gray of the warframe’s inner thighs. It pets around her wet and dry - teasing as Paeva giggles below, reaching around the nova’s leg to wipe off the lingering moisture for a final pass. “Almost,” she whispers - a hand pushes up the nova’s stomach.
Just as vigorous as her null stars the nova’s mind begins to swarm - her concentration not yet broken, she keeps looking forward even as warmth flows through her carapace. But a breath is all it takes to make her look down as her parted arousal is nearly at head hight, even though the hefty girth is still flaccid, even though its not entirely emerged, a single exhale is all it took to make her watch as Paeva finishes up her work - watching as a hand directs the opening of the protective soft petals aside to clean between the nova’s heavy thighs. Energy heaves through her whorls and vents as the towel gently rubs against the base of her pelvis, touches she so yearned enough to bring a satisfied moan as she dares not move. As still she remains as her hands are kept entertained, fondling herself as the smaller hands part between her heavy thighs, brushing the towel between the folds of her armored skin and along her gigantic ass.
Warmth breathes against the sensitive slick black and energy blue as Paeva brushes a wet towel along the nova’s inner thigh once more, dancing it gingerly as it roams upon the open petals of the genital seam. One is held in palm as it tries to exchange, grippers catching upon the tenno’s skin as she wipes off the off-white dorsal.
Varik sighs as she grips her breasts against her chest, head tilting upwards as fingers insert themselves into her groinal seam. It beckons her hips to yield as the well sealing muscles continue to relax, relieving as she adjusts herself to give the tenno better room to touch along the her anatomical reserve of her most cherished organs. And eventually the tender touches of cloth will be exchanged for mouth, or so she hopes as lips blow air against the sensitive white strip behind her energy blue crown. Her soft petals continue to open herself to the playful hands as fingers pet around inside her packaged loins, guiding her weight once safely tucked inside to continue to grow heavy as Paeva continues to kiss the open petals.
“Good girl,” the tenno breathes as the thick of the nova’s meat twitches, still only partly emerged as mucus drools between her fingers and the warframe’s growing desire. “You’re halfway, my hemlock. I can easily see your lucky strip,” her fingers continue to search within the genital seam, stroking the underside of the growing arousal as she not yet kisses the occasional twitch.
“Ranun,” the nova growls as she continues to fondle her breasts, squeezing them against her chest as her still hips shiver, relenting to the prying fingers as they seek her interior sack. Forth and forth she feels more of herself emerge into the personal quarter’s cold, feeling the mucus drool along her barely flaccid shaft taunting ever more as lips kiss against her thighs, against the crest of her pelvis as two fingers turn three, turns four. She pants as they spread against the interior sheath of her anatomy, noises made harder to ignore in the lingering silence as only the soft hum of the orbiter’s engines is their only company. She remains ever still as her full length rests outside her body, feeling Paeva’s moist hands resting against her as one rubs against the weight of her still interior sack.
“There we are,” Paeva hums as she grazes the warmth of the nova’s still withdrawn testes. “You still need some more encouragement,” Paeva finally kisses along the white stripe of the dark sensitive flesh at last, “but we’ll get there. Look at how you’ve grown love,” she glances upwards to where the nova has already begun to touch the huff of her sensitive vents, eagerly looking down as warm huffs carry through her teeth. “It’s grown twice more than last time; you’ve been busy with it, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” the nova whispers as she watches the tenno kiss along the weight of her growing arousal, “it’s been so long,” her voice draws through her codices as merged voices, “since you’ve touched me.”
“And so you touched to the thought of me?” Paeva chuckles. It takes both hands to wrap around the semi-flaccid arousal, perking up her posture as she kisses the underside.
“More than that,” Varik’s voice courses out of a singular, echoing through her own throat as she watches Paeva’s eyes be obscured by her cock, twitching to the thought of taking here there and then. Desire she presses into her breasts, shifting her hips for more.
