Warframe [Sihroa Rok] - Augment and amplify
Summary | Another audience with the Helminth, another deep clean of internals beneath the behest of the enigmatic life support system and enamored with such tender care. The offering to host the mending of backup systems, once exclusive to within the system foundry, laid heavy in a well worn body.
[Occasionally named, default Nidus attributes]
Characters | Helminth & Mercer the Nidus
Contents | Organic maintenance, scifi medical kink, nonhuman entity, tentacles, nerve lock-out, assisted masturbation, restraints (tentacle), multi-penetration, ovipositioner, aftercare
Length | 6,160w
He can feel them working inside.
The probes that push and prod against the tenderest of his insides, sensors that blaze across vicious nerve endings and perform motion of his own restrained limbs. Checking each and every piece of his neurology and biomachinary engineered to their own high calibers. The sensations of another manipulating his own limbs, a feeling not as too foreign as being held host for a void bearer's mind.
However, the Helminth protocols are not as gentle.
Nerve endings are splayed and fused, tendons cut and induced back to their corrected alignments. Forcing everything back as it should be, as it needs to be as the battle-bore Nidus' consciousness is disconnected yet aware. It does not feel the blazing bites as they are made so by the micro-sized incisions between the plates of his exoskeleton, but even just the tender jerks made as their body responds in the kickback. Ligaments pulled and tested, organic reservoirs of its own strain assumed, purged, and cleansed of all matter or forms of destructive bacteria that may have yet clogged the pungent pores.
Naught more than routine maintenance; thorough and tentative as his neurotics are held aloof, isolated as his systems are cleansed of any trace of foreign toxics and hostile chemicals that might have crawled deep into his body. Helminth tunes their organics to return to nominal, as much as it can with comparison to the modifications that have been isolated from the connection.
Only once the protocol is done, all systems purged of irregularities and restored to their utmost capacity without replacing every part of their organics - their consciousness clicks back into place.
Though there is the unpleasant, blinding surge as a thousand paper cuts bite sharp into their sensors… it's gone just as fast.
‘Defragmentation and recalibration complete,’ the system wisps into his sensors, the chitin of the chair finally lets the Nidus go.
'Finally,' grumbles in the far recesses of his mind, stretching out limbs as they all subtly click back into place in their operations, their augments blazing warm as they are finally reengaged and active once again. He doesn't move, not yet as in quiet he regales to the orbiter's cephalon for further augmentations.
‘You wish to alter your strain with another's, sire?’
Mercer sits back in the exam chair as he passes through the modification protocols and their source via their emulsified remains of which to pull from. Those in well stocked demand wait swollen in the techno-organic system matrix - ready for imprint as others are still yet processed… the templates for transfusion sat vacant. "Yes," his reply becomes eventually, reclining as they pair out the systems to augment his own. A tender hand meets his waiting grip where it's grown upon the fabric mesh.
As the Helminth grips his head, cranking it to the side once again, he can feel it breathe to him. 'Would you wish to host a system reprint?' And the staves grace his chest carapace, clicking along the frame's hardened externals as his bountiful viral fibers bloom displays - and the staves dig into his chest as he exhales.
For either facilitating a copy mesh of the abilities of another, or to make replications for the prevention of faulty system diagnostics - Mercer never much cares. "Yes," he lets the helminth system direct his head as the staves alter his neural pathways to mesh with the first augmentation. A valkyr system transplant to start, to better facilitate hosting the capacity blending of a Rhino's roar to his repertoire.
Glancing down as the empty staves still cradle his head, he watches as the organic components slither upon the floor, watching where it holds host to the lotus blooms the commemorate those long emulsified and everlasting in the orbiter's biological components
And twitches as the staves ache in his chest cavity.
Piece for piece he can feel them as they surge a Valkyr's rage into his system template, ravaging as his panels flicker, twitching as his fibrous strands glimmer in the medbay's light as the system -teases- him. Scrapping along his tender internals as it deposits the weigh into his skeletal structure as it recalibrates in its efficiency, weighing him down as the staves barely linger above his exposed flesh, waiting as the prickles along his nape confirm the installation - and flags for the staves to plunge again. It rolls into his throat as it puts just enough pressure into his innermost cavity, a pressure that rebounds as his body alters inside and out to house the lung capacity of a much larger warframe than he.
