Monere [Mythos] - Charlotte stretching
| He's waiting for the rendezvous. Himself, his partner, and a friend of his partner - Rem is left to wait as they're running late, penting up and eager to be stretched out and filled once again.
Characters | Rem the Charlotte, Casar Arvico the Dampyr, Diviyoni-Jacob Warren the Ossisgari
Contents | Threesome, shared partners, aphrodisiac, oral, anal, toys, fisting, double penetration, spitroasting, extreme anal
Length | 10,635w
Sprawled out across the couch, Rem lies impatient.
A hand plying through the auburn curls, his third row of arms lies over his stomach, his seconds wandering and inattentive in the low light as they pull against the hem of a well worm sweater. Though he entertains himself with complexity via his phone, it does not divert the quiet ache lying just beyond, his slim tail pinched by the weight of a swollen plug. Tail curling against the couch, he divulges as knees rub against the other, settling motions that helps not to relieve the taut sensation held still, a temptation that wasn’t to take so long. An hour at most.
“Where the fuck are they,” grumbles as he finishes another node on the puzzle game, mentally checking off another rung of his quiet limits as he slows himself to sit. A hand holds him steady as he finds rest around the pressure, immense as his thirds drift to tend to the need. Balling, kneading against the hem of the oversized sweater as he settles back, Rem flips through to find another preoccupation. Shifting as his lowers dance over his obnoxious arousal.
He perks up when there’s a short rasp on the door, shifting to move as the door lock clicks.
“I was wondering where you two were,” he nearly barks, shifting the weight yielding on his pelvis.
“Sorry,” the taller of the two smiles as the other vanishes into the hallway, “had to drag him to the store, Cass still has his gear in the trunk.” Heaving a grunt, Warren drops a bag onto the counter, laden with picking of groceries as he sorts through them. “Cass said you were looking for these?” From around the end of counter he offers the package, a small pairing of raspberry chocolate truffles.
Almost kicking himself off the couch, Rem reaches for them, “where did you find those?” taking them from the taller man’s hands. “Spent all last week trying to find somewhere that had them.”
Warren smiles, “glad you like them. Place closer to me still carried them,” back at the counter he continues to pick through the small selection of groceries - at least for him as he has to duck beneath the low ceiling arch to enter the heart of the kitchen. “Does it look like everything you needed?” he looks over to where the charlotte has already devoured half the pack, coveting them as he looks over from the couch.
Picking himself up, Rem leans over the boundary between the kitchen and central room, “looks like most of it - did Cass still have the list?”
“Nah,” Warren’s head shakes, picking a long blank box from the bottom of a slimmer bag, “just off what I remembered last time.” Waiting for Rem to finish putting away a bag of beans, he opens the box, “found the good stuff yesterday, a pomegranate aphrodisiac.”
Head cant over and leaning against the wall, Rem brushes his hair from his eyes before reading over the label, “does it work?”
“From the samples I’ve tried, yeah,” Warren brushes his curls back over his face as the front door opens again, the third of the trio tossing a duffle bag in where it heaves against the floor. “Need help Cass?”
“I’ve got it,” the pale hunter grunts, dropping his own backpack off beside the door, “still got another bag of gear to pull up. Div, can you throw that into the ice box?” Casar brushes his sweat matted hair aside, “meat for the month.”
“Venison,” and the dampyr is out the door again.
“Ah, er, Rem where’s the ice box?” Warren picks it from the floor, tangling the strap in his hand as it sorrowfully sags soft.
“Across the main bedroom,” he points down the hall, “it might take him a couple minutes to get situated.” With the bottled aphrodisiac cupped against his stomach he retreats to the couch. Watching as Warren vanishes around the corner, “want to help me set up?”
“Certainly, gimme a minute to put these away.”
“Go right ahead,” and Rem sets the bottle on the coffee table, pushing it daintily aside and out of the way. Wearing nothing save for the worn out sweater, he perks up against the back of the couch as he watches Warren rid himself of his jacket, his phone, his personal pack as he settles them all on the counter outside of Rem’s view. “Did you talk about it on the way over?” His eyes follow the rich bands that line along the outside of Warren’s arms, eyes flickering to the even stronger thighs shrouded by puffed fabric where it pulls taut.
“Just enough,” Warren sighs as he drops to the coffee table, picking up the aphrodisiac and setting it out of the way. Picking at the tie belt at his hip, “got everything cleaned up?” Though his head is turned down he still sights up the charlotte, rolling his shoulders as he sighs.
“Five rounds, just to be sure,” Rem kicks his legs out between the gap, certain to let his arousal known as his thirds pick up the hem of the sweater. “Plugged up - thought you’d both be here earlier.”
A smirk dances over the wrangler’s face, arms still holding bruises from handling an outraged hippocampus, “Cass told me you’ve both been practicing; how big?”
“A three incher,” Rem sighs. He watches as Warren settles in the space beside him, offering a hand he takes nonetheless as he mounts one of the wrangler’s thighs. His erection perks beneath the bounds of the sweater as he makes himself comfortable, leaning against him. “At least this one, in diameter, you know how big Cass gets.” Knees dug against the couch cushions and feet entangled around shin, he grinds.
Warren grips the bottom of Rem’s sweater; knuckles tauntingly close as they rub. But before he can answer, he turns to where the door opens once more, slammed as the dark haired dampyr throws a bag across the center room.
“Any good hunts, Cass?” Rem perks up.
“Fell a gorgon and their friends,” Casar sighs as he finally rids himself of the heavy coat, his white suit stained with the ills of another’s blood. Crossing the space between them, he kisses Rem square on the mouth.
As the kiss breaks, Warren gives Rem a small slap on the ass, “want us to wait?”
“Go ahead and start up,” Casar throws off his jacket on the counter as he adjusts the charms wrapped around his wrist. “Want to take a shower first, get the goods out, shouldn’t take long.”
“Right,” Warren looks back over the couch, “where’s mine?”
While Casar shares a kiss with Warren, Rem eases himself around the ossigari’s thigh once more, secondary limbs gripping at his light tank top and the harness that once held his knives. He watches as the dampyr leaves for the hallway, feeling himself up against Warren as hands cup around his ass. “We already got some default boundaries, me and Cass. No biting without a verbal agreement, no unexpected internal transformations, no main bondage release unless it’s during a break.” His soft staged erection rubs against the fabric of Warren’s pants, taunted as a hand curls around his long smooth tail instead. “The sweater, to keep my arms out of the way of course.”
“You want to do that now?” Warren’s voice is soft, leaning back against the couch as the charlotte follows him, pulling against the hem of the overstretched sweater.
“Just sometime between now and Cass being ready,” he breathes, yielding as the hands once at his ass begin to wander, leaning back as his meager erection perks between the folds of the fabric, lips pressed against the fabric as he rubs. The sweater is pulled up to his shoulders as his upper hands relent, curling upwards as his lowers hold the wrangler’s thick toned arms - and gasps as lips meet skin.