“Tell me, my hemlock. Don’t stop until I say you can.”
Varik pants, swallowing hard. “First, after we ran off, I couldn’t bare to say want I yearned. Hunting for cash, on those long missions, I passed time in pleasure.” She gasps as Paeva kisses along the head, humming before forming her words. “Taking you then, hadn’t occurred to me as I could still fist around myself. Listening to you was enough, ranun. Kept voice recordings, of your praises, of your redirected threats.” She huffs, “I still have those from the veil jaunt - I spent so much to you letting off steam.”
“Ah, when I had you bouncing around beyond the kepler belt?”
“Yes!” Varik groans as Paeva takes her crown against her lips, shifting a gasp as the petals try and take hold - if it not for the void scarred hand pressing them against the weight of her loins. “Every moment I could take, you were there with me - and when you sent that last one, panting as you bounced on something else than my own - it drove me over. I needed to hear it again.” She sighs as moisture slick hands stroke along her member, taking it forward as the medial ring begins to fully take form, “I wanted to be bigger.”
Paeva chuckles as it takes one hand to hold behind the crown - it’d take three to go along the entire length.
“I edged for months to get it exactly right,” Varik gasps, “but I still needed to practice - and I began to grind against anything I could. It was so damn sensitive,” she whines as Paeva lets her arousal hang. Watching as Paeva loosens up her pants. “Please,” she whimpers, her meat twitching as the tenno adjusts her position to kneel.
“No,” Paeva giggles, a finger pressing against the urethral slit. “Keep going.”
“Some of the others helped me,” she gasps, “Kevrusk, Vilvisa, Myra,” her voice gargles as Paeva fondles her still internalized testes, “oh they let me fuck them while we were on mission - however we could manage.” A nyx, a trinity, a zephyr; each separately build than the fat tenno knelt before her. One muscular, one lean, another in between of their encounters flash before both their minds.
Paeva only hums, enamoring herself with the nova’s firming arousal. “Tell me of your time with Kev; I’d fancy a threesome with him someday.”
“On mars, after slaughtering a grineer encampment,” Varik pants, “we were both covered in blood, and while we waited for transport we figured it’d be best to make it quick. He was so good to me, mistress. I let him ride my mouth before fucking him against a mining ring - I could barely fit inside him.” She licks her lips, imagining Paeva in the same precariousness she pressed the nyx against the machine, barely able to hilt halfway into the warframe’s cunt.
“And Vil?”
“Pluto, she was distraction as I neutralized a VIP. We could do it quick; we’d have time to spare, so I fucked her thighs until it was time to start.” The nova groans as Paeva takes her into her mouth, pressing around the broadening head as her hips shift. “She offered to ride me next time - after she has worked herself up to fit.”
Paeva pulls herself away as the head twitches, “And Myra?”
“Europa,” Varik groans, fingering against her vents, “mistress, she fit all of me.” Gasps, carrying the memory of the zephyr’s back arching around her cock. “She was complaining about boredom, we extracted too fast, too much time to kill.”
“Well,” Paeva laughs, leaning into her own palm with a sigh, “I hope I’ll fit it. We have a few hours before the next mission will be assigned,” her thoughts drift as she looks over the nova’s fat girth and heavy length.
“I’ll be gentle,” Varik gasps, watching as the tenno kisses along her cock.
“Don’t,” Paeva rolls with a smile, moving herself to stand as she continues to fondle the nova’s shaft. “Listen to me, my dangerous hemlock, and don’t hold back. Okay? You can’t hurt me anymore.”
Varik pants as she follows the tenno’s guidance down to the floor, leaning over the smaller body as her cock brushes against the work pants that barriers Paeva’s body from her own. With a barely restrained fierceness she begins to yank against the loose belt, mouth turned to the tenno’s own as they kiss - her tongue lashing as the dark dangerous teeth press against soft human skin. Hands pull the whorls of her helm close as their breast brush, feeling the smaller woman’s arousal upon the soft mounds as her hips shift into the other.