And thus the staves depart - grazing his carapace and armoring plate shell as they withdraw. Yet not the one as his head as they're left to linger… and dance upon the seams of his neurologic plates. 'These boosters should help to ease them to complete alignment,' and he aches into the stave that pierces his throat, gasping as it departs the minor bruise it leaves behind. Though not for long as the Nidus' body has already begun to revitalize the damaged tissue, blending the blemish to nonexistence in the matter of a few minutes.
“How long until I’m field ready,” he asks as the limbs cradle his head casing, fluttering with his neural blooms as the side plates bobble and sway as he breathes through his ventral throat. Parts that are taunted by the swaying graze of the tending staves as another pair set at his sides.
Helminth holds the Nidus’ head still. ‘A few hours,’ it rumbles through his mind, and triggers the other set to pry through his ribs, settling within his chest as the ends inject the strain to peel through his lungs. The transplant profile of a Rhino strain tears through his very nerves, stealing his very breath as they take the very fiber of his altered organs, shifting them to match the profile to facilitate the guttural roar.
Caught between the pain and pleasing wave injected soon after, he sinks into the exam chair, wallowing beneath the Helminth’s touch. Head cradled, ribs rattling as he breathes through the newfound and revitalized lungs, a sigh leaves him as the staves remove themselves from his chest. The wounds are sated beneath his fold, coveted in the tending of his own viral strain as the healing is already well underway as his energy pools near max. Weak beneath the tether wires inserted against his spine, rattling up through from base to nape, it draws waves up through as the finalizations near complete, body moving under testing directive as his voice box is made mute.
Auditory organs made as thus leaves him to linger held high and back, bolstered by the tingling that is brought along his skin as his body just -responds- to the sensation. Simulated or naught, it brings the same euphoric sensation, adrenaline pumping like fire as digits curl and spine arches.
‘All is in order,’
“Finished yet?” wavers as his voice returns to him, sank as his nerves are given reprieve from the organic system’s grasp. His head is still yet cradled, giving in as the system draws through his nerves once more - a final check his systems will remain stable in the intermittent. “Quite done?”
‘Satisfied,’ almost purrs as the wires are withdrawn from his spine, as the staves finally let him free to sting and ache as they revert back to cradle in the upper bounds of the exam chair.
Held pause, he gives a brief stretch, and even more as he steps out of the chair as the weight of his modified lungs sit heavy in his chest. He will adjust in time - he always does through the intense modification process.
How many? How often… he doesn’t recall a number as he steps down the brief steps. Only able to recall the sensations each foray has imprinted to his well worn systems – and often enough that his preceding steps are all instinctive as it flourishes.
‘Eight imprints await processing and system sterilization,’ the helminth whispers within as the Nidus approaches. Whereas the outer folds of the helminth’s withheld state are grotesque in ambient infective laden growth, it begins to split along the gentle seams. Heavy mass laden petals slack with webs of mucus as they begin to draw back, flourishing the soft and near tender textures as thin twines of tendrils welcome his reaching hand. One of many as they tangle around his wrist and fingers, drawing him near as others unfurl from the center cradle to unveil the central stamen littered with fluttering anther.
As he leans in, another cluster meets his hand – guiding it within the central shroud as the helminth’s bloom and the fluffs of nectar spores.
It centers him as every inch of external tissue and plates are tasted by the shivering proboscis tipped ribbons that coil between the slim tendrils. The tingling gentle stings of the netting white does draw his attention towards the crawling sensations, towards the moist organs that follow his arm to his shoulder, to his throat, care easily compared to tending to sinew and muscle. From fingertips to the ends of his heels the Nidus is bathed with the diligent care, bathed in the attention that traces and grabs further – emboldened as the warframe’s filaments flourish in the glow. To where it grazes the edge of sensitive folds still unhindered, made shut by conscious alone and lingering ever open as the gentle tending draw ever more endearing, caressing his own viral tendrils as they blush beneath his open plates.
And all the while, the central stamen unit begins to grow as it prepares.
