Warframe [Kepler] - Deep within the Europa heat
Another quick mission - retrieve the target and deliver it to the contact. But as a storm settles in, and they wait out as cephalon Chatlain decodes the data, they have enough time to spend to themselves once again.
Characters | Diviyoni-Jacob Warren (Tenno) and Malaphin (Chimeric Excalibur)
Contents | Tenno/Warframe, after-mission healing, hurt/comfort, intimate partners, combi-gentitalia, oral, vaginal, anal, misuse of transference interlay
Length | 6070w

Among the frostbitten expanse the frigate’s engines rumble, churned amongst the age old wreckage long salvaged and glacial spires that pierce the emptied skies. The curves of the rearward crescent gleams beneath the relax of the void cloak, engines coming to a billowing rest as the landing gear digs into the sleet and snow, cracking negative tempered glass and metal fragments as it settles to quiet. It’s lights go dim in the planetary shadows as Jupiter sits aglow in the distant skies.
Only the lazy lull of the vessel’s systems remain alight – brought quiet beneath the sleek Orokin shell as ice crystals rebound off the temporal shields, finding sanctuary as the storm winds catch up. Covering them in enigmatic white haze as a hail of corpus scouts fly overhead; passing them by as the frigate echoes the Europa chill. A blaze of their holo-lights scatter through the darkness and wreckage that surrounds them, dashing over the dorsal cloak before following over a glacial edge – vanishing from the light of dimmed sensors.
Relieving his breath as a heave, Warren lies back into the cockpit seat, still clutching the pain in his side. “See, lost them,” he parts with a chuckle, “knew we’d lose them in the storm.” He calls back, past the curtain that divides the cockpit proper from the cabin, “how’s the cargo doing?” he moves – hissing as his twisted hip keeps him in place.
“It’s intact,” the chimeric excalibur calls back, rising from kneeling beside their cargo-mounted moa. “Her shields protected it,” a pair of knuckles rasp against the metal bulk fastened to their resting moa’s chassis, hunkered down in a corner, quietly chirping in a systemic tone. “Chat should be done decoding it by the time the storm calms down, approximated it’d take two hours to break all the ciphers.”
“Good,” Warren lies his head on the back of the chair, mouth drawn into a snarl as pain still blooms from his lower torso – still healing from a sundering blast that pulverized his void-bound bones, arboriform tethers keeping his body in shape through the delay. “Come and help me up,” he complains, void lash adrenaline long worn off. Blood soaks through his clothing, torn where he barely skirted by needle-point armaments as he made his escape. Dreading the clean up as his ill white and red blood turns ink dark, near impossible to make out in the low light.
Malaphin, void bless him, makes space in the back.
Gently wrapping their claws around Warren’s back, the tenno grips just as fierce, pulling the excalibur almost on top of him as the pain resurges, pressuring his temple into the crook of the warframe’s neck. Malaphin pulls him up, forcing him to rest against them as one leg hangs nearly limp, recoiled as the other struggles to keep him standing. “They did a number on you,” speaks beneath their breath, leaning against the divide of cockpit and cabin to adjust their grips.
“Ain’t that the truth,” Warren grunts, limping as the tethers hang through the rifts in his thighs, dangling like tattered fabric as together they make their way to the makeshift bedding, collapsing together to the mound of pillows and blankets. “Help me with this –“ he still clings to Malaphin, part out of agony as his head rests aside their own, “still don’t got enough void to nullify the damage,” he breathes. A hand stumbles to his pants – ruined with blood and remnants of phantomed wounds.
“Right,” Malaphin rests Warren back against the cushions, kneeling over him as he undoes the straps of Warren’s pants.
Knuckles dug into the fabric separating himself from the mattress floor, Warren bites his lip. “Careful.”
“I will,” Malaphin leans their head against Warren’s, the veil parting as they undo the straps beneath the tenno’s shirt, carefully peeling fabric from shattered skin. Not too slow, nor too quick, Malaphin disrobes Warren waist down to better access the damage the opticor blast did to the tenno’s body, tossing the pants aside as Warren offers his nearly ruined thigh. Luckily for Malaphin, they weren’t interlaced.