Her legs are heaved to one side as they find their positions - Varik keeling, rutting her arousal against the fabric as the belt finally fails. Paeva sighs as the large warframe looms over her, blowing a kiss as she gives the briefest of assistance as her pants are all but torn from her, as her underwear is completely torn apart over her hips and tossed onto the careless pile. “There we go,” she breathes as Varik leans over her again, reaching a hand to cup the breathing vent along the warframe’s ribs as her legs are moved again. Feeling the thick arousal push against her inner thighs and pelvis. “You’re so close, warframe. Yet so far from my warm ready cunt,” she gasps as rough hands squeeze around her tender arms, her thighs lock over one hip and cups the nova’s arousal against her stomach. “Show me, warframe, how roughly you wish to fuck me.”
Above her the nova snarls, drooling as their hips grind, “ranun.”
Varik can feel as Paeva presses down against her as she grinds the tenno’s smaller hips, as her cock rubs between the tightened legs crossed with void scars. Arching against them, knuckles digging against the floor, she imagines herself buried hilt deep inside the woman’s body as Paeva continues to stare up with a knowing grin.
“Good girl,” the tenno chides as the slaps of their meeting flesh echoes in the small space, “fuck my thighs,” she mewls half-lid, shadowed by the large nova above her.
Crown to boots, Varik quivers as her drool drips over her chin, slapping her hips against the tenno’s own, spreading the self-serving mucus of her organ against the tenno’s stomach and thighs. Preamble, she hopes as her only transference partner continues to look up at her, as Paeva brushes her hands against the arms knuckling into the ground as she continues to fuck the tenno’s soft warm thighs and the forest of hair beneath. Whispering more for herself as she bends the tenno’s hips for a better angle, leaning into a tender palm.
“You’re so desperate,” Paeva purrs as drool drips down her wrist as a hand traces the snarling jaws, “go on, fuck them as hard as you wish. Harder. Faster,” she leaves a teasing moan for each, watching as the nova grinds out as another warmup. “Maybe I’ll let you in if you’re a sweetheart to me, fucking my human holes so no one else can fit me like you can.”
Varik whimpers - so far from her goal as she can’t help imagine Paeva’s face churned to pleasure as the tenno continues to smirk at her. Wordless goading, chiding her of fantastical escapades, of how if she wishes she could find herself in the center of an orgy - given into pleasures she so chooses as a palm cups against the thrusting crown. Yanking the tenno’s legs against her core, pulling downwards as she arches; Paeva purrs as Varik gasps, blowing a load across the tenno’s tit.
“Good girl,” Paeva purrs as the nova continue to pant above her.
Varik releases the tenno’s legs to settle on either side of her heavy stomach, sitting herself back as she looks down upon the woman before her - her arousal in resting display as the stripe behind the crown reaches beyond the woman’s belly button. It twitches as the warmth of her loins presses between them - her balls pressing against the tenno’s hairy crotch as she continues to come down.
And Paeva only smiles, rubbing the aching member. “Now, clean up your mess.”
“Yes, mistress,” the large warframe breathes.
Scooting herself backwards as Paeva moves to sit, Varik eagerly laps up the warm seed from the tenno’s skin. Once violent teeth brush as she takes care of each stray droplet as hands brush at the base of her whorls, guiding her upwards as her tongue drags across the woman’s skin. “Ranun,” Varik purrs as she moves to Paeva’s tit, to clean of the remaining mess as her teeth brush against the perked nipple.
