Monere [Mythos] - Tethers and Wood Bark (Bound stretches)
| In between jobs, waiting for another lead, they take some time to be with each other; time taken to help Warren become accustom to larger sizes, and to craft his own pair of euphoric genitals.
Characters | Diviyoni-Jacob Warren and Malaphin the chimera
Contents | BDSM, Magical enchantments, Leg/Arm bondage, gag, oral, anal, psychokinesic mechanisms, large dildo, ass-job, tail-job
Length | 7,302w

Metal sings as leather straps are pulled taut. As it embraces his chest in full, fit yet firm as metal chains linger between his vented breath - where metal latches hang just before them, pressing against his every breath, grazing ever so gently. He adjusts it as he stares into the reflection, sat drenched in the fueled idle anticipation as it cups his body, squeezing him ever so gently as the chains sink into the plush textures of his vents. From upon the shared bed and to the mirror that reflects the same low light, he can feel the tint of warmth mark his face; an embarrassment. Their audience, all their own.
Yet still, Warren is nowhere near nude, his boots kicking against the carpet.
“How’s it fit?” his companion asks.
Catching sight of the chimera in the reflection, Warren shifts. “It’s… perfect,” his breathing relieves, guiding himself to sit closer to the mirror to admire the craftsmanship. “Doesn’t rub my vents too hard - the chains are spread out, and the largest ones have plenty of give to them.” He plays with the material, a thumb catching a hoop of the strongest metal links.
“Think they’ll hold?” the chimera gestures him over - a claw offering expertise as they turn from their task at hand.
“Hopefully should, asked to get a brute charm on the back strap,” even so, he kicks off the bed, walking over to where the chimera sits cross legged, offering the back of the chest harness. “Think that works?”
Curious, a scaled hand tugs along the back end, briefly checking as they inspect the embossed sigils. “Little novice for the work - it’s the metal I’m more worried about breaking in any case.” A hand dances over Warren’s side, and he obediently turns. “It should do, might just draft up a charm for the cuffs. Putting a strength dampener on them should do the trick.” A claw curls around a loop of the chain, pulling it to press along a pair of vents.
A gentle breath relieved - the claws release him. Allowing him to move to lean against the back of the chair, idly playing with the large chain loops. “Heard anything back from the wyrm?”
“Not a word,” Malaphin sighs, turning back to their task at hand. “Don’t think we’ll be interrupted anyhow. Was just going to set our status to ‘mute’ for the time being.” Before them they continue to draft matter into reconstitutes; a hand wrapped in a symbol marked gauze as glowing sigils bleed through their forearms.
Warren looks on, partly amused. “Why not just copy over from yourself,” he teases.
“Not enough room for that here,” Malaphin chuffs, still drafting an object of suitable length and girth in static space. “Besides, would’ve been easier to just head into the woods if you wanted that, love,” Malaphin coos, a smile cutting their face.
Resting his arms on the chair backing, Warren sighs, leaning his head upon the chimera’s. “Right right… and we’re nowhere near safe for that.”
“Yep,” Malaphin exhales, bearing Warren’s weight as they still work. Concentrated. “Shouldn’t take too much longer, just need to be certain it’s completely shape stable.”
Warren grunts.
“Didn’t get any leads earlier, huh?” Malaphin switches the subject, carefully signing gestures for the object that preoccupies their attention.”
“Absolutely none,” Warren sighs, exchanging himself to sit on bed nearest to the chimera. “Had a call come in earlier - same hallmarks, no noise, no blood trail. Just, gone deceased like that.”
“Selah didn’t order you to investigate?”
Warren shakes his head, leaning on his knees as the chains press his vents, gently squeezing him to exhale. “Heard it from one of my charges; guess it wasn’t important enough that they didn't bother us directly.”
“Hm.” Hearing Warren move, Malaphin glances over - Warren intently stares at the crafted toy as it squirms before them, a manufactured extension of the chimera. “What do you think? Amazing how much matter can be shoved into such cheap things now. Would cost a lot more to do before.”
“You used all of them, boxes included?” Warren looks on slightly offended, briefly squirming in his seat as the object before them has a singular purpose - the size intimidates him.
“Tried to,” Malaphin groans, “some matter I had a harder time breaking into usable units… that’s what the chips are.” With a slight head gesture they motion to the stack of wedge pieces, all slivers to some degree. “Already got plans on how to break it back down to something we can use later anyway. Nothing wasted.”