“How bad is it,” Warren grunts beneath his knuckles, lying back with his arms crossed over his face, teeth grit as the warframe tends to him.
“Doesn’t look great,” Malaphin sighs, feeling the arboriform tethers numb and squishing beneath their fingers, gently prodding around the region Warren’s pelvis would reside. “Feeling anything?” Gently applying pressure.
“Not too much,” heaves, “feels overblown, think it’s readdressing at my spine.” He can feel as Malaphin lifts his leg, guiding him over sideways as a palm runs between his legs and to the base of his tether tail. “Around there,” he breathes, an arm pulling over to support him as he finally looks to the excalibur.
The veil still covering Malaphin’s sightless eyes, they can feel as bone reforms beneath their hand, gently massaging as muscle and tendons replace the idle damage left behind. “Starting to come back in,” they release Warren’s hip, straddling his other leg as the tenno fights off his upper garments, “want me to keep massaging it?”
“Yeah,” Warren grunts, throwing off his coat and upper layer of clothing, leaving his chest harness intact just like the garters that still remain around his hips – the ones that hold up the fabric beneath his boots. “It’s helping,” he lies back, pulling a pillow up beneath him as he lies sideways, “might help to give it a couple shocks, encourage the nerves a little.”
“Once you got more muscle and bone in there,” Malaphin sighs, their hands spreading to either side of the damaged leg, one resting against the tenno’s groinal seam. “What happened to the one that shot you?”
“Fuck if I know, Mal,” Warren sighs, occasionally flinching as the excalibur’s claws graze his skin, “one minute I’ve got the upper hand on a crewman with a sentient gun and next thing I know get beamed by an opticor. Hope whoever did it burst their lungs,” he groans, prying his hands over his temple, massaging as a headache still storms. “Thankfully it was just one of them, body kept itself together just enough I could leap through the void. Think that expended most of my energy though.”
“Bet that was it,” Malaphin sighs, adjusting their grip so Warren’s boot rests on their other hip, “glad I didn’t have to come rescue you then; Babycakes gave me a fright when she bolted.”
“Sentients got her scared, huh?”
“You know how skittish she gets,” the chimeric warframe laughs, taking a moment to remove their own gear to not impede attending to their partner. “With the corpus channels achatter with void fissures, might’ve been one of those. Saw a few getting corrupted before I caught up with her and the cargo.”
“Ah,” Warren breathes, watching as Malaphin tends to his body. As the warframe’s claws rake against his skin, gentle against his regrowth of muscle and bone and guiding the white tethers to retreat back into his thighs. Partly, a yearning sinks into his stomach, especially as Malaphin’s claws cup against his inner thigh. But he casts such thoughts aside – a hand moving to his leg as he breathes in the drafts of the void. Leeching off the frigate’s void drive, Warren turns the energy into his own as wisps of spent energy bleed from the vents along his ribs and throat.
Even though pain continues to throb, together they coax void energy to mend the damage. Rejuvenating bone and tendons, reconnecting fragments of arboriform tether muscle to reconstitute into their collectives in the solemn light of their frigate. As palms glean over spared skin blemished by spills of sparse connected veins and arteries, gentle volts of electricity coax; each wave breathed beneath a heed, an acceptance, and a placated sigh as muscles draw taut. A guerilla tactic to affirm everything connects as it should, checking every stream of connective tissue as the excalibur’s hands dance over the tenno’s skin. Waves of electricity draw up through thigh and into stomach – bequestered as Warren checks his limb, requesting the hands to lie at his hip through the trials.
Only once he can put weight on it will he be satisfied.
“Go and check on her and the cargo,” Warren sighs, unsure how long they’ve spent indulging in tender intimacy, “think I can put weight on it again.”
“Still want to give me a courtesy check?”