“Again,” Paeva pants as she looks down upon the warframe’s cranial markings, feeling the nova’s hands pressing against her hips as the dark teeth brush against her nipple once more. “Varik,” she nearly moans, withholding herself as the tongue bathes at her breast, cleaning her of the remaining cum that was once spread across her breast. “Lick me, my hemlock,” she breathes as the last of the white is lapped by the black tongue, watching downwards to the twitch of the nova’s arousal. And the nova bathes her in affection as the tender nipple is taken between the plate teeth, danced between them as her tongue dances a curse to slip the woman’s lips. One to the other Varik bathes the tenno’s tits with her tongue, holding only to the floor as the hands against her helm grow tighter, catching against the structure of her whorls to direct her from one to another. She suckles upon them as can feel the tenno’s legs move on either side of her as she leans in, almost lying on the floor as she becomes enraptured in Paeva’s breasts.
“Mhn, Varik,” Paeva moans as she pushes Varik from her suction bruised breasts, tender from the attention as brief nips have taken upon her areolas. “That’s enough, by the void, that’s more than enough,” she breathes as she holds Varik’s mouth before her. The weight alone more than reason to draw the session short, but she continues to stare at the nova’s open mouth as she catches her breath, looking across the dark plate teeth and down to the shadow of the nova’s arousal as the crown continues to glow in the low light.
“Should we stop?” Varik’s voice is distant, whining as she licks one of the stalled hands.
“No,” the tenno breathes, looking between the nova and the nearby table. “I just need to adjust - get up for a minute.”
“Can I...?” Varik breathes, a hand roaming between the tenno’s thighs.
“Not yet, love,” Paeva breathes, unseating herself from the floor as the warframe’s hands follow her. “I’m not yet ready,” she looks back as she leans on a nearby table close to the observational pane. Watching as one knee over the other the heavy warframe adjusts herself to the new position, her palms running along the void scarred thighs as she looks upon the tenno’s body.
“Please,” Varik purrs as her mouth rests upon Paeva’s thigh, following upwards as she stands against her shepherd. “I need to feel you around me, Ranun. I want to bury myself deep into your folds,” she presses her cock between the tenno’s thighs again, leaning into Paeva’s back as a hand folds around one breast, kneading against the tender nipple as her head leans down with a groan. “Mistress,” she breathes against Paeva’s neck, lapping with her broad tongue as a hand roams to her wrist. “Let me beg for it, let me wail,” whispers as her other hand touches against the soft stomach, rocking her hips against the smaller body.
“Ugh,” Paeva grunts, her hands easily pushing the warframe’s stronger arms down her body once more, letting them rest at her hips as she turns. “Occupy that mouth of yours, warframe - if you desire to get inside me, at least help me stretch.” Her hand pulls against one of her cheeks, spreading herself against the nova’s crotch for a moment. “Kneel, and stretch out my hole with that tongue if you want inside me so badly.”
The floor shakes as Varik drops down to her knees, to sit before the tenno’s spread legs as she eagerly follows Paeva’s command. She follows the tenno’s shuffle for position as her mouth breathes against the forest of hair just below, a halted desire as her hands follow the tenno’s legs once again as she presses her helm between the heavy thighs. Not yet spreading with her hands, her mouth easily finds its mark as Paeva gasps before her, leaning into the warframe’s warmth as the tongue bathes the tender hole. Gentle laps across the taut muscle as above her the tenno sighs, feeling the warm metal teeth against her skin, feeling the saliva laden tongue as it pets against her asshole.
Paeva wiggles her hips as the tongue begins to press against the ring of muscle, staring back as Varik’s hands have seized her hips to draw still. “Careful, warframe,” she chides, voice simmering into a hum as the warm prehensile organ peeks into her soft hole. “Careful,” she breathes lighter as the teeth press against her ass, as the tongue dives deeper into her body. Back and forth it bathes within her, stroking against the walls of her ass as the nova groans into her body. Paeva can only breathe, reaching back with one hand against the warframe’s helm as the tongue begins to thrust into her body. Ever so eager as she is still reserved on if she can even handle the prospect of the nova buried inside her. “Easy,” whispers as the tongue continues to thrust into her asshole. “Mmm, V,” she groans as Varik licks her relaxing hole, “by sol,” she glances back.