“Right,” Warren grunts, taking pause, waiting a moment before stepping over to compare his arm to the chimera’s creative venture - almost as broad as his hand. “God…”
“Think it won’t fit?” Malaphin teases, making an indirect request for Warren’s wrist.
“I’m sure I can manage it,” he gives his wrist, watching as the leather cuffs are branded with a dusted charm between the chimera’s palms. “You say that’s the intermediary size?”
Malaphin nods as they check the fixings on the cuffs as they start to pull the leather links taut, soft cloth coiling around Warren’s wrists. “So much smaller than my innate, but larger than what this shape can manifest on it's own.” And they move onto Warren’s other wrist, performing the shame charming to the restraint they would also use on their job. “That should do for the cuffs; will keep exerted strength down to something human; you said you had subduing strips?”
Warren nods, moving to stand. “You done with the set up?” To which Malaphin nods, moving to stand. “I’ll get them while you clean up the table - got the others to unpack.”
“Perfect,” the chimera sighs, standing as Warren guides them into a kiss.
It doesn’t take long for Warren to unpack the numbing fabric, nor for him to set aside the soft ropes, a bottle of lube, and the spreader bar he had set aside earlier. Still caught up in the allure of what they have planned - he neither readies himself by ridding himself of his boots nor his pants. Only unclasping the button at the rear to allow it to sag around his fibrous tail, where it wisps and smacks against the edge of the hotel bed. He waits, watching as Malaphin finishes up cleaning after their enchantment work.
One knee bent against the bed, Malaphin begins to remove their shirt.
Warren welcomes the chimera, pulling them down upon him as the shirt is tossed aside, leaning into the claws that hinge at the brim of his pants as they spread between his hips and underwear. As they glide over his brilliant tether stripes, they press his pants downwards, letting them glow unhindered in the dimming light and his skin to lie against the smooth sheets. As his hands are still cuffed, Warren bares himself to the chimera before him, surfing the divide between skin and scales, tracing them as he’s guided into a serendipitous kiss. As the gilding tongue breathes against his mouth, he arches into an exploring hand as it meets his front; claws splitting his illustrious seam as he bares breath into Malaphin’s mouth.
“Impatient, aren’t we?” Malaphin purrs, hand spreading within the front of Warren’s pants.
“Very,” Warren growls, taking them into another embracing kiss, baring himself completely as claws meet his flesh, palming against him within the relief of his underwear. “Take my them already, Aurum; let’s get to it.”
“With pleasure,” Malaphin easily sets the ossisgari in his place, pulling them clear from his legs as palms graze his skin. Easily, as they’ve become well acquainted with the boots custom made, they’re discarded to the side, met with the pants and soon underwear as they purr. Taking in the sight before them, where the fibrous tail wavers and frays in anticipation, it coils around their wrist as they lean close, pulling them as Warren hands over the subduing cloth.
At first, Warren turns himself to his side, letting one of his legs dangle as his tail plays amongst the chimera’s grip. Taunting and toying, he moves over further by the request of claws, leaning upon his elbows as claws draw against his skin to contain the innumerous fibers. When it all finally gives, entirely wrapped up so it hangs as a singular coiled mass for the things they have planned, he goes to move. But, even before he can, claws stop him in his tracks. Hands hold against his sides, “hand me the bar, would be easiest to like this.”
Knees spread, the bar ropes find their place as chain hooks ring.
With his tail hung lax, and his legs held open, Warren can’t help but feel vulnerable - soothed only by the chimera’s presence as they return to him, hands spreading over the rifts in his thighs. “Is it too tight?”
“No,” Warren sighs, slightly wiggling as he can feel the chimera’s pants against his body. “Just a little nervous, is all.”
“Need a moment? You can turn over now - it’d be more comfortable than like this.”
“Hm,” Warren nods, easily turning himself over with some of Malaphin’s help - his legs hang over the side of the bed. With a moment of pause, as Malaphin sits beside him in patient waiting, it’s all Warren needs before he hands over the ropes.
“Want them around your ankles, Divi?”
Warren nods; fully flushed as he scoots back over the bed to draw his legs up.