“Yeah, just want to make sure I’m not down for the count with that. Seeing as your doing so damn fine,” Warren jokes, giving a slight jab as he manages to curl his leg beneath himself.
While Malaphin withdraws to tend to their moa once more, Warren removes his boots, tossing them aside. Carefully he draws himself into a kneel, then into a tender crouch, and wobbles as he finally stands on his own, exercising his leg as he makes a pace from one side of the cabin to the other. Small pangs still plague his strides, but they’re nothing he’s not used to; so he drops himself back to their abode, relaxing as he watches Malaphin exchanges with Chatlain and their moa.
Not much long after, Malaphin drops down beside him.
“What’s Chat got?”
“Still working on those ciphers; wants to decode them since some look newer or rerouted - doesn’t want to hand them over to the customer until then.”
“Understandable,” Warren sighs, pushing himself up to kneel beside Malaphin as one of his hands go to their side, “now, let’s take a look at you.” His hand easily finds the connectors in the excalibur’s side, putting a gentle pressure that dislodges it from its housing.
The warframe’s normally tough armor goes soft under Warren’s touch, allowing for the seam allowance to separate between stomach and side. It leaves a sliming after-trail as they make transference – a neural collective that lets the tenno pry into the warframe’s anatomic circuitry. It’s a parse that drives a slight painful wedge into Warren’s side, an invasion to his nerves he has gotten partly fond of as he eases Malaphin’s pain receptors. A brief glance through is all he requires – that everything is still operating nominally, that electricity still flows fluid through the excalibur’s frame as their connected volt systems have not become dislodged in the fire fight. Just routine – he wipes his hand of Malaphin’s organ slime, making sure the seams reconnect with a moist ‘pop’ as the plates reconnect along the warframe’s stomach.
“All checks out, Mal,” wiping his hand clean along the chimeric warframe’s furred thigh, “went ahead and allowed your voltage up another amp. Don’t think you’d ever be able to do a discharge, but it’s still a fun prospect.”
Malaphin laughs from where they recline, gently taking grip of Warren’s chin, “you enjoy that too much,” gleans – the fabric veil covering the prominent grin that constantly cuts their features.
Warren cuts back with his own, brushing the veil aside with a smile. “That I do,” and presses a kiss to the parting of teeth and dulled golden muscles. “Shouldn’t come to a surprise to you anymore, love.”
With a purr Malaphin presses back, a claw tip pressing at Warren’s mouth. “Between the interlace, it always does.” Though, it does draws them to pause as they sense the twisting grin of mischief that crosses the tenno’s face. A smile far brighter than any other as of late. “What’s on your mind, Divi. I see that grin.”
A flurry of warmth draws the claw cut smile embarrassed, withdrawn to the obvious. The yearning still rests in his stomach. There is a second of pause, relinquished as he breathes a heavy sigh. “It’s just been a while.” It’s all he needs to say.
Malaphin gives Warren another kiss; one trailed with the trace of their enamored tongue. “Let me check our guns, then we can get right to it.”
“I’m sure they don’t mind – keeps us preoccupied while we’re stuck here and they’re working beneath the weave.”
A smile, “right, I’ll let you get to it then.”
But just before the excalibur can depart Warren gives them another kiss, taking his spot within their makeshift bedding as Malaphin walks across the way. Where their weaponry was so very carelessly discarded on their escape from the corpus laboratory; so much so that Malaphin’s dual keres still dripped ill with blood. A fixture of the bench was the ammo rack stuffed so badly into place, Warren still wonders if there is any way to salvage it to be less obvious to the ramshackle appearance of it – though, if he’s being fair, most of the cabin still looks the same way.
Items hung from the ceiling above them – a mixture of trinkets and self-made storage cabinets for whatever they can make room for. Where the ammo bench sits used to be a row of seats – where their bedding is, another row for a vessel more used to escorted transport than to handle anything on its own. But, as busted, or as broken down the inside may seem; it’s still home.