“Ranun,” Varik groans as she laps against the tenno’s ass, her hands finally pressing the hole to be exposed, mouth pressing forth again as the girth of her tongue grows to accommodate the feast laid before her. Its prehensile properties coil around inside Paeva’s gut, taunting up against the walls with every head directed thrust, slithering back into the warframe’s maw just as quickly as each gasp drives her further, deeper as her arousal thumps against the floor. “You’re delicious, my mistress,” gasps between dives, fingers spreading against inner thighs as she can feel Paeva leaning into her mouth.
Resting upon her arms, folding one palm into her breast, Paeva gives herself into the nova’s feasting maw. With a smile she watches through the observation pane of the echoing shapes in the celestial darkness, of her spread legs rift with void scars seated against the warframe’s amorous mouth. And playfully as the motions go from frantic and starving to relaxed and entranced, she spreads herself more, “tongues not enough, I’ll need more than that if you want me to fit, warframe.” Knowing all too well one finger would equal two of her own.
A hand latches against the leg opposite of where she spread, and behind she hears a whistle of excitement that draws a pause.
And one finger is already on her - in her as the next session begins.
Paeva hums as the thick finger thrusts along with the laps of a greedy tongue, it pries against the ring to relax ever more so. Back and forth she feels the nova’s interest wane between one or the other, between tongue and finger until the plate teeth are kissing against her ass as a pair of fingers begin to move. For a moment she happens a yelp of surprise as the joint of fingers catch against her pelvis, stuck outside until a thrust pushes them into her guts with a garbling groan. “V,” she groans, tenting her hips back as the fingers depart, only to return with a echoing chortle from the amused warframe.
As much as her legs wish to widen, to accommodate the massive hand taking control of her pelvis, she’s already scoped out a better position for them as she found her own fingers trying to complete with the attention given to her ass. Paeva pushes Varik’s hand away, gasping as she can feel air peaking inside of her, “sit on the rug, the meditation one, please.”
And Varik complies - greeting Paeva as she stands before her, her fingers spreading to stretch the stretched hole to the pane as Paeva strokes over against her whorls.
The forest of the tenno’s crotch meets her mouth this time - and eagerly Varik licks up the lingering and wanting moisture presented against her tongue. Her hands wander as the ones against her helm pry, pulling her close as Paeva almost begins to mount her - sitting against the warframe’s mouth with a sigh. It’s only temporary as Paeva cups her breast against her chest, looking down her stomach as Varik suckles on her clit, purrs that drive her spine to tingle as she can feel the fingers holding against her ass. Letting her sit for the moment as she is enamored with the nova’s mouth, riding it with a huff as her legs have already begun to shake.
Looking back over the pane, Paeva breathes, pushing Varik’s mouth away as she stands.
And she places herself before the waiting warframe, kneeling back to front as the strong hands take interest in her tits, feeling the mouth once pleasuring her rubbing along her neck. Though their hips gently meet, the warm arousal twitches up against her own warmth with a sigh.
“May I...?” Varik asks again, purring into Paeva’s ear as her hands roam over hips, thumbs spreading the tenno’s ass once more. “May I bury myself inside you, mistress?”
“Only if you remain still until I say you can move,” Paeva breathes, fortifying herself as her body drools beneath them, “you can only move forward,” she almost whispers as the large hands help move her into position, to almost settle upon the nova’s raised hips as the arousal continues to tease against her spreading lips. “A pillow,” she mentions first, mind already racing as she watches Varik move around her, her hands more preoccupied with stabilizing herself against the warframe’s form as their bodies continue to rub. “Thank you,” breathes as she resettles her legs between the warframe’s own, straddled as the pillow waits for her.
“Ready?” Varik purrs.
Paeva nods, her hands curl around the warframe’s helm.
As a hand between them directs their bodies to meet - it’s on Paeva to begin.