Malaphin is careful as they prepare the length of rope; drawing the lengths even end to end, patient as they give Warren the time to relax before drafting them so they’re not too tight, nor too loose as his ankles are placed crossed. Setting him so no matter how he moves - how much he would squirm - they would keep their same position, the same exposure for his body down below.
“Okay,” Warren stumbles to start, wetting his lips as his hands lie on his stomach as his legs rest upon the side of the bed. “So… that thing of yours, how does it work…?”
Malaphin resumes their spot at his side, a hand extended so if the drake needs it. “Modified a practice of early tool mechanisms - my hand gestures control it, so I can sit up with you as it works.” There’s a momentary pause, “should I demonstrate? Right here on the bed?”
Warren nods - still a bit apprehensive. As his hands fiddle with the other as the bed shifts beneath him, he adjusts as it shifts again, leaning over the best he can with the spreader bar holding his legs captive.
As the crafted toy lies on the bed between them, Malaphin holds their hand in empty space above. With two brief, quick snaps, it hums to life. As it lies there, unmoving, Malaphin offers their palm - nothing besides their claws and the sigil marked cloth. “All hand gestures.” With a smooth drift of their palm a foot over it, it ever so slowly moves along the bed. With one finger extended, motions moving back, it retracts back along the sheets at a steady rate. With two, it's track is stronger. Steadily, Malaphin devises it into a rhythm - gently pulsing in a steady thrust.
“Oh,” heat bleeds from Warren’s face.
“If you’re unsure, we can work on it first without the magic.”
Warren’s mouth presses, biting his lip, “that sounds good - I just, need to get warmed up to it I think,” he laughs. “So, to keep it steady - goal is to craft myself from memory, no assistance. Take more of it as I manage to retain its shape.”
Malaphin nods, “I’m not going to try and help you along like last time, but I can reward you along the way. Give it a little attention before the motions step up - you have any preference of how to advance it? Or just keep it slow and steady.”
Turning himself to his back, his legs are hiked up as his heels press against the side of the bed. “A little of easy, just to keep it interesting -” for a moment, he goes quiet, contemplating, and whispers, “- do you happen to have a gag, by chance?”
Slightly taken aback, the chimera shakes their head. “No, but I can draft one up - wait. Scarf. Where’d I put that thing.”
As Malaphin sets off to find their scarf, Warren eases himself to sit up upon his elbows for as oddly as he’s able. A curiosity still sits in his stomach, glancing toward the mirror. Far too small for them to make use of - “Mal, where’s your phone.” He tries to paw over towards where he set down his bag - just out of his reach. “I have an idea.”
“Looking for yours?” Malaphin finds both of theirs, setting them aside as their scarf still makes the preoccupation.
“Yeah,” a furious warm blends his cheeks, a huff of steam announcing in his silence, “wanted to watch it in me.”
Another pause; “certainly, we can watch it together.” They purr, offering the center length of the scarf to Warren.
He greets it with his mouth, billowing steam as it's tied behind his head.
It doesn’t take much for Malaphin to finish setting up for them - providing them a vantage point by a careful stack of items so Warren’s phone shares them a secondary view. The connection is secure to only share with Malaphin’s - checked one final time as Warren lies back on the bed, his rear now laid upon a towel for whatever mess they will manage to make. His mouth sits only partly agape, enough so it muffs his words, but doesn’t keep him from making noise as he leans into the wander of claws; questioning as they sit at the cusp of their start.
“Ready?” Malaphin curls as they lean aside.
Warren nods; his hand guiding Malaphin to his body as it lies open, waiting for the kiss of gold as it finally meets. His breath is halved as the chimera claws between his thighs, as hands spread his lips and opens himself for the tracing teeth. Gentle nips glide along his lips - the glowing white tethers answered with the lap of a prehensile tongue as it presses between them - gently requesting entry as Warren holds the chimera’s head between his legs.
Pressing, exploring, Malaphin takes Warren’s glans into his mouth, golden sight falling closed as fingers press against their braids; kissing, sucking, exploring him as they leave the trace of saliva in their wake. Claws dig between him - spreading his lips as Malaphin kisses the crest of his thighs, pressing his legs forth as they request the space to work. He relents, a hand grabbing the spreader bar as the tongue finds him again, baring into him to work a steady groan.
Claws trace the cuffs; Warren gives his palm.
Curling around the hook, it clips his legs into place.