‘Externals analyzed,’ it breathes down his skin as tendrils coil around his fingers, loose enough to let him hold sway. ‘Reprints will hold significant chassis space,’ it's outer folds dance into a triangular formation, two held high, and two on either side. ‘Additional preparation is required, master.’ And the once brief petals narrow along their veins, drawn thick and slicken as they either withdraw, or proceed as the Nidus’ hands remain occupied. ‘Confirm to proceed,’ and a set lies at his thighs.
“Get on with it,” he growls, fingers loosen as he guides them towards his center, to the peak and rise of his pelvic jut.
‘Granted,’ and they splay.
One at each indent on his jut, it's quick work for them to find purchase - the seams already parted by the play on the examination chair. Granted as he leans forth, wanton for touch as the tender and moist vein-lining tendrils split him down to his lowest loins. They push him aside as he stands forth, leaning against the outer folds with legs barely held agape - it’s just enough as a thick length pushes through and out towards where the jut ends between his thighs. It cradles around one of them, curling to almost trap the limb in place as the surface texture alters. A pleasing only made as the Nidus rubs against the sensation to open up further - seam parting along his inner tissues nearest to the base of his pelvic jut.
It’s just as tender; breathing as his sensitive nerves feel the bumping texture with every roll of his hips, sighing as he adjusts his grip towards the center of the Helminth bloom, forcing himself to stand still.
‘Let me feel you, sir,’ the system whispers to him as it abandons his split jut. They remain splayed across his thighs as more attention is made to his tender lowest parts. Unarmored, vulnerable, he pleads against the tendrils as he aches against the attention, earnest in his sighs as they group and caress between his thighs. Giving a small jump as they pat him, encouraging him to fully form his parts as he would desire.
If he’d had a mouth, he would grin.
Shaking one set of tendrils from his hands, his claws wander down to his open pelvic flesh, index and middle fingers dividing as his form takes place – divided in two as the innermost grows outwards. And it’s quickly cradled by sating vein laden tendril, curling broad as it continues to take shape as his pelvis tilts into the twisting tendril. A motion that only emboldens others to follow as another takes at the sensitive glans, as others follow beneath to his tender flesh and push aside the textures of well worn ventures. Folds and flourishing villi that cover the awaiting share of holes – Warframe anatomy being as it is, he can decide how to indulge.
And just as eagerly he does, grinding against the anchoring grip as tendrils meet his indulgence.
One over many the helminth explores; poking along his body as it begins to venture forth, to draw him to gasp as one easy sets out into three, swarming him in just the ways he would envision as he aches into the tending around his glans and girth. Though thrusts are not made, it feels just as much as more of the almost translucent tendrils explore his innermost biology. While he may know its set for the transfer, Helminth does not until it follows him inside and out, exploring every inch of space that it can accommodate - even if it hasn’t yet been stretched.
Already standing on the edge of his heels, he hopes it comes to a conclusion soon.
His claws dig against his palms, balling around the tendrils that continue to partake his attention away from his aching body. Nerves lit ablaze he can all but wallow in the attention as strokes guide him to attention, as the sensitive glans is teased and taunted along the narrow ends and where it mends into his shaft - where it explores further to where it meets his body, his bodily folds and sheath that had once made it all coveted and private. “Are you done yet,” he can feel himself whine - ache as he has nary the will to continue standing within the growing barrage.
‘You require more space to properly host, sire,’ it breathes through him, sinking him as it continues to draw lingering attention to his girth. ‘There is not room to accommodate with this -narrow- entry.’ And for emphasis, swells the tendrils situated in either his internal directions - one closer to his stomach, the others winding around to either side of his torso. A challenge at the very least, how would Helminth handle such choices?
The answer draws him to groan, ventral throat gasping as it surges him to his current capacity.
One hand to his body, he can feel them lump on his sides and stomach, flexing as they draw fluid clear through his still unstretched entrances, stretching him as he still - barely - stands. “Please,” his voice is low, twisting as the lock around his leg never relents, rutting against it as the ones there have since abandoned him.
‘You have the capacity,’ Helminth whispers, and lets the Nidus find reprieve as the swarming leaves his torso. Still lingering in the pleasant sting as he holds his stomach, 'the imprints cannot be given just yet.' And the tendrils leave him to sigh, near empty once more as he still stands at attention and body oozes with the filling fluids.