“I might as well give you a dragon’s kiss,” Warren laughs, looking to meet the flushed gaze as he turns up, catching the charlotte’s mouth as the hunger presses firm. A sense of retaliation floats as Rem presses back, glee in his own guttural hunger as he holds the other’s jaw - and Warren fills Rem’s mouth with his own sliming black tongue. An easy battle as Rem submits to it, leans into it as it finds the pockets of his venomous fangs as hands continue their taunts.
Rubbing, squeezing, the ossisgari takes the charlotte’s own hands into his own, dividing them aside even as the lowers grip against the woven fabric. A knack of quick binding as he holds the charlotte’s hand on either side, pushing the sweater taut against Rem’s stomach as he bounces a sigh to huff between the combating mouths. Rem tries to find relief as he ruts, rubbing his growing cock against the fabric of Warren’s pants as saliva continues to exchange, to drool as the hearth of Warren’s breath exhausts his dangerous chelicerae. Pocketed along the sides of his skull, they’re bled dry of poison by the ossisgari’s unbearable mouth, mere nothing to him as he finally withdraws.
But the steam continues to seep from the wrangler’s mouth as he hones onto his next target - assailing them with the encompassing warmth as he holds Rem still, teeth pressing gentle against the charlotte’s neck as his leg rolls beneath. Rem can do not much more than to grind against Warren’s thigh as his hands fight against the fabric, needing for touch as the plug is motioned against as they move. “Please,” he sighs, a gasp that lingers as his hands are set free, the sweater lifted against his chest as the hearty hands coax over his chest. “Such heat,” he aches to breathe as he leans into the wanton attention at his chest, hips scooting against the wrangler’s thigh as the draw of teeth prepare for the press of tongue. And the suction that’s drawn to them one by one as he falters.
Rem shudders to a smack on the ass, hands spreading him beneath the tail to the cool air.
“Want me to eat you out, don’t you?”
“Ever since you offered,” he chides, attention drawn to the fingertips as they dance against the plug, legs shifting to spread as the gentle thumps draw the muscles to twitch as his erection bounces in turn. Those selfsame fingers hold against the weight of his ass as once more he’s taken again by the brazen mouth, fingers that spread over his skin as the warm mouth makes him yearn, makes him wiggle and sigh as they do. Little by little he is however drawn to kneel - to rise as hands crawl down his thighs, as the mouth crawls down towards his stomach as the heat rises from inside - face a peach red as a hand cups at his mouth, as his erection bounces against the wrangler’s knife sheath.
So close, he yearns, hands preparing to knuckle against the couch.
Rough hands seize his wrists, pulling him back to sit. “Nahuh,” the steaming halfling chuckles, a smile dancing as lays a kiss against Rem’s throat. “Not yet, hold still.”
Holding himself perfectly still save for the needing twitch of his piece among the folds, his body is shifted by the means of a single thigh, grinded and lurched as he lays his eyes closed as strong hands pull his first set of arms aside - and Warren tightens his belt around Rem’s center. “That should do it,” the ossisgari purrs.
“How pleasant,” Rem sighs as his arms are brought aside, sleeves pulled down behind his back as he continues to grind on Warren’s thigh. “Cass is in the shower,” he purrs, leaning into Warren’s extinguishing kisses as once more the charcoal tongue tastes him. “He can take 10 to 30 minutes,” breathes as he tries to pull his arms free - the sweater tied behind his back. With a gentle guidance Rem shifts his hips to the side, to follow a dancing palm as fingers finally take his needing desire. “Hmmm,” Rem shivers, trying to keep himself stable upon Warren’s thigh.
“Plenty of time,” Warren purrs.
Warren’s palm rolls around Rem’s staggered erection as he kisses the charlotte in full, stealing breaths as his target lies further as he gathers the ailing mess left behind. His thumb rides over the ribbed erection as his fingertips gather the mess that lingers, the drooling moisture shared amongst the wrangler’s fingers as they part along lips and dive amongst waiting walls. A singular, a pair, Warren feels through as the muscles open for him under the exploring thrusts as he holds Rem’s weight. “More,” shares between their mouths, a shiver forsaken as Rem yearns into the saturating palm as prelude drools from the deep red glans of his cock.
Once more it is forsaken - but by gods does he oblige as the soaked hand meets his mouth.
Rem sucks in the wrangler’s fingers, can’t help but to submit as the hand at his spine welcomes him close, welcomes him to turn, welcomes him back to the couch as his fangs poke against the fingers testing the spread of his mouth.
His legs are hauled aside, his mouth drool soaked and agape as Warren wipes his fingers off on Rem’s open thigh; it’s only natural does he let them falter as Warren kneels beside his twitching tail.
Above him, Warren pulls the last buckle to the thigh harnesses. “Still got those impulses I see,” and chucks them onto the opposing couch.
“Yeah,” Rem sighs, keeping his arms pinned behind his back as the knot has fallen free. His feet prop his legs to bundle against his chest, spreading himself for more. “I’ve still been working on it, but you know.”
Warren pulls himself free of his boots, “yeah.” He crouches down, pulling Rem to let his legs rest on either side of him as his hands cup at the boundary of Rem’s white patterning. “Go ahead; show me those holes of yours.”
Rem’s fingers peak themselves free from the stretched sleeves, spreading his lips with one hand as the other perks his drooling cock to attention. They pair against another as Warren spreads the skin around the plug, nudging against the bump caused by the plug’s weight. His breath is warm between the distance as Warren kisses Rem’s thigh, mouth tracing the approach, “what a handsome hole, taken so many and still needing for more.”
“How you two doing?” calls light beside them, Rem running flush as he parts himself wider.
“Warming up,” Warren glances over, “still need time to get things set up?”
“Nah, I want to dry off first,” the light skinned dampyr leans over the couch, taking Rem’s face into his hands as they share into a kiss. “You can play with him while I’m stretching him out too, Divi,” he chuckles, kissing Warren as the ossisgari kneels between Rem’s legs, “don’t make him suffer too much.”
“Don’t worry,” Warren smiles, a hand holding himself stable over the wiggling submissive, feeling a hand spreading over his inner thigh, “you want to watch?” Outside of his view he belies temptation as he spreads the y-split in his loins, barely parted in the shadows.
“For now,” Cass smirks, cracking open a canned soda with a smirk. “Want to see some prelude before I can get into it. I’ll get the gear after I finish my drink,” he holds up the can for a moment, caught in thought, “see if you can fit your hand, yours are bigger than mine.”
“How’s that sound Rem?” Warren looks down to the flushed charlotte, leaning himself upon the couch as one knee holds Rem’s leg pinned out of the way, “Let Cass watch as we play? You alright with seeing if my hand will fit?”