As his fingers graze beneath the space of his legs, he leans himself into the continual touches, eyes lingering to slight as a thumb presses inside him, fingering him as Malaphin leans away, spreading him as they retrieve the lube.
A look between them - Warren nods.
The hand leaves his lips, tracing down further… two pressing against his ass.
Two spots of lube, and Warren shifts.
As they spread it against him, pressing for entry to his rear, the chimera’s mouth returns to his lips and glans. Attending to it until the muscles finally relax once more, easing the pressure as Warren’s teeth press around the scarf, gently biting as he shuffles to meet the attention to his body. Steady and slow, his body relaxes to the penetration further down, sinking into the kiss of lips and a tenacious tongue as it presses against his walls once more.
“Mhm,” he barely speaks, spreading his fingers along his open thighs as his back temples over the bed.
“Steady,” Malaphin coos, cleaning their mouth of Warren’s moisture, keeping the clawed fingers steady as they thrust. “You can start trying to craft it as I work you, love,” Malaphin leans up against him, still playing with his rear.
Warren nods, shifting his attention to his unattributed t-dick. “I’ltry,” he barely speaks, breathing a heave as the fingers spread him. As they withdraw - he finds himself missing it, barely complaining as he waits for Malaphin against him once more - relieving a sigh as the towel cleans him, as Malaphin’s mouth is at him again.
Spreading him as claws draw against his rear.
Feeling warm breath against him makes Warren shiver as his legs hang above, arms held outstretched as Malaphin kisses his spreading muscle. As the golden tongue meets him once more, the muscle tension is drawn to relax, at ease. Whereas claws eventually replace them, it's not for long as the tongue kisses between his lips and rear, drawing over his skin as the touches continues to pervade. “Ml,” he shivers, his tail barely shifting as the chimera presses against him.
“Easy,” Malaphin purrs against him, mouth pressing to meet. Saliva spreads against him, tracing, taunting, easing him before the tongue is welcomed to him again. Claws holding him open, Warren’s spine shivers him into the tender thrusts, sighing steam between the scarf as the warmth fills him. Leaving him vacant as they eventually depart.
The chimera shifts their attention - moving the pillows to lie beneath Warren’s head. “Ready for it?” They gesture to the toy and frees Warren’s wrists.
Warren nods, leaning upon his elbows as he keeps his legs in place.
His progress appears nonexistent, even though the tethers of his labia extend upwards.
Before they start, however, Malaphin leans against Warren, gentle as they draw him towards them. A requesting silence, one that Warren eagerly accepts as their foreheads press.
And he watches the chimera as they return to him, between his legs, a hand holding his thigh as they retreat to retrieve the lubricant. It still stays even as they return, fingers pressing against his skin as Malaphin kisses his lips, tasting him once again as a lube coated claw meets him again. They’re gentle as they touch him, explore him, guiding him once again to take as the claws press inside him, guiding his spine to bend as the thrusts are gentle to the touch.
By now, he’s forgotten the intimidation once again. The size that awaits him; even as the tip presses against him, steadied as Malaphin kisses his inner thigh.
It only leaves a brief concern as it stays in place when the chimera leaves; even as his muscles draw taut the pressure remains all the same. A curious complaint breathes against the scarf as his hands dig against the bed, guided into a partial sit as the chimera moves to sit behind him. His feet rest against the side of the bed, body pressing against the lingering penetration as Malaphin continues to get comfortable behind him, setting him to lie upon their lap.
“Comfortable, love?” Malaphin whispers above, putting their wrapped hand on Warren’s chest.
One of Warren’s hands have wandered to his groin, ginger in the touching attention before Malaphin redirects it. Even as Warren breathes a gentle complaint, they clip the cuffs to Warren’s chest harness, keeping him unable to attend to himself as the pressure still lies in his rear.
Breathing a sigh, Warren finally looks down himself, flushed as his head lies against the chimera’s chest, back lying against pillows and bent legs as he hangs open before his phone. He glances back, gesturing to see the chimera’s phone.
Malaphin shows him; and it almost completely turns him into a luscious warm umber.
His body lies in clear view - his lips lied open as the white towel outlines the thick girth of the toy, his body twitching in a sheer lack of delay, almost like a mirror as he sinks into the intoxicating erotic nature of his situation.
“You tasted good, love,” the chimera purrs, brushing his hair from his sight, “I’m not going to start it until you feel ready, Divi.”