She sighs as she tries to push herself against the warframe’s crown, her tender hole clenching too much, making her grunt with frustration as the girth catches against her body. Once more she tries as Varik whispers behind her, encouraging her to try again as plate teeth kiss against her nape. Warm breaths of encouragement as again Paeva pushes her hips against the warframe, following the palm slowly as she forces her loins to relax.
Once more she presses with a sigh as the warframe grunts; her own grunt a moment later as the crown surges past the external ring, a groan as her body rejects it. Too big, too much at once.
Paeva snarls, “put it inside me, Varik.” Trying again with a groan, “either you do, or I will make you.”
The transference tether latches between them, their sights share in that moment.
“Oh, fuck,” Paeva whimpers as she catches sight of her own body framed by the pane, as she takes sight of how much she’s yet to -fit- as Varik’s hands pull against her hips. “FUCK,” she snarls as the nova pulls her to take the crown, gasping as for a moment she lingers, her body relaxing - and takes it down to the medial ring, for a moment clenching before her body completely gives in - feeling a part of herself and a part of Varik grip around her stomach before pulling them completely together.
Snapping back to only occupying her own body, Paeva groans as Varik snarls behind her - gasping as her body yields around the erection pushed inside her, back arching as she has to still herself - as Varik holds her stilled by large hands latched around her gut.
“Careful,” the tenno shivers as she can feel the warframe flexing inside her, twitching with their sharing breaths, with each precious sound that slips from her lips as she sits against the nova’s lap. “Varik,” she whimpers as she can feel it weigh against her left stomach, as her hands wander down to her blooming arousal to fondle and stroke as the warframe behind her groans.
“Ranun,” Varik’s voice rolls through the codices, stammering as she fights Paeva’s hands from finishing herself off, holding them against her chest as together they bask in the overstimulating glow. “Paeva, my shepherd,” growls as she fights to remain still, muscles twitching as she laps the tenno’s shoulder. “You’ve hilted me, taken all of me to the base,” the chuckle sounds distant, breathed deep as Paeva arches back against the nova’s breasts. “Oh, ranun, my precious core,” the nova growls as she embraces the tenno close, “to the floor?”
“Please,” Paeva whimpers, feeling her body shift to accommodate the nova’s cock buried deep in her ass. She knuckles against the rug drafted before the observation pane, resting against the pillow laid beneath her chest as Varik lords over her, licking against her back and neck as the only movement within is the reactive flexes, the clenches responding to the flexes, a banter of their bodies. A voiceless enthrall as Varik continues to pepper Paeva with kisses, as their fingers entwine over shoulder and sides. “Varik,” whispers as they continue to indulge, enamored with every breath, every twitch they share through the close somatic link. Feeling every pleasure, every tender exhale as Varik leans over Paeva, every millimeter shift of the massive girth buried inside the woman’s guts.
“Please,” it’s Varik’s turn as her head is bowed, resting against the tenno’s spine, letting drool trace down her snarling maw as her hips tremble. “May I?”
Paeva pushes against a restrained palm, “soon.” She shifts, looking back, “just let me,” she gasps, trembling herself as she tries to adjust, “by sol, Varik. Did you have to get so big?”
The nova whines.
“Just... start slowly. I can take it.”
“Promise?” Varik licks her spine.
“Yeah,” Paeva whimpers, shifting around the twitching mass.
Varik places her weight upon her palms, leaning over her precious mistress, “as you wish, my core.”
Gasping as her nova begins to move, Paeva can’t help but grovel as space is made between their loving bodies, spaces made by breath as she looks back upon the body behind her through the reflection, upon the strong arms capable of rending flesh and corpus steel curls into the rug beneath them. Forth the warframe grunts as she pushes back into her, forth as the heavy body pushes against her own and as her body grasps for salvation as overstimulation threatens her composure again. Paeva bites her lip as the nova buries into her body once more, whining as she can feel the heavy hands enrapture around her chest, as her own fold against the armored fingers as she rests against the strong palms. “Varik,” her voice oozes as hips meet them together once more, a sigh levels as the tender embrace rocks her against the expensive rug.