As Rem’s face runs a tempting peach red, he parts himself further as his fingers spread the retaining sheath of his aching member. “Yes, please do,” he wets his lips, twitching against his stomach as Warren’s hand roams down his inner thigh. “Don’t worry about getting too rough,” he breathes as the other hand replaces his own, pulling the neck of the sweater over his mouth. “I’ve been… fitting around Cass’ fist, barely,” whispers.
“Oh? How many fingers did he get in there,” Warren’s eyes flicker with breaths of alchemia, leaning to the side so the roaming dampyr can have a better view off on the other side of the room. “Three, four?” With his own hand he gestures the sensations, cupping Rem as his fingertips part his hyperpigmented folds.
Forsaken in search of respite from the embarrassing blaze storming his stomach, Rem sinks into the attending hand, wallowing in the touches that trace, draw, and play among his wet flesh. “Almost… all of it,” he hums against the fabric, staring down as a pair meet against his walls and gentle as they spread him. “Up front… I wonder if you can fit,” fumbles beyond the muting sleeve, sight half-lid as the strong hand tempers his muscles.
He gasps as his lips are given a gentle smack, “aaah,” he breathes, his leg hooking into Warren’s outer thigh as fingers trace the underside of his metamorphosis dick.
“You like that, spiderling? How’s a couple more to get you all red and tender.” Warren’s hand glides between to collect the sinking moisture, fingers curling upwards and around to stroke the aching girth as their temples press. Fingers sliding, stroking, he lets his warm breath curl and seep against Rem’s cown as he bends the charlotte up against the couch, pushing his legs wide as he continues to stroke. Though the smallest of sounds still creak from the arachnid mira, sounds quested and pleaded by a firm grip, they’re coveted by the thick yarn of the sweater. “That’s a good little spider, sink into it,” giving it one more firm tug, his hand relents, retreats, and gives another smack.
“Harder,” Rem groans, twitching against his stomach as Warren takes the stretched sleeves of the sweater against the couch. He wiggles beneath the wrangler as he hovers above, their eyes gazing through their shared tussled hair until Rem viciously takes him into a kiss.
And Warren gives him a hearty smack on the lips, feeling the trepidation as the charlotte’s fangs prickle against his lips. “But you said no biting,” he chides, giving yet another hearty smack as they break away. “You’re so fucking wet already, Rem,” and spreads the other’s lips for emphasis, hooking a finger down to press against the still waiting plug. A measure that soon passes as the charlotte wiggles, his clawed toes curling as he’s given another hearty smack on the lips and his girth twitches against his stomach.
“Hmm!” he complains, leaning into the hand, barely registering as the dampyr has instead taken his hand captive, too entranced by desire as Warren’s fingers find him again, stretching him three knuckles deep. “More,” he whispers, staring past where his ribbed member twitches with every thrust, with every test against his muscles, with ever more saliva tracing his lips as the wrangler presses at him once more. Four, half pushed in as his loins pleasantly burn. “Yes!” mumbles, “Gimme,” curls.
“There we go,” Warren cooes as the charlotte’s loins give in under his hand, fingers soaked as once more he draws a gentle thrust and spreads Rem wider and wider. “Almost got all four in, that’s a good spiderling, almost there.” Motions that are drawn long in the push and release, where moment by moment, space by space, Rem's body falters to the persistent pressure, falling open as the other's hand basks inside him as his breathing rasps, gasping as the fingers draw and dance against his aroused walls.
"Warren," he gasps, ”give me,” his arms curling against his mouth once more, trying to hush the noises that creak as the wrangler moves. The ins and outs, the temping fingers as they peddle and coax against his walls, his breath lies choked as pressure resumes, legs squirming as the guide of a palm cups to one side.
Yet all at once, it's gone. "You did great,” the ossisgari purrs as he holds the charlotte's loins with his wet hand, teasing as he divides the pair above the saturating walls. Giving him another pat, "you managed to fit in four, Rem." Index to pinky glide along Rem's shaft, a size of scale, "looks like it's time to start setting up, looks like Cass went to get the gloves."
Rem pins him with his legs, just barely. “Wait,” he breathes, attention turned to the hand on his cock, “just,” he fumbles, licking his lips as his hands dare not move from his chest. “Can we wait a little longer before he sets up the table? I want… I want to see if I can fit your whole hand.”
Warren retains the partial lean over Rem as trace of spent alchemia floats among his sight, eyes glowing their ambient hues as he pops his fingers in his mouth. “You sure?” he asks between sucking fluid from his fingers, “I might just start getting rough,” he motions to the bottle, popping the top of the heavy scented aphrodisiac.
“Yeah,” Rem, sighs, “I’m sure he won’t mind if I get shoved over the edge real quick,” watching as Warren takes a deep swig of the brew, he motions with his head. “Give me some of that.”
The ossisgari shakes his head - not at Rem as he hands over the bottle as he gives the charlotte room to sit up. “Ough, that’s strong,” he huffs. “Will see how potent it is before I take another,” and, once Rem coughs up and swallows, sets the bottle on the other side of the couch once more. Beneath him Warren once more holds at Rem’s loins, spreading the moisture laden lips as they meet into another steaming kiss.
Rem breathes it in, spine curling as the larger mira’s hand once more fills against his walls, spreading him open and wide as the plug continues to bulge. Whereas fingers once more stroke him, please him, Warren’s thumb grinds against the base of his shaft. Pressure that never wavers even as he twitches against the cloth belt around his stomach, even as whispers for touches go ignored as pressure turns ever downwards gentle but firm. Slides of four temper against his muscles, soaked and sloppy as they’re broken by gentle reaffirming pats and the whispers of increasing praise.
Just a little more… just a little more.
“Hey,” the third of them alerts, laying the towel down across the table, “how much is he fitting?”
“Only to my palm,” Warren turns back, letting his fingers labor across Rem’s soaked body, “I’ll be having my turn with him after he’s stretched out, agreed?”
“Agree,” Casar pulls the rest of his curled hair back into a brief bun, “the bottle?”
“Go ahead,” Rem pipes up from beneath the ossisgari as they begin to untangle, “it’s a bit strong, but bitter.”
“I’ll hold off - don’t want both of you drinking all of it.” Bare waist up, silky black rubber gloves is all he wears save for the yoga pants snug against his hips, the weakest of barriers to dissuade the coiling tendrils that make his stomach their home. “Rem, get on the table. Ass this way.” He’s stern as Rem follows his directions, laid to face where Warren kneels against the couch. “Want to try the gold or blue one first?”