It just needs a bit more tiding up. A few more adjustments here and there; as long as Chatlain can keep up with the decades old systems Warren has restored, they are in more than capable hands.
A click of metal is all that Warren needs to return from the relaxed thoughts, watching as Malaphin cleans the last of the blood from Warren’s refurbished dakra. From across the short distance he can see that the dual keres has already been sequentially taken care of in a similar manner, carefully stored away so the blades don’t get busted if they run into turbulence. They’ll still need sharpened before their next heist, but as long as they aren’t stained, it’s good enough – “come over here so I can give you a buff.”
From beneath the veil, Malaphin gives him a glance.
Across from them, Warren lies on the cushions with his fingers interlaced and resting on his stomach; beaming a full facial smile.
Warren snorts a gentle laugh as he watches Malaphin adjust at the bench, trying to get the last of the stubborn blood from his sword. He can’t help but to tease, “Love what you’re doing with it, Mal, get it so it’s absolutely glowing.” He heaves a full body exhale, “give it a nice star-light glisten.”
Across the way Malaphin just sighs, finishing cleaning the dakra not too long after.
Setting between their keres, Malaphin finally makes his way over. Crouching before the tenno and shadowing him beneath them. “You first,” their veil wavers as they breath beneath it, only their jaw barely visible from where Warren lies.
The smile still firm, Warren moves to his knees.
His hands gentle draw up the excalibur’s body from where they crouch, brushing the veil aside before they reach back, removing it so Malaphin’s snarl is clearly visible in the cabin’s low light. “What are you up for? Don’t want to push you too much if you’re not up for it.”
“Oh, I’m very into it, Divi. You just caught me off guard since we haven’t been at each other as before,” teeth press gentle against Warren’s temple as claws play through the loose braid. “Can go as far as your heart desires; but I wouldn’t suppose it’d be too much to go at it rough?”
“That’s kinda what I had in mind,” Warren breathes, drawing the excalibur into a kiss, “wouldn’t mind you running me raw and ragged, after I blow you, of course,” he smiles.
“Which way, hammering the front or hitting it in the back?”
“Both, honestly. Like doing it that way, not feeling like having a dick right now.”
“Got it,” Malaphin purrs, gently requesting for the tenno to let go of their face.
Warren chases after as he follows the furred thighs that stand before him, leaning into the palms that continue to play in his hair, the claws that trace beneath ears as he leans towards the warframe’s crotch. His own hands play among the fur and toned fixtures that make Malaphin’s volt-origin legs and thighs, guiding himself forth towards the tuff that parts before the obscured opening. His mouth presses gently against it, his tongue grazing for the opening that belies Malaphin’s self-guided organs.
And as he does, Malaphin continues to play with the tenno’s hair, tracing each loose curl back towards where it might catch in Warren’s mouth as he kisses the parting of flesh. Where four-petal folds begin to split beneath the attention, where the chimeric warframe sighs as weight begins to suspend; balls exposed to the open air as Warren kisses along their succulent girth. Through mouth and hand, Warren gleans along the length, leaving not a trace unchecked as he takes the broad glans into his mouth. Never quite sure how much he’s able to take, he’s careful as he draws along it, tongue tasting every inch of the shapeshifting organ.
“How do you want it this time, starstruck?” Malaphin’s hands play through Warren’s hair, guiding it aside so they can watch Warren’s mouth.
“Some ridges would be nice, think after you get to plowing a swell would be just as nice.”
“Always a sucker for that, aren’t you,” Malaphin chuckles. As a hand ply’s through the tenno’s hair as he begins to kiss along their length, it begins to adjust; a deliverance of nodes bump along the sides of the golden girth, parts furrowing along the sides that grasp back at the tongue that tries to yield them into Warren’s mouth. And a sigh breathes as Warren succeeds, sucking on the flowing ridges before releasing the warframe from his mouth. Up and against he kisses along the junction of body and girth, holding the fluxing shape aside his jaw, indulging in the lubricating fluids that coat Malaphin’s dick.