Hand still enraptured by tendrils nearest the upper left outer folds, he turns himself around, presenting himself to where the Helminth holds host. "This would be more comfortable to make me suitable," he sighs as his arm has been cranked over his shoulder, looking back to where the petals and tendrils have resided to wait… and soon they draw tight. Around his wrists nearest the top of the bloom his arms are pulled back, bending him to stand firm, poised as others take to around his thighs. The proboscis tendrils dance upon his creases as his thighs are drawn to shift, spreading him to balance precarious as the translucent vein laden tendrils return to his loins.
As while they stroke, as while they trace each crease and fold of his nethers and split of blowing pelvic jut, the thickest makes its presence known. Lying along his hide, grazing along the sides of his pervasive tailbone, it spreads formative mucus salivating from the ventive pores; sticky, warm, it graces him thigh to thigh, from leg to leg as it rolls in fruitive sensations. Traces that bring him to anxious attention, to writhe as he can feel the warm of viscous fluids amongst his genital folds, beneath his aching base as tendrils twist and cork him around against his thigh.
His attention averted, the fleshy end of the central stamen presses at his shared entrance.
Only so much of a graze brings him back to the temptation, draws the Nidus' back towards where the floral organ presses at his elastic flesh. Whereas the pushes are tempting, explorative, testing, the warframe bathes in the attempting pushes as his legs still strain under his control, tempted to meet them back as he shifts upon his heel to let his weight fall upon the pressure. A temptation even though he can only take so much… and as a proboscis noses upon his name, gives over control.
As it takes hold of his neurological senses the lower petals flourishes seize his ankles to cement him into place. With his arms cranked back it marks him well anchored… and grants full control of his limbs to the Helminth.
“Take all of me,” he breathes, and shivers as it finds purchase to his body - sank into the direction of his frontal stomach as his own arousal languishes in attention. “Every inch of my body is ready for you to serve,” and aches.
'Patience, master,' the orbiter's infestation writhes into his skull. 'You still need to loosen up for them,' and it pries against his cloacae divide.
It burrows deep into his body as it prods through to his front chamber, coating him all the while with slickening mucus that seems from where system meets flesh. Forth and back it draws him to shiver, giving into the virile thrusts as warmth drools down his thighs and the ecstatic dance of fluttering fibers crease along deep inner thighs. His sight sings abandoned for sensation as the Helminth hollows him with breathes of lubricating slime, pillaging him of any lingering restraint. Whereas once he may have clenched, hold taut, it's drawn weaker as the prehensile flesh opens him wide. The sensitivity of his cloacae entrance feels every groove and ridge of the perverse thrusts, the bumps that dare him to squirm, the rolls that make him squirm as it makes a withdraw - a parted sigh of resignation caught choked, almost squeaked as one prod becomes three and quests deeper inside.
Within he can feel them; tendered as each makes their choice amongst his body and push into his belly.
His filaments dance as his ridges plates simmer, quivering spores to dance around his shuffling body as they move in deep - and even more so as the central swells large. As inside him each filling thrust begins to fill him renewed, back around the center he's caught up against a knot. Unable to squirm, unable to push back, he languished in his restraints as gently, easily, delicately, it slowly becomes enraptured with his flesh.
And only soon as he finds serenity, he gasps as it pops itself free.
Grunting, rolling with a guttural growl, he lingers into bliss as tendrils return to his gland, pleading it to rest against his lubricated thigh as the restrictions slack. With his body freed of the presence, granting him the savoring sensation as the full girth withdraws, to feel as the delicate translucent tendrils trace the rim of his exposed flesh. And it spreads him, tendrils tethering around his hips and thighs, drawing his thick leather hide taut as others graze the sides of his jut seam.
"Like what you see?" He taunts as he tries to look back; only able to see his own captive arms.
It fills him again, stuffing him almost complete as the pair begins to resume their work along his side passageways.
They work in tandem alongside each other; granting him the sensory wave as one side fills as the other gives him the briefest of reprieve. Filled and emptied, the system works him over as his legs tremble weakened, his arms pulled back as the outer folds have to let him hang just enough he feels off balance - but still completely safe under the helminth’s guidance as it fills him again and makes his torso swell with the spooling tendrils.
"Please," his voice belies in a whisper, quieted as his sensors draw circles around each other, twisting, blending. Hushed as he arches, clenches, and cums across his thigh.