Crooked up upon his elbows, Rem eyes the series of toys laid out behind him and to Casar’s side, a progression of larger and larger toys - some he has managed to fit, others still a struggle. “The blue one - want to get that nice pleasant stretch before taking a stern knot.” He gathers a long pillow beneath his chest as his folded lower arms collect within their confines, buffered from the hard wooden top only by the collection of puffs as his legs are folded out behind him. One set to either side, tender restraints curl around his thighs to make a temporary bind. His attention turned, he sinks into a new attention as hands take his chin; Warren’s strong hands cupping his jaw, thumbs pushing against lips to relent.
Rem cannot help but to oblige.
Knelt before him, playing with his mouth - “what a good little spider,” Warren whispers.
Beyond them Casar has long since slattered a glove with lube, treating the chosen toy with the selfsame lube and pushes the slim tail aside. With Rem’s attention drawn away, he begins to feel around the neck of the plug held by Rem’s muscles, strokes drawn soft against the warm flesh. “Hold him like that,” he calls up, fingers cupping against thigh and ass, feeling along the drooling arousals as he shifts his weight.
“Look at me, Rem,” Warren breathes as he holds Rem’s mouth agape, fingertips stroking along the drained fangs as saliva drools over his fingers. “Steady and slow,” steam wisps from his mouth as he leans in close, tilting Rem to meet his eyes. “Relax,” his palms cup against jaw, taking the charlotte’s weight as he leans into the attention. “There we go,” purrs, “what a good little spider.”
“Aaa,” Rem sighs as the pressure relieves his body, wiggling to the sensation of being near emptied as the plug still floats, the neck pulled yet the girth remains to keep the swell. Back and forth in its gentle guidance, to be taken once more and to pop free to sigh as his hips temple back against the prevailing play. Through and through he remains entranced by the ossisgari’s gentle voice as he plucks at his saturated desire, hands curling against the pillow as half lid eyes continue to wander down…
Yet the priorities remain the same as a wet hand cups between his thighs, pressing against his waiting walls as another pushes upon his spine. Pressure to pin as the fingers become a trio, a quartet as they spread him open and wide, “fuck,” he breathes as the rubber glove strokes between his folds, as it takes his cock and squeezes out the drooling prelude.
Rem can only sigh as the attention continues as he remains open against the thumbs, submissive to the hands that guide his fangs to emerge, to prod against the worn drake skin holding his jaws weak and lax. A front to back as hands continue to explore him, to venture as his head is made to rise and he has to adjust, body pulled taut as his legs are kept open, body lying open as he’s left unsatisfied and empty to grip the needed presence. A minor irritation as his tail lashes, pushed up by a hand as a thumb presses his ass.
He can feel the weight of the pillows shift, the sound of the dampyr breathing behind him as his hair prevents from looking back.
“Hold him still Div,” Casar breathes - and holds a silicone head at the charlotte’s folds.
Hands releasing, and with a mouth now freed Rem looks back to where Casar has positioned himself on the coffee table, leaning into the hands holding gentle around his wrists. “You can tie up my arms, I promise not to break them,” he hums.
“Front or back?” Warren leans to his level; his hands large around Rem’s stretched sleeves.
“In front, you can hold them back later if you want,” he chirps, leaning into the growing pressure, gasping as the first swell is taken with a satisfying pop. “Lemme see yours,” Rem arches as Casar’s hand on his spine keeps him in place, pinned as the following swell pushes against his cervix. “Hm! Fuck, Cass.”
“Can’t stop thinking about it, hm?” Warren laughs, spreading his fingers over the split of his groinal seam, positioning himself to kneel before Rem’s well worn mouth. He spreads his seam, flesh swelling and splitting into the blooms of warm and brilliant white as he holds Rem’s mouth to his crotch. “I’ll let you know when I start to perk up,” he hums, letting the charlotte taste the curl of his prehensile flesh.
Hair held in a fierce grip, mouth held against tongue swirling mound, Rem can only gasp as the pressure in his walls returns, a thrust soaking down his aching erection as the frontal swell bulges against his cervix. Motions that are drawn settled front to back, the silicone thrusts held still as lube wet fingers prod and poke at his softened hole. “That’s it,” the dampyr curls, a thumb hooked as palm spreads over cheek, “that’s a greedy little hole. Go ahead,” smiles, pushing the silicone strong to notch, “give it a push.”
With a sigh, it pops.
Rem ruts around the strong swell as it is held against his lips, as the pressure against his aching erection pervades as he tries to breath between Warren’s forest of white flesh. His mouth keeps occupied with the fury of emerging folds, textured temptation as he sucks and licks, suction drawing strong as he is held against by a hand behind his head. “Suck it,” Warren purrs above him, his hand winding in the rich red and bleached blonde, “each and every single one of them, dirty little spider, give them a rake.”
Once more Rem pushes, sighing as the silicone pleasure fills within him.
He can only squirm as Casar thrusts the toy between his folds, can only groan as he is left empty and unsated as his mouth is caught in the forest of saturating flesh. He suckles upon the tender flesh of lips as rubber fingers prod and pry, stretching his holes as the silicone has not made its return, a confusion long lost as he finds interest in the taste of the ossisgari’s loins.
A smack brings him away, gasping as his flesh clenches in the open air.
Glancing back, face messed with fluids, drool, and weakened venom, Rem groans as another wet smack hits, shuddering as he leans upon his restraints.
Warren’s hands return to his mouth, holding him straight as their eyes meet - and kiss.
Rem groans into the impassioned mouth as another hit strikes his loins, agasp as he leans into them, into the prying fingers stretching his holes, testing his restraint as lube spreads between either and both. Once they break, once Rem is able to find his breath and settles into Warren’s forgiving palms once more, he groans. “Harder, fill me with those fucking dicks.”
“How’s that mouth?” Casar motions as he is busy with the next silicone member, a stern girth he slatters with lube.
“He likes how I taste,” Warren smiles, letting Rem meet his folds once more. The charlotte is vicious in his passion, his tongue brazen and captive as he takes the filament whites into his mouth. “Good little spider, take all of it in,” he breathes as he leans into the charlotte’s mouth, letting Rem’s mouth pop as he has to draw away for breath.
“Good,” the dampyr purrs, kneeling on Rem’s spine.
Caught between suction, Rem groans around Warren’s folds.
Knuckles dig against the cushions between the tightened knot, he barrels himself back against the girth pushed between his folds, a thickness that draws him to wobble, to waver into pleads as he has to be drawn back to his adamant desire. “Fuck, get it in me, Cass,” whispers as he buries himself into Warren’s mounds, head crooked odd as he tries to bury his mouth deeper. “Cass!” whimpers as his eyes water, mouth following the growing glans.
Behind him, out of his reign of control, the silicone pressures against taut muscles as once more it’s made to push, guided by the trace of fingers over flesh, kneaded against muscles moist as it is halted. Held still as Rem wiggles and falters, ass gasping for attention as it is pushed out of the way for the swollen girth. “Come on,” the dampyr growls, leaning to Rem as he holds the silicone in place, “you can fit this, you’ve won it before,” charms, humming a gentle chime as it is made to withdraw.