“Nothing more overloading than being stretched out around you, Mal, you should know that,” Warren laughs, his mouth spotted with the lubricating fluids. “With how much I pull you into the sensory lace.”
A gentle laugh, as they adjust their straddle before him they brush hair from Warren’s face, “I’m not complaining,” Malaphin purrs. “It’s a nice addition to the wonderful view, with you squirming around me.”
Smiling, Warren guides the soft member against his mouth, “and I love squirming,” slowly, carefully, he begins to intake. Drawing slow motions as his sight lingers to close, oil slick tongue bedding the golden in his jaws. Even as claws draw through his hair, curling into clutches, he keeps the gentle momentum, taking every inch of Malaphin into his mouth, slowing the slivers of mucus that is coaxed back with every skull mount thrust.
“Mhm, Divi,” the excalibur coos, watching, indulging in the sight of Warren around him, taking him far back into his throat as lips kiss against base. A palm encourages for more, cradling beneath skull as the tenno’s hands roam against the ridges of Malaphin’s hips. Touches that linger gentle, but strong in their intentions as it begins to coax Malaphin to sigh; wherein he breathes Warren’s name in repeat, laced with gentle affirmations and praise as their hands go soft in the bed of curling hair.
That is, until Warren pulls back in total. Not for breath as his vents kept his airways clear.
Malaphin is brief in their motions – kneeling down beside the tenno, collapsing back onto their makeshift bedding as their claws dance into the chest harness Warren still wore from their mission, guiding them as they meet in a kiss. But hands still wander further, latching around the garters that hold Warren’s leggings for his boots. Not to undo them, no – Malaphin pushes a hand on Warren’s chest, a silent request for him to return to a kneel as Malaphin sinks into the pillows – to head level of the gentle white split.
Their tongue is quick as they meet the tenno’s void-charged parts, kissing the opening split as a hand reaches back, smoldering at leg and hip before the tongue changes course. It traces beneath the heavy set tenno’s stomach, replacing the faint trace of sweat with saliva as their claws guide legs to further part, never once glancing upwards as Warren leans above them. It’s not needed – they can hear all they need as their mouth makes its mark, kissing the glance of tender glans between the seams of skin.
Whereas fingers continue to pry, to massage around ass and thigh, Malaphin continues the overt attention, grazing their teeth over the tenno’s glowing white, playing with the opening of grasping lips as Warren further falls open for them. Breathing their name; leaning into the attention as Malaphin’s jaw presses deep against Warren’s body. Each lash brings another twitch, each lap another sigh, each indulging thrust a nudge of hips against face as the excalibur pursues the rewarding motions. Gentle, yet firm, their teeth meet the strong glans, tracing it with tongue and breath.
Its only when Warren pushes them down do they stop, a pleasant pause as their sightlines meet.
Breathing heat.
Warren returns himself to Malaphin, breathing their name as they take him into their mouth. Drafting around the flow of opened lips, curling around the ache of a grown glans as Warren’s hands hold them close. “Mal,” Warren breathes, “fuck, how I missed this.” He shivers as his body takes the excalibur’s tongue into him once again, welcoming it as fingers ply beneath his ass. Playing, preying, they find their target as Malaphin growls against Warren’s body - letting fluid drip from their jaw, spreading it further until Warren wiggles around the teasing thrusts.
His back temples, hips eagerly riding the fingers.
Once more they part – Malaphin’s mouth leaving a trail of saliva from Warren’s hooded glans.
Leaning back, pressing a hand onto the excalibur’s chest, Warren grinds his ass against the golden girth. “Rougher?”
“Rougher,” Malaphin breathes, moving to kneel, coaxing Warren to turn himself around so his back meets the excalibur’s front. As it does, Malaphin’s girth prods between the tenno’s thighs, tempted by the near ready hole but not so easily excited as Malaphin holds Warren against them. One palm draws around what remains of Warren’s garter and leggings, in a fury to remove them so much that Warren presses back, nearly sitting on top of the excalibur as he fights to free his legs of the fabric, tossing it all aside as their bodies meet once more.