'So soon, master? We've not even begun.'
"Shut,” he whispers, squirming around the prevailing mass within stomach and loins. Trying best to keep quiet under hypersensitive nerves, beholden to the indulgence as he tries to keep quiet, to not draw concern outside the chamber. While it may be locked, marked occupied, there are ways to investigate if anything did happen to go awry. While others may know, he’s not yet ready to risk the embarrassment of being found under the helminth’s whim.
But it’s not enough to disallow the system access to his auditory system - to quiet him, to gag him as only his breath is left to catch and sigh.
Leaning back with the strength he can muster, welcoming for more as again the Helminth burrows into his body. ‘Would this be enough?’ He pants as a swell is made in his split internals, pulses that surge nourishing white to drool from his body, warm as it traces down his splayed legs, wiggling as the system leaves him wanton for more.
'Accommodations have almost been met, master,' it draws his head to tilt upwards, sank into the nervous control as the tendrils around his wrist crawl down his bent limbs. Latching him in place with the net of tight nervous white as he sinks further beyond - as tendrils dance upon his thighs, captivating them as he's coaxed to move back towards the central stamen cradling petals.
Hands gripping at his own shoulders, barely able to balance on the edges of his feet, precarious under the wrapping indulgence - he's never felt safer as the Helminth carries his weight.
Leaning forward as it continues to quest through his body, thrusting in more warming pulses as it hollows him out, his mind drifts lull. Emptied as he is only able to follow the indulging thrusts that push his body to sway, how it alters his external composite as they bulge across his abdomen. Fingers twitch in the desire to feel - and with a simple nervous synchrony as translucent tendrils hold at his torso, can feel himself. Inside and out.
And almost at once - it ceases.
'Would you prefer them in your center, or spread out, sire?'
He can only wiggle at the prospect. 'All of them,' his senses waver, needing for presence as the pressure withdraws, leaving him exposed and slicken for more. His length is pulled taut, shivering as it kneads his sensitive glans, 'completely fill me, servant, until I cannot take anymore.'
It doesn't answer the inquiry, but it doesn't have to as the Nidus' desire floats through to the Helminth through his nerves. To be taken to his max, to have his every gap filled as his plates breath with his sensitive pants, flourishing his spores to linger and dance around him in beautiful ambient lights.
And so, the Helminth pressures - a lock formed stern in the end of its depositing stamen unit as it runs along his thighs, between the divide of his tailbone jut, against his quite handsomely undersized erection against its girths. The final test to see if his body would take of its own accord as it awaits at his flesh. 'Awaiting approval,' it yearns against his skin, through his receptors as he leans into it despite the restraints around his thighs.
'Give me it,' he almost snarls through the sensory gag.
And he sinks into the pressure.
Not quite yet taken, yet layered in the nurturing lubricant, it presses against his hole. Again it strains against his limbered restraint, kneading into circles, tending against his flesh as tendrils pull him to meet the awaiting lock. Though he's not sure how large it may be in comparison to what he's felt before. But there is one thing he does know -
He wants it - now.
Seconds pass as he agonizes against the locking plug, feeling as each tender moment draws him closer to its salvation. 'Please,' he wavers, 'please,' he needs, fingers curling around the tendrils holding his arms still, the restraints that keep him from moving further as he remains in balance on the tips of his feet. 'Please, give it to me.' And aches, back bent and thighs quiver as the tendrils around his girth tighten, pulling him, stroking him so anxiously close…
His breath catches as it finds purchase - and sinks into him.
A sudden swarming sensation, the sudden swell in his lower anatomy that never fades as he moves in the little space he can manage. Locked up around the stamen tendril, swallowed by his body, it finds certain it will not fall free as it pulls back against his muscles, secured by whorls to keep him agonizingly open to receive the coming more.
‘Careful, sire,’ it coaxes against his neck, tendrils around his thighs guiding him back towards the center of the intake unit. Where he precariously moves as he still remains overwhelmed, hips tilted back as the thick penetration almost carries his balance for him. It draws him closer as more of the near clear tendrils wrap around his body, his limbs, his grip as his shoulders once screamed, holding his arms back and together so his head can hang loose and limber though still the upper outer petals hang above him, coaxing his senses into bliss as he can all but squirm.