“Aaa,” Rem wavers, drool oozing from his lips, sight long made a blur as frustrated tears accentuate the curl of a growl. “Fucking get in me, Cass. Try again,” his voice dawns near hoarse, gasping as muscles ache.
A smile traces the dampyr’s face, holding Rem’s face turned as his knee keeps the silicone in place. “Certainly, just say the word, little spider. And it’s yours.”
Wallowing and dissatisfied, Rem fights against the restraints on his thighs. “Fill me, you fucking vampire sonuvabitch.” And he gasps, ass struck and taking another measure of the girth, “fuck!”
“Good little thing,” Casar grins, “Div, help me out. Hold his ass.”
“On it,” Warren breathes, leaning over Rem as he holds the charlotte’s cheeks.
“Out from one.” Rem gasps, emptied as Casar speaks, “and into the other.”
It pushes hard against Rem’s ass, who shudders as lube spreads once more around his hole, taking the girth in stride as he wiggles and sways, groaning vocal and loud as he near suddenly takes it all, erection drooling far from sight. A cloud that he’s suddenly dropped from; brought down as air fits his insides. “Just a little more,” the dampyr chides as lube spreads over the opened ass, leaving it haunted and empty until he’s satisfied.
“MHH!” Rem cries out as he takes it once more, fangs perking between his feverish grin as a wet hand smacks his ass. “Fuck,” he wobbles, wiggling around the pressure, around the presence as Warren gives his lips a gentle pat.
“That’a boy,” the wrangler smiles, returning to his position at Rem’s front. “You’ve done well, shouldn’t need to worry about fitting Cass in no time.”
Rem’s sight is elsewhere, poised to the perking white.
But then it’s drawn away, pulled away as the silicone pops free.
“Cass,” the charlotte groans, shivering as once more he’s left empty, aching as his cock begs for attention, “oh fuck, just jerk me off, please,” he grunts as he rubs against the towel.
“Not yet,” the dampyr chides, smacking his ass once more. “You need to fit one more, then we can get to the good stuff.”
Rem grunts, “asshole.”
“You wanted it this way,” Casar groans, “I would’ve already taken you by now, and Warren, if we hadn’t had this agreement before.”
“Come on, Cass,” Warren sighs, letting Rem take preoccupation with his rising erection, huffing as the trace of fangs draw around his lips. “It wouldn’t hurt, he’s probably close anyway.”
Out of sight, yet closely watched by the ossisgari, the dampyr rolls his eyes. “Fine.”
Claws curling, sunk and arching, Rem oozes as he’s quickly brought to salvation. Fingers hold him steady as he bucks, cupping him inside and out as he groans around Warren’s growing erection, “thankyouthankyouthankyou,” oozes as he cums against the towel, clenching around the fingers filling his rear, “Cass, please, more.”
“As you wish,” the dampyr purrs.
Rem groans, crying and gasps as he takes the next girth pressed against his hole. For a moment it halts, held taut by his aching hole before it‘s taken in stride, filling him to near bottom as the lowest of his stomach swells. His hips tilt, arch, knees perking him to prop as his ass is drawn to rise as he rolls. It’s committed as Cass pushes his thighs to near meet, pushing the silicone toy down to its neck. “Good boy, Rem,” purrs.
He drools around Warren’s cock until he’s drawn to depart. Drool soaking his chin and eyes afloat in ecstasy, Rem rolls around the penetration as it makes his belly swell. It’s pressured once more against him, within his ass as he can only breathe and sigh, submitting as his arms are brought behind his head, forced to let his stomach take his weight. Hair sticks to his mouth as he takes Warren into his mouth, sucking and drooling as he can barely breathe around the filament white, feeling it against the back of his throat as the silicone strikes his inner lock.
“Fuck, you’re so messy,” Warren smiles, huffing as he grinds against Rem’s face, gentle in his thrusts as he draws the charlotte off to breathe. “If you’re good, I might fuck you too.”
Beneath him Rem hums - either from the prospect or as the toy continues to push against his inner muscle to part - to stretch for the coming depth as behind him he can hear the dampyr sigh, hum, to curse as he feels the gentle touch of the tangles of emerging tendrils. Again he takes Warren completely, huffing and groaning as he eagerly takes the rolling thrusts against his mouth, the daunting temptation as the toy is withdrawn and pressed again inside his body. “Deeper,” he breathes around Warren’s filament white, “hhaa, Div, Cass.”
“Almost got it,” they hear the dampyr huff.
And, as it finally succeeds, finally taken in by Rem complete and full, he growls vocal, cursing and slurring his words as he has to keep from sitting himself there and then. “MH, fuck!” cries out as he holds around the silicone tight, forcing Warren to let him go as he looks back to where his ass has been filled. “Oh fuck, it’s all in; I can feel it in my stomach.”
“Oh, I know,” the dampyr purrs, a hand held against Rem’s stomach just beyond the tight fabric belt. “That’s a nice pleasant bulge, Rem, but oh, that’s not enough, now is it?”
“Aah,” Rem wobbles, aching against his thighs as he squirms, toes curling. “Please, let me sit on it first.”
“No,” Casar purrs, pushing him back to the coffee table, “we agreed; you need to stretch.”
Mouth turned into a snarl, Rem spits, “better make me quiet then, because holy fuck, do I still feel tight.”
Rem leans in as Warren’s hands travel once more to the knot in the sweaver sleeves, finding himself at rest in the cushions as the wrangler’s strong, work worn hands shove him prone. A grin curling as his sight meets a soft stomach and the filament arousal. “Make me.”
Beyond both Rem and Waren both there’s an audible pop - and Rem gasps.
His mouth filtered open, its filled as he’s pushed down against the cushions, gagging at first on the filament white as it rolls against his tongue. Against the back of his throat as he can fill the tender tangles whisper within his jaws as his eyes are covered by stomach and hair, blinded as old tears still blind his sight as he’s held in full - gagging drool around Warren’s cock as the ossisgari holds him down, rocking against the charlotte’s skull as the drips of saliva and uncoordinated venom drools from the corner of his mouth.
“There we go,” Warren sighs as his piercings coax against Rem’s tongue, riding along the slacken jaw as unconcerning chelicerate graze against his loins. “That’ll keep him quiet,” breathes as he pushes his hips against skull, drowning out Rem’s guttural groan as, again, comes a loud pop from his rear.
Over and over, Rem takes the barrage as he continues to drool, to give in under the pair as control is taken from him, as his body falters to the pressures and muscles stretch to accommodate the pleasant fills. Strength that pervades as he manages to hold it inside for a moment, sighing with a drool soaked jaw as he finds breath. “What a good hole,” he hears one sigh, “look at that stretch,” proclaims another as his jaws meet the warm filament white.