A pressing kiss leaves Warren gasping, leaning into the brazen tongue as a hand pulls around one of his thighs, pulling it close and over another as Malaphin leans in.
“Divi,” they growl, claws fighting down to spread over Warren’s body, nearly leaning over as Warren ‘falls’ down into the bedding of pillows and sheets.
One leg pulled over, the other straddled, Warren grins. “Come get me,” he taunts, nearly curling himself over onto his stomach. That is, if it were not for the claws latched around his leg, for the palm dug into his hair that pulled his throat exposed for Malaphin to kiss.
“Come here,” Malaphin purrs, pressing their glans against Warren’s own. “You wanted me to get rough. Just tell me if it’s too much, okay?”
“I will,” Warren smiles; and guides Malaphin into himself. It leaves his jaw to drop, eyes to shutter close as the warframe presses against his walls. And as slowly, and as carefully, he lies down on the floor as Malaphin still seizes his thigh. Pushed down, firm and steady they linger for a moment – for where Warren makes the connective transference so they can feel each other as one. “Malaphin,” Warren breathes, pulling a pillow up beneath his chest cradling it there as the excalibur makes a gentle thrust.
Leaning down, releasing the thigh so it can linger outside their own; “is this alright?”
“Yeah,” Warren sighs, rubbing himself back around the firming erection, “this is just perfect.”
“Good,” Malaphin purrs. With their hands locked against Warren’s hips, and making a brief adjustment on their oddly shaped knees, pushes Warren down around them.
What begins as slow, gentle rolling motions that draw pleasant sounds begins to turn; as adjustments are made to get comfortable, as their bodies shift into positions that can better take, both of Warren’s legs end up pinned beneath Malaphin’s own. His rear just slightly raised so that Malaphin can barrel into him again and again – palms push him down against the floor, pinning him in earnest as each thrust draws him into exhales.
One arm clutches a pillow against his mouth, biting into it as he whimpers again and again, a curious hand holding against his pelvis as he takes the excalibur into full – feeling the heavy set sack against his slicken fingers. A hand forces him down again, to fight his arm out from beneath him as the pillow isn’t enough to hide his pleads, his hair scattered of its former braid as he tries to pull it from his face. “Mal,” he groans, turning back, watching as Malaphin puts their entire weight on his back.
It only drives him to press back further – raising himself to take Malaphin as much as he can.
As Malaphin diverts their efforts, pressing him down against the bedding, his hair is pulled from his sight – pulled further so his head is arching back, throat bare and exposed as Malaphin grows inside him – pressuring his walls in a way that draws him to sigh, to whimper as the grip of his floral labia fight to take hold of the sack just beyond.
Eventually, that is given up, releasing Warren from the pressure even as he still leans into it. Requesting it even as fingers split his mouth; tasting the taunt of claws that so quickly withdraw only to announce their presence once more. At his rear, a request to go further as Malaphin traces his shoulder.
“May I?” they purr, kissing his throat.
“Please do,” Warren sighs, sweating.
As Malaphin retreats, Warren looks back to where the excalibur’s motions have drawn to a pause; still inside him, but also attending to the next, spreading his ass as the wet fingers press against him. Not inside just yet – Warren squirms, restless as his body is so easily granted for the chimeric warframe, played with as eagerly as his tail furls backwards, lingering into a curl as his body is taunted with additional pressure.
It pervades him, easing him as each finger works its way into his body as he does his best to enjoy the experience; eager to be filled once again even as Malaphin still resides in his front.
They dance and pry, taunting the muscles to relax, to better easily take the pressure that awaits.
Warren is not as patient. “Malaphin,” he complains, “I can take it, don’t worry about it.”
“Not worried about the knot?”
“I can take it,” Warren growls, a hand already pleading against his body, “please,” his voice goes quiet, eager, “I want it.”