And squirm he does - wanting for more as it prods inside his guts.
Three directions, three senses are filled as the end has split in twine, saturating his innards as they stir, petting him in circles along his walls. Stroking inside and out as the tendrils around his girth draw in temptation, spooling him base to end as the Helminth draws him to gasp, to groan as his legs are held split. And around him, as he sinks around the pressing lock in his body, some tendrils bloom and unfurl, cupping his thighs as it begins to move.
Though he cannot bare to look back, sights held muted as he only indulges in the sensations, the wet, dampening pops are all he needs to hear to tell him just as much - as the reprints are held in catalysts, shaped and rounded into smooth capsules to allow for the transfer. Compressed down and just slightly firm, they have already begun to move through the tunneling stamen well implanted in his body. It holds his stomach as they churn through the wiggling length between the center and himself, pressured forth, agonizingly slow as it's one of many that await passage…
Into his hands it twists as the next is passed into the stamen’s central tendril, brushing against his fingertips as the wet pops bubble as it begins to weigh heavy with the second of the crafted lay. Two of eight, it presses him as it straightens out, twisting into place as the internal structure directs into his body, flexing within him as it begins to push… filling his center once more as it curls and carries the capsules forth pass the lock, past the pressured divides of his body as he aches and squirms. And only one lies heavy as it retreats, squishing and curling into his body, retrieving the second as he’s held firmly in place. His stomach warmed.
It puts him almost off kilter as the tubing tendril retrieves the second, pushing into his side passage, filling him completely and casting him to shiver as it drools within him as the capsule finds its place. ‘Is this comfortable, master?’ it coos into his senses, taunting him as the tendrils push against his innards, retreating as it collects the next to lay into his body.
Senses laid in gasps, he breathes and groans, gripping the tendrils around his wrists, squirming against the petals that enrapture his quivering thighs, his stammering muscles. ‘Yes,’ pants as his ventral throat breathes deep, crowned with his own dancing wisps as his plates balance between attentive and lulled. Nearly spent as his erection twitches against his thigh, ‘I want more, my dear Helminth,’ trembling as it notches in his loins, pushing against his pelvis as it curls to retrieve the next set.
And so it gives him the flood to his senses once more - tempting him with the size against his fingers, wiggling him to take as the lock surges within him to pass the third, to deposit it within his belly once more as again the even pair quests to one of his sides. One laid on either side of his stomach, a pair now nestled within his belly, it bulges him just slightly enough as the petals are parted around his torso, drawn back as they draw his attention to them as his head still hangs well and high. ‘You’ve taken them so well, my sire, you’re almost there,’ whispers as the petals flourish against his stomach and thighs, as the tendrils draw circles around his plates and tissue as he continues to shiver with the nervous blooms.
'I want more,' he groans, knuckling around the tendrils as they pull upon his arms, wrenching them back into aches. 'Give me, give them to me,' pants, yearning for the stern stamen held inside, coaxed to yet wait as the next are loaded into the tendril's passage. 'Please,' he squirms - quieted as in a pair it presses at his insides; divided along his sides as they each draw a trembling ache, to quiver with the imparted pressure well locked inside…
And gasps as the girth's lock fails, weighing and knocking heavy against his thigh, oozing the nutritious mucus to trail down his captive legs.
'Master, why must you be so hungry,' it almost purrs against his receptors as his spores dance into a daze, fogged by the emptiness that has broken way.
The Nidus quivers that what once filled him slithers between his thighs; against his attentive girth, upon his bulging stomach. It strokes him as he breathes, shaking away the slivers of euphoria as he still yet hangs beneath the Helminth's bloom.
'And so full, could you possibly fit what remains?' a taunt that grazes tendrils around his throat, petal soft fibers stroking against the blossoms of his energetic filaments.
Though his loins still ache, he is only willing to meet it again in desire. He only moves to emphasis, 'I said, give them to me.'
As it slinks back, as faint tastes of grazes echo across plates and filament, it returns to his weary body and finds enough to catch into place. Breathing, groaning, needing - the Nidus' pushes back against it, around it as the lock once more makes itself known… where as he aches, wheezes, begs against it to return, a swift tug is enough to find center once again.