“Ranun,” the codices scramble as the nova growls, “my Paeva. Tell me,” she eases her lean, head bowed above the resting tenno cradled in her arms. “Tell me, command me, how shall I serve you, please you, behold you,” her melded voice wavers incoherent, barely focused as her attention reigns at their meeting hips.
Tilting herself aside, enough to cradle the warframe’s jaw in her palm. Paeva smiles, “fuck me, my dear hemlock love. Show me how much you adore me - fill me with your love until you can bare no more,” she leans into a kiss upon the plate teeth, riding herself around the slow rhythm thrusts. “Batter me, bruise me,” she smirks, “ruin me. Make me yours.”
Varik whimpers as she pushes herself deep - watching the waves of pleasure course across the tenno’s face, for more she surges their hips together, a beckoned thrust as she kisses her tenno’s face. “As you wish, mistress.” And so her arms enrapture once more around the tenno’s soft body, leaning upon her elbows as she finds her ground. “Please, hold onto the pillow,” her voice wavers, arching her hips away.
“Mhm,” Paeva rumbles, hoisting it against her breasts and mouth as warmth continues to spread across her face, helpless to look back at the towering warframe preparing herself behind.
And a quick smack of their hips drives the point home - Paeva bites the pillow as the sudden thrust echoes through her body, making her loins clench for a moment in stunned realization. She’s only fit the resting state, and while it had given her adequate space to bask in the glow of the filling penetration - Paeva gasps as another thrust slowly bows through her guts, bending along her left side with a groveling groan. Above the nova rumbles as she buries herself again within her tenno master, watching the gasps of the turned face in the observation pane with a satisfied smile.
Downward Varik buries herself into her Paeva, letting her codices whisper among them as she presses their hips with feverous vigor, finding more and more space to fill with ever desiring spark. But soon it’s not enough to bury into the sedentary form coiling beneath her - she has to see, wants to see her tenno’s pleasure as she buries into her again and again! And so her arms curl around Paeva’s center, pulls her up with her, helps her tenno adjust as their form is mirrored within the observational pane.
Neither can help but smile, pant, groan together as they share in the moment as Paeva takes Varik past the medial ring, as at last Paeva finds relief as a large hand viciously rubs her aching glans. Squeals that are hushed as again the warframe takes care of the pleasure, holding another hand against Paeva’s mouth as she fucks and she rubs, and she bucks out the first wave of many. Over and over she buries herself into her tenno, her master of a lifetime as they begin to roll around the floor of the quarters. Front to back is abandoned from front to front as Paeva eagerly rides the nova’s aching erection, watching herself through the nova’s perception as she buckles out another orgasm, hips shivering and shaking as she grips onto the warframe’s breasts, as she is taken by the dark tongue and plate teeth as she still rings overstimulated as the nova takes her turn. Bowing her back against the floor, pulling her legs aside as she viciously fucks her ass as energy blooms through the warframe’s form. Snarling, she seizes as she finds salvation again in Paeva’s ass, curling a mewl as the tenno whimpers, holding her stomach as again she’s filled with the nova’s seed.
Only once the nova is satisfied are they through.
Paeva sits with her back to the fish tank as she looks over the exhausted warframe before her, smirking all the while even though she can feel her body shift from the weight she’s taken on. “I should probably get you a mounting bench,” she whispers as her legs are lifted over the nova’s shoulder, letting herself rest as the nova’s mouth runs against her fluid ruined thighs. Licking her clean once more, she lifts herself to give Varik access to her still gaping hole; mewling as the tongue laps at the remaining mess.
“Mhn,” the nova’s codices is scrambled, only able to make mewls and happy chatter as she continues to clean the mess she made.