Hands kept from gripping, he can only please himself beneath the restriction of the sweater as he kneads his chest, as his seconds and thirds plead against his nipples. A storm continues to swirl as pre drools again between his thighs, as moisture drools between his lips and traces along the underside of his cock along with the mess of liberating lube. Wet and fascinated the silicone pops from his ass once more, letting him exhale in full body as his jaw is held in hand, raised to meet into a kiss.
He’s fierce, almost biting as the silicone is replaced - fingers spreading him wide.
“You ready?” Casar’s voice is light as his hand pets over the opened hole.
“Yeah,” Rem groans as he leans on his elbows once more, head guided to meet Warren’s erection once more.
“Alright,” the dampyr hums, fingers prying over the softened muscles. “I’ll start with three, and we’ll move on from there.” And, slowly, three fingers begin their hook into Rem’s ass as they glide along his cheek, saturated and moist as they spread him vertical, easily as the weary muscles still ache from the stern knot stretch.
With Warren sat on the other side of the coffee table, Rem’s tongue cups along the underside and the jacob ladder rungs. He rests upon Warren’s thigh as his arms are kept along his back, knot remade as he rolls around the fingers as they play.
“Here comes my palm,” the dampyr sighs, hand squeezed into a taper at first as it pushes. Above Rem can only sigh as his body submits to the guidance, a groan beginning to roll as Casar spreads his fingers inside. The black rubber thumb runs against his lips, folding through them as a thrust is made from wrist to palm, spreading him for more as the charlotte sighs. “And my thumb… yeah, open up that hungry fuck hole.” His thumb easily finds purchase among the palm, folded in and spread as he slips to the wrist.
Warren smacks Rem’s ass, and he clenches around Casar’s hand. “Good spiderling,” he purrs, sighing as Rem’s tongue rolls over the rungs on his cock, “taking that hand… will you let the rest of him in?”
Rem sighs around him, eyes narrowed and near closed as he sinks around Casar’s hand. His ass smacked again to a simmering chirp. “Casar,” he breathes, sight casting over his shoulder, “let me feel you, deeper.”
The dampyr leans over, hand withdrawn so he can kiss Rem’s temple. “Be good, and I’ll let you take it all.”
And, between them, Rem smiles.
Back to his ass, Casar pushes his hand to his wrist, stroking and spreading within Rem’s hole, putting gentle pressure elbow and beyond as he weighs against the charlotte’s spine. Moment to moment, and breath by aching breathe, more of the rubber sleeve begins to fit, begins to fill as Rem can only wiggle and sigh, kissing Warren’s piercings as he rolls.
“Half way,” the dampyr purrs, thrusting as he holds Rem in place. “Fuck, you might be able to take me this time, you fucking lycan.” He almost pulls free, spreading his ass with one hand, “feel all that air? Imagine that was all just me, tangles burrowing into your fucking stomach.” His hand returns as the pressure resumes, prying against the forgiving walls, feeling for the restraint broken by the abandoned toy.
“Relax,” Warren sighs as he watches Rem roll around Casar’s hand, pushing hair from the charlotte’s sight as he can see Rem’s attention is turned, pulled aside as he’s entranced with the hand in his ass. He adjusts, moving to kneel as he holds Rem’s head in his hands.”Easy,” he purrs, thumbs holding against the threat of the venomous fangs, holding as Rem is furthered hollowed out, as he groans and quivers into the attending palms. “There we go,” he purrs, stroking as he looks back to where Casar is fucking the charlotte with his hand.
“What a hungry fucking hole,”
Casar sneers, forcing his forearm against Rem’s backside as his fingers make
their mark, smoothing around to the sigmoid. “Oh fuck, will it all fit… that’s
a good fucking hole.” Back and forth he eases Rem’s muscles into submission,
glove smoothing the smothers of lube around the bend, stretching the internal
muscle to relieve as Rem quivers and sighs. Drooling into Warren’s palm,
drooling onto the pillows as his head lulls as he leans upon the edge.
Taking another long gulp of the aphrodisiac, Warren shares it with Rem.
Rem is fierce as he takes Warren into his mouth, sucking on the dark flesh tongue as he fits Casar’s hand again, as he feels his stomach bulge as the fulfilling thrusts move around the bend in his intestines. A rearrangement that makes him purr as he breathes in Warren’s steam, sucking on the ossisgari’s tongue as Warren lets his arms finally fall free.
And, after a moment of pulling through Warren’s hair, rearranging his own, Rem spreads his ass for Casar. “Fuck,” he looks back, shivering as elbow meets cheeks, “oh fuck, you’re so far in my ass.”
“Yeah,” the dampyr grins, smoothing around Rem’s bend. “You got a right nasty hole, all those monsters you’ve fucked paying off, Rem. Might be able to take my innate form too with how much room you got in there now.” Casar kneels back, discarding the glove to tend to the bulge swelling his loins.
“They all ready?” Warren sits up to look to where Casar works, a hand moving to Rem’s ass.
“Come here,” Casar sighs, sight gleaning to Warren as the tangles of his loins split, tendrils coursing and spilling from the split dripping and vile. “Come here, Div,” he demands, leaning upon the coffee table as he takes Warren’s wrist.
Quickly, Warren moves around the coffee table, to indulge in the view as he and Casar spreads Rem’s ass to gape once more. His fingers meet Rem’s ass alongside the dampyr’s own, fingers divided as they whisper among themselves, as Warren gives Casar a deep and passionate kiss. “It’ll be fine,” he breathes, hand roped around one of the many tangles of deep dark purple tendrils that’ve pushed from the dampyr’s stomach. “Go ahead; I’ll make sure Rem is comfortable.”
“Anything wrong?” Rem glances back, barely caught in a daze as he squirms, eager to submit once more as his slim tail is kept to rise.
“Nah,” Warren sighs, sitting back in his position before Rem, “just nervous - I’ve been the only one to take him all the way. You can thank Mal for that,” he smiles as they draw into another kiss. “Just breathe; it may take a bit for him to get settled.”
Casar holds against Rem’s ass, spreading his cheeks. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” Rem sighs, looking to glance back.
From his position and pose, through the mess of his sweat matted hair Rem can see the coils of blue as they begin to float along his skin. Slimy tendrils that coax along his skin draw him to shiver by the sheering cold, making his hair stand on end as another curls around his cock, as a pair bulges between his lips and makes itself home within his ways. “Cass,” is all he can breathe as his head is taken into hands once more. Touches that draw his attention all around, teases that make him waver and sway, sighing and groaning as the sticking organic slime draws him ever more sensitive - and fulfilled as one by one they begin to make their place, as they are directed by hand and palm into his depths.
One by one the dampyr coaxes his cursed organs in the desired direction, fingers pushing them to find against hole, to press against the loosened muscles as Rem continues to squirm. One becomes two, becomes three, becomes four as the boundary tendrils continue to explore, continue to grip as he fills himself out against Rem’s insides. His fingers grip hard against skin as he grinds them together, groaning as the shape begins to take, to collect into one as he finds once more against the inner lock.