“Alright,” Malaphin breathes above him, spreading him once more as they deliver a kiss to his throat.”Just hold still for me as I work it in.”
Warren snorts, “that won’t be long,” he chides, pulling his hips away from the excalibur’s.
A breath exchanges between them as they come apart, where a hand holds firmly against Warren’s hip and the other at their tip.
Beneath Malaphin, Warren groans, his fists digging around a pillow as the warframe pushes into him. His tail is drawn to attention as he takes the smooth glans – his breath in a shudder as he meets the narrow between crown and shaft. It is there that Malaphin releases his ass, pressing thumbs against opposing hips as they hold fierce and tight, claws nearly drawing blood as Malaphin cherishes each sound that begins to creak from their partner. Inwards and out, Malaphin keeps the pressure as they push Warren against the floor, flooding their sensors with the prevalence of their own erect girth.
“MAL,” Warren whimpers, buckling himself back against the warframe’s hips, begging for more as his knuckles bend against the floor, pleading against it for more as Malaphin rocks him with every filling thrust. Fighting back with his hips, Warren gives in as his legs tremble beneath the excalibur’s, shins crossing beneath as his back temples against the pushing hands. Stronger than them - forcing them to adjust as he takes every sundering blow in his guts. “Please, harder,” drools along his jaws, shrugging against the hands that push him down against the floor – but giving in as his hair is brought into a fist and yanked. It does drive a startled yelp, one that startles the excalibur in turn, but Warren gives him an approving nod.
Once more, it drives his mouth into open exhales, to quiver as his back is pushed down firm and hair is yanked to drive his open cries. Pleads for more as ever so carefully he can feel Malaphin shift in size, whimpers of ‘bigger’ proclaimed until his sight nearly goes dark – dark from the void energy he requires to fight against the warframe’s strength until he eagerly gives in. It hollows him out with ever thrust, casting him to drool as not even his own hand can keep up with the thrusts and can only hold over his own aching glans as he feels himself dripping his own self-serving lubricant.
Bending over, almost taking Warren complete, Malaphin takes his mouth with their hand, kissing along his throat. “Come here,” a growl.
Warren can’t help but to give in, following as Malaphin crashes back onto their legs, folding him on top of them.
It takes a moment to figure out, but Warren pulls his legs out from beneath Malaphin, resting them on either side of the excalibur’s thighs as he begins to ride.
Back and forth he ruts around Malaphin’s erection, bending himself back as a hand holds his spine steady, claws splayed over his spine as his own hands grip Malaphin’s chest. Fingers delve against the express of the warframe’s sensitive vents, pressing against them as he fights against the pressure still not taken – the swell that has made itself more present as the length has grown ever so succulent between them. It makes Warren beg as his thighs shiver, pleading empty as he tries to take all that remains of Malaphin’s restraint. His own, he’s not sure how close he is, but can feel Malaphin try and hold back beneath him, as claws show restraint as they cradle along his hips.
“MAL,” Warren almost complains, heaving vaporous void energy as the warframe grinds their hips to complete; cropping and grasping at his chest where claws divide between the harness straps. Giving in, teeth glean against his sweat matted skin, kissing as one hand begins to falter, to draft down over Warren’s part-drafted girth and his saturated lips. Prying, spreading, Malaphin plays at his glans and vulva as he reaches one arm back, stumbling to find new hold as he locks himself around the stern girth. It bevels hard against his walls, struck within him deep as the locking swell still presses against him.
A yearning – their hips press as Warren pushes back, his knees digging against the fabric as Malaphin pulls Warren down on top of them.
“Divi,” he can hear Malaphin whisper; he wants to hear more.
Breath exchanges as their faces meet – as lips kiss the snarl of exposed gums and teeth – as a tongue requests to further pry as claws strum against sensitive white. It’s welcomed with an earnest heat as Warren sucks the prying appendage, indulging in the prehensile draw as his body continues to tremble, body still taunted by the stubborn swell.