With a simmering huff the Warframe yearns around it as it begins to load the gelatinous capsules of tissue and data. Rocking, rolling, his thighs tremble under the restraint, the strain to remain stable as hips buckle and beg around the insatiable girth.
His hands squirm, pulling and begging around the tendrils as thrusts persist, as desire fogs the warframe's mind as the Helminth does all it can to make him stay. To remain static around the pulsing flesh, unmoving beneath the gentle brushes of the petal smooth tendrils, unwavering as it begins to load the final of the delivery clutch.
'Helminth,' his neuros creak, simmering and pleading as his arousal drools, 'please.' And pulls upon the tendrils around his wrists.
For a moment they slacken under the pulls; restraints made weary as the Warframe's own limbs ring with fatigued agony, drawn only by the burning within their loins. It does merely draw on the inevitable as little by little, as edge by teasing edge, they release enough. But only just as the final capsule weighs the stamen down.
Whereas the Nidus knuckles around himself, stroking amongst the petal soft touches that had ventured towards his base, he sinks around the stamen, weary. And it throbs - throbs churning to deepening thrusts as his arms are taken once more, as the grip around his body only tightens. Held firm shoulders to thighs, held in fierce restraints, the knot finally locks him once more - and the stamen presses against his stomach.
Weight heavy with the last of the rounded capsules of tissue and data, it presses up against the others as the warm, tightly woven, and soft shapes are laid to him once more. It pushes against his stomach as it follows through at long last - filling him one after the other, leaving him to ache, to writhe, to tremble as the four temper against his well taut walls.
Gentle, tender, the many wisping petals embrace him, pulling him against the blooming warmth of the helminth's petals. A comfort that does little to deprive the ache as the stamen finally pops from him.
Weary and spent, he holds those that still find passion around his wrists, the ones that tend against the light bruises that blemish the Warframe's limbs. Though still lies a desire for more, to be absolutely ravaged by the system, bliss finds him as long last his hands are freed; and able to feel the imprint it has left within. Though they lie faint under his directive, subdued by his well procured internal composition, the heat is unimpeded. Radiant as each side nestles differ than the other, heavier through and through as he reclines beneath the heavy petals.
'Satisfied, my dear master?' it clicks through his nerves, dancing along his plates as tendrils follow pace.
"No," his audio chirps to lift, hitching himself back against the warmth, "Give me more," growls as he still aches agape against the bulge of the floral girth.
'Patience,' it coos - and the central stamen returns, flattened as it embraces betwixt his thighs, 'once they are ready and freshly laid.' and begins to clean. Drawn along his loins to clear him of any lingering mess, it nonetheless taunts his still aching erection. Where it tenderly caresses his aching thighs, as it clears the traces of lubricant of mucus or slime, others attend to him, sating as they twist coils around the twitching ache… and finishes him against the wide brim of the stamen's touch.
As it pecks against his skin as tendrils tend to the overwhelmed senses, the drifting need as it drifts him down from the high he had once languished in. Over and over, the Helminth tends to the warframe as his limbs are once again fully his own, his attention and tone returned from their muffled state as the fleshy bloom returns to quiet.
The Helminth nestles back into its outer folds as small tendrils dance along his granting palm, lending him to gather his composure in the time between then and now. ‘Stay aboard, sire, and return when they’re just too much. I will help you purge them from your system.’
With his plates back to attentive stance, floating and vibrant as his body lies pristine of any mess, he holds the tendril. And gives it a gentle graze of his frontal features, a kiss by any other measure. “I always return to your nurturing care, my dear Helminth.” Letting it wiggle away, watching as it slitters into the underside of the petal fold, his temple plates bounce, flushing spores to dance in the lingering glee.
‘You have 23 hours, return before they completely fuse with your central system.’ And the Helminth slithers into silence, bloom closed as the Nidus steps back. ‘Take care, master, I await your return.’
Hand against his stomach, he can feel the warmth incubate as the capsules house the backup imprints of others. Processing inside him the very same way it would deep within the Helminth system - a contemplation that holds him to pause, to feel along the ways it had shifted his torso to compensate as he nestles them from his sides to his center. Shifting one way to the next and assuring he can still manage to move in a semi-normal manner, Mercer unseals the door, and walks into the cold embrace of the orbiter.