“FUCK,” Rem groans as he grips the pillows, drooling as he’s more than bottomed out, stomach swollen as another of the tendrils is introduced, as Casar collects himself and to constitute singular thrusts. “Fuck, Cass,” he groans, oozing and simmering as tendrils stroke him beyond, as he buries himself around the pressure in his ass and the teases among his folds. “You’re so fucking big, fuck, how many are there - oh fuck me.” He continues to whine, to whimper as he sinks around the slow motions, as one by one they fill him up and around the bend as he holds along his side.
“Rem,” the dampyr grunts, fists balling against the pillows as he pins Rem against him, “fuck, I want more, I want to do more,” he groans. “Please, please let me fill you up, ravage your ass tender and raw,” he snarls, snapping Rem to whimper with a heavy thrust. “Let me get bigger, please, you lycan fuck.”
Rem groans beneath him, hands fighting to find the dampyr’s hands at his hips, fingers gripping tight as he wallows in the satisfaction. “Oh fuck, please,” he grunts, “just a little more,” he groans, “I don’t know how much more I can take.”
Behind him, Casar is quick to shift, nearly pulling free as he takes another tendril to meet the taut hole - pushing down hard as a tendril merges with the others.
“CASS,” Rem screams, groaning, gasping as his hips tremble - hips jerking, grinding back and around the intrusion as he pulls a pillow to his mouth. “Oh, FUCK,” he grips.
“Please,” Casar groans, already moving to park another in Rem’s ass.
Rem squirms, voice creaking as he tries to push the hand back.
Warren pulls the hand aside, arms pulling around the dampyr’s stomach. “That’s enough for Rem,” he breathes, pulling Casar into a kiss, “he’s got enough, maybe, you can fit some of those in me?”
Casar curls Warren close as he puts a hand on Rem’s spine, “okay, that works,” he sighs. “How are you doing?” His voice is weary, soundly exhausted even as the tendrils continue to roll, to thrust against even as he keeps mostly still.
“Oh, fuck,” Rem groans as he rolls around the prevailing girths, the storm that continues to fill him loins to stomach, the twisting within his guts that is no more noticeable than the movement from his left side. Thrust that are more than noticeable as he leans over to meet that side, as his seconds and thirds curls around the bulge that pushes through his large intestines, “so big… my poor ass.”
Warren charms as he leans over, kissing Rem’s forehead. “Now you know what it feels like.”
“Gods,” Rem sighs, indulging even as his legs shake, as his toes curl and sink around the prevailing possession. “It’s so fucking good,” he drools, head lying lull as hips strike his own. Where inner they lie large, filling him, the twists dragging heavy against his walls, it's no more satisfying than those that remain outside, those that have instead twisted around his thighs, to press along his ass and spread their mucus slime. “Fuck, Cass, harder,” he groans, sinking around them as hips strike his own, as his hand fights between the engorged tendrils to find himself - or at least something to grip and strong as his muscles clench weak.
At least, for as long as it lasts as above the dampyr grunts, huffing as again and again he strikes deep into the charlotte’s guts, as the four make their marks along weary walls. “Open that fucking ass up more,” he snarls, moving to lean over Rem’s spine, leaning in to almost be able to kiss Warren.
And Warren pulls him into a kiss, “easy,” he whispers, “let’s get him on the couch first, get a towel up there so you won’t have to sanitize the couch later.”
“Right,” the dampyr grunts, hesitant to pull out. “Can you do that,” his sight twists between Rem’s back and where Warren kneels. “I’m kinda busy rearranging Rem’s guts.”
Warren snorts, “right.”
As Casar continues to temper heavy thrusts, his knuckles dig amongst the pillows as his hips slam against Rem’s own, he buries his head into Rem’s sweater, pulling it close, fangs digging against the fabric as he continues to hollow out the weary ass. Their noises lie quiet, tense taut as before them Warren sets up the couch, lying a fresh towel down on the seat, on the floor, in a space that should be covered by the three once they find themselves settled once more.
Sitting back, letting his legs spread before them both with his pierced erection perked, Warren breathes deep, “ready,” he charms.
“Rem,” Casar grunts, hands pushed against the charlotte’s spine.
“Aaah,” Rem wavers, groaning as his ass begins to gape, to become empty as Casar pulls himself out and complete. He takes a moment to breathe, to collect himself as he pieces one knee against the other, still shaking as his ass aches from the pounds. “Give me a moment,” he breathes, humming as he tries to turn over, eased only by the two as they help him to the couch. One knee on one side, another knee on the other, he straddles Warren as he still sits agape, his cock grinding against the wrangler’s soft stomach, kissing him impassioned and in full as a strong hand directs them to meet - and he swallows Warren’s cock against his walls. “That’s one,” he breathes, breaking away to spread his ass for Casar. “Cass,” he looks back with sweat matted hair, knees making him arched as Warren pulls him close to show his gaping ass.
Cass kisses his neck, fingers dancing to ask Warren to spread Rem’s ass for him. “May I ask, little spider,” he directs the collected mass between them, letting it ooze between the other’s bodies, saturating them with his cold mess, “can I bite your neck?”
Rem, looking back, curls Casar into a kiss, “yes. You can.”
Sinking into Rem Casar curls an arm down around his stomach, fist gripping into the sweater fabric as Rem takes him deep, the charlotte groaning into his mouth. Back through the restraint as one, pushing back deep into the depths of Rem’s side as a hand cups against the bulging guts. A pull that is temporary as Casar pushes Rem up against Warren as they both share a kiss. Dampyr to ossisgari, ossisgari to charlotte, the trio share in their kisses as they find their position, their pace as together they fill Rem completely as his erection aches against Warren’s stomach. The wrangler aches within Rem’s walls as he holds his thighs firm, the hunter’s tangling tendrils curling around thighs and balls in their overspill. The space is barely enough to draft a third penetration as they wallow amongst each other, soaking in the share of fluids as hands knead.
Throat tilting up, Warren kisses one side, and Casar kisses the other. Fangs grazing against skin.
Rem is breathless as he holds onto Warren’s forearms, grinding against his stomach as Casar holds his chest, beneath his throat as the wrangler takes his mouth- the hunter takes his throat to bead with red. Gasping names, groaning and sighing, their bodies rock steady and slow, the touch of saturated skin settled as the dampyr gorges on the charlotte’s blood. Just enough to make his mind light, to press back and around, to press arms against Warren’s shoulders and neck as Casar takes his own.
“Hold him,” the dampyr breathes as he withdraws, mouth messed with Rem’s blood, licking down the beads that threaten to drip.