“Come on,” Warren whispers between the succulent kisses – pulling his hair from his sight as claws press around his erect glans, stroking it. “Your stubborn fuckin knot,” he almost laughs, “Fuck, Mal, get it in me,” he breathes.
Claws pull over Warren’s chest again, pulling him down as Warren’s weight keeps him in place over the swollen girth. Whereas their mouths meet, indulging in each other’s taste, Malaphin’s hands pin at Warren’s hips, holding so tightly that everything begins to give – anything they held back throughout slowly shattered as the pressure pushes from one to the other – a feeling they share as Warren draws back from the fulfilling tongue.
Gently, carefully, he pushes Malaphin back to the cushions.
Not with his hands as his somatic implants glow. “Stay. Watch. Enjoy,” he breathes.
As Malaphin’s claws plead against his hips, Warren withdraws – only just enough for the swell to depart.
And he takes it all again, ever so slowly as he pulls his hair around to his front, looking back as he exchanges his sight for Malaphin’s own – both watching in their shared view as he rides Malaphin all the same, where Malaphin holds the tether tail aside to watch the clear view of the orb of gold pushes its way into his body once more.
Riding around it, grinding around it, he can’t help but give himself up completely to the excalibur’s desires. Ever so more, it becomes easier to take as the warframe’s erection throbs within him, ever so dearly tempted as he rubs his hips down, sitting around it and giving a teasing wiggle as the hands follow his hip, plying around the white tethers that depart his upper thighs. His breathing, once taut, becomes level as he accommodates Malaphin to his body; nerves sensory numbed as all he can feel is the echo of the warframe’s body to his own – enamored with the sensation of being well pressed.
“Want me to turn around?” Warren whispers as he leans back, their sight still merged.
“Please,” Malaphin shivers, hands prying against Warren’s thighs, “I want to see your face, love,” purrs in a full body rumble.
Keeping himself steady, moving slowly to keep himself balanced as he returns his own eyes, he pulls himself off Malaphin. Turning around, kneeling down – pushing the erection to return feels almost like an eternity as Warren is relieved to feel it pressing against his body once more, sight drooping as he watches the excalibur pant beneath him.
As he leans himself back against their shins, riding himself around the swell that he begins to take once more, he crosses the margin again as their vision shares. Not just of himself, but of each other. An eager conscious switch as they watch one and the other shared, enjoying their own pleasure in nervous feedback and visual as they beg against the other, rolling in their own sweat and intimate impulses as names exchange between them, whispered and groaned all the same as hands press against chest; pushing the excalibur down, riding around the pressure before pressing the knot in with a wet pop.
Hands wander between them, stroking and cupping, a mere blur to their attention as they chase the peak together in their nervous synchrony. As one sits around the other, as one strokes eager glans and flexes claws between saturated lips – Malaphin takes Warren’s mouth again, filling him into silence – till his breath is heaving quiet through his vents. Silencing their intimacy as their motions turn aggressive as they fight each other for dominance in their personal interlace.
One that does not come with a singular victor – and they both sink into the cushions beneath the chimeric warframe, panting together as they hit a singular climax. Muscles contracting, fiberous tail lashing, it draws Warren to shiver as the warmth fills his stomach, cooing as Malaphin becomes limp beneath him, spent as their claws pull lazy through his hair. Warren still rides around the sensation – even as the pressure becomes almost unbearable for him to handle, carefully guiding Malaphin from him.
“How was that,” Warren breathes quiet, pulling the warframe’s head up against his own.
“Think I’m seeing stars,” Malaphin purrs, braiding claws through Warren’s hair, “oh wait, that’s just your face.”
Meeting with a soft smile, Warren plants a kiss. “Knew you’d enjoy the show,” he breathes, aching around the echo of pressure before he collapses off to a side in a slight curl. “Would be a good time to get some sleep, before Chat is done.”
With an exhale, Malaphin leans over him. “That would be nice,” rubbing their face against Warren’s neck before planting a teething kiss.