“I got him,” Warren sighs as Casar’s movements draw Rem tight, to squeeze him in the crowded space of Rem’ pelvis. His hands grip around thigh, around hips, squeezing against ass as Rem takes his mouth once more, as Casar draws back enamored with the sight of being taken and complete. “Come here,” he breathes as he moves to spread Rem for Casar, Rem leaning up against him, head curling against throat as he tries to look back.
“No,” Casar grunts, hands fighting to take grip of the sweater, to pull Rem’s chest back and against him as he buffers the space between, “I need,” breathes, hands curling along Rem’s throat, arms hoisting between arms into a firm pin. “I need his ass.”
Rem chuffs as he gives into the struggle between them, loose and limp just as his weary holes. Having long given up on trying to touch himself, he reaches back to hold against the dampyr’s hips as his cock grinds against the wrangler’s stomach. “There, enough to share,” he breathes, gasping as Casar slaps through his guts, legs curling around both of theirs.
“Shut up,” the hunter snarls, fingers drawing tight as he leans against Rem, as he pulls back and holds tight. “So fucking wet, gods you’re so fucking loose around me, lycan.” He breathes as his grip loosens, as he draws himself out of the charlotte’s ass with a wet pop. Hands turned down, he spreads Rem once more as he leans against Warren, as he casts a sight back wanton for more.
“Holy fuck,” Rem gasps as the tangles roll against his spine, as Casar strokes them into shape long and pleated. “I took all that.”
“You have such a greedy fucking hole,” Casar snarls as he takes Rem’s mouth.
Beneath him, Warren holds them steady as they move, helping to Rem’s wet and weary hole to keep its gape. “Those werewolves did a number on you, hm?” He jokes, feeling the ring grip weak.
“Yeah,” Rem sighs as he presses back, seeking satisfaction as Casar strokes their tendrils into shape. “One night and fifteen werewolves, no wonder I was loose for a week.” Casar nips his neck, pressing the head before it easily slides back into place within the lowest, a gentle pressure enough to coax it all the way as Rem shivers, groaning as he bevels back against the dampyr’s hips. “Please,” he rolls around them, his hands parked on Warren’s chest as Casar’s arms hold beneath armpits and throat. “Fuck me raw,” he breathes, “the both of you.”
Warren smirks, pushing Rem down against his cock and pulling his hips to shift - giving space for Casar’s thrusts. “Green light’s a go,” he charms, “I’ll hold him steady, Cass.”
Behind Rem, the dampyr shifts.
Steady at first Casar pulls the tendrils to withdraw - just almost until a half lies outside the space, soaked and messy with mucus and lube. Tests of his own motor controls as his hips lie secondary to the motions, letting the tendrils almost pull him against Rem’s hips. They pry through the charlotte’s guts, piecing against tissue as it moves to complete - and lets slip for the withdraw. A sensation that makes Rem wiggle, to grind around Warren as he groans open and impassioned as he’s taken again once more. The swell against his walls draws more to soak between them, around the tendrils that have sat themselves between him and Warren.
Casar’s hands tighten around Rem’s throat, pulling him against his chest.
Between them the tendrils tighten – around cock, lips, balls, they follow along the deep gut churning thrusts as the dampyre breathes, as the organs glow their ethereal blue. A glow that only marches Warren’s own as his filaments glow cream between them, around them as he aches against the pressure, against the tortuous sensation of being squeezed and barely able to move. “Cass,” he sighs, shifting, “hold on, let me.”
“I know,” the dampyr breathes, moving to kneel on the couch, to push Rem up against Warren’s chest. “Just let me -”
“There we go,” the wrangler groans as he snaps into Rem taut, letting the charlotte find comfort against his chest, burying his mouth against his throat as again he pilfers his restraint. “There we go,” he smiles low, legs shifting to leverage himself as Casar kneels above him, as Rem’s legs have been pushed wider, feet dangling and curling beyond them as together they fill the charlotte tight.
“Oh fuck,” Rem gasps as he holds onto Warren tight, shivering and whimpering as his holes are stretched further, as blood continues to pool in his loins, in his aching muscles as he comes across Warren’s stomach. Still tender, he says naught as he tries to look back to where Casar snarls above him, fucking himself senseless as the tendrils snap through his guts, drawing him ever more wide as he can feel others share themselves inside, filling him every further towards his limits as his voice draws hoarse, as drool hangs and satisfied tears stain his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, oh harder,” his voice creaks, legs trembling as his body is shuttled again and again, filling and narrowed, struck internal and out as Warren gives him a pat to the leg, whispers praising how well he’s taken Casar, of hands cupping against his side where he can feel the dampyr’s tentacles swell as one - almost locking themselves inside as he wavers and cries for more.
It draws him hoarse as he holds a thigh against him, trembling as he feels Warren holding him tighter, as the filament cock’s piercings strike his cervix, his sensitive pad amongst his ruined walls, shivering and shaking as warmth fills him, shattering into other across Warren’s stomach as he feels Casar tighten inside him, striking his hips and hole with precision thrusts. His drool messes with Warren’s own as he pulls the wrangler into a kiss - feverous and viscous as his fangs drip venom that Warren is immune. Thankful, ever so thankful as he ruts against Warren once more, trembling and shaking as Casar pushes against his spine.
Rem’s breath is caught as Casar nears complete, held locked by the prevailing tendrils.
One by one they shatter inside his guts, filling him anxiously full his stomach in whole begins to bulge.
An ease only fulfilled as pressure breaks, and the smooth texture soaks not only his innards but across the towel. “Fuck,” Rem grunts as the warmth continues to fill his innards, putting a hand against the pressure. Behind him he can hear the dampyr trembling, shattering again within him for what he hopes is the last. “Gods, what a mess,” he smiles, and kisses Warren, sharing himself back with Casar as he pulls the dampyr into a kiss.
Warren pulls his fingers through his sweat matted hair, breathing and relieved as he watches down his stomach and to where Rem still sits. “Came twice,” he purrs, stroking Rem’s softened erection, “enjoyed yourself?”
“Immensely,” Rem breathes as he breaks from Casar, “I might need a minute or an hour - oh fuck my guts feel like they went through a windmill.”
Holding a hand to Rem’s throat, Casar begins to pull himself free. “Let's get you to the floor,” his hand cups against the still gaping hole, fingers tender in their curiosity.
Rem chuffs, mouth lying in a smirk as one leg to another he moves to lie on Warren’s lap, already playing once more with his softened erection. “Maybe another half hour… I might have enough in me for another round.”
Behind him, a hand already playing to meet within his guts, wrist deep in the mess of mucus and lube as his tangles continue to twitch amongst themselves, Casar purrs. “If Warren is down, then I’d be happy to oblige.” His sight turns to the wrangler as Rem’s have been turned to him, spreading his ass for the arising fist.
“One more round,” he smiles, taking another short drink of the aphrodisiac.