A gentle shift; Warren nods. “Yeh,” the gag is wet with his saliva, failing in its purpose.
“I’ll just remove this, at least for now,” Malaphin laughs, “getting a little soaked, I’ll wipe it down as it gets started.” Setting the phone down on Warren’s stomach, they make a steady gesture - their palm drawing from stomach to sternum, transmitting pressure to begin.
Warren groans as he feels the pressure against his body - lube soaked shape easily meeting him as hands move his head, releasing him from the gag as he adjusts his jaw. Shifting his head to lie back against Malaphin, his breathing heaves as he begins to take the shifted shape, gasping, claws curling as the pressure meets against his rear. Down between his legs, he tries to concentrate on his glans, shifting his tether properties to draw his glans firmer, stronger as his body wavers with a shivering shake.
He watches himself above and below as his groin struggles to create the shape he once held, partly distracted by the weight that continues to press against him. A presence that is hard to ignore even as the chimera gives him reprieve - the palm on his stomach gesturing back to find relief.
“Mal,” Warren sighs, his clawed feet digging against the side of the bed.
“That was good, Divi,” Malaphin coos, “we can try again in a moment, breathe.” His other hand cups Warren’s jaw, leaning him gently forth as Warren squirms.
“Mhm,” he sighs, granting the chimera’s claws into his mouth, tongue curling around it as his sight turns back to phone held in Malaphin’s other hand. “Again. I can do this,” he huffs. “Keep the pressure, change it once I worked a few strands into it.”
Malaphin nods; and when the pressure is returned with his palm, Warren shivers, gasping as it eases into his body.
“Fuck,” he whispers, breathing beveled as he squirms back against the chimera, mouth agape as the chains of the chest harness press at his sensitive vents. As his hips shift down to meet the pressure, his attention focuses on his tethered parts, drawing them to strengthen the shape of his glans. “Mhm, Mal, some more,” his voice shivers, legs held up as his feet curl.
Claws draw themselves from Warren’s mouth, cupping against his face as the phone is set down - the wrapped hand pushes the girth to a more gentle pressure. “Only a little,” they coo, directing Warren to look ahead. “Then, I’m going to start a gentle thrust, alright?”
Warren nods - his fingers entangled as they still remain well latched to his chest. As a hand continues to roam over his stomach, tempering the draw inside his body, his head leans into the chimera’s palm, weary within it as he breathes a groan. Teeth grit, temptingly struggling to keep his attention adverted to his frontal, Warren continues to craft himself a member from his tether vulva. Moment for moment, he directs the remaining loose tethers towards his aching glans.
Weathering himself down towards the coaxing palm, his breath relieves as pressure retreats, inhaling as it pervades into him again; as he drafts himself into a firmer shape as he still hangs open in the down-turn view of Malaphin’s phone. Claws press against his gut, filling him once more as hips ease into the tense pressure as a palm cradles his face.
But, steadily, it begins to relieve, withdrawn as the phone is turned skywards, lying on his stomach as the claws move to meet his glans. Even as the sensitivity draws him to shiver, Warren relents, sighing as gentle fingers stroke. “You’re doing good, Divi,” the chimera purrs, “still got some work to do,” they sit back, hand easing over Warren’s stomach up towards his face.
Head cradled, Warren shifts, both adjusting so he’s a little more pushed between the pressure in his rear and the pillow set between the chimera’s knees and his head. Bent towards a curl as he wavers in the restraints. “Mhn, yeah,” he breathes, missing the coax of claws, “going to start it's thrusts…?” His voice is quiet, weary as his hands preen against his chest.
“Slowly,” Malaphin breathes, leaning forth to set one digit. “Let your legs rest a bit - it’s not going to pop out, we can hold off viewing for now.” And, as Warren nods, the finger draws over skin; a plan before two fingers move to the crest of his pelvis, drawn up to let command the toy to mimic.
“MHH,” he leans into it as the pressure begins, easing out an open sigh as it coaxes him to take the size once more, working him open to the thrusting mass. As his palms press against his chest his vents flutter with arousal, seeping steam as hips press down against the fill. Deriving his unstable concentration, no matter how much he moves it continues to pervade.
“Focus, love,” Malaphin whispers, cradling Warren’s head once more, fingers dancing over to splay at throat vents. “You can do this, you only have a few more strands then you can work on the shape.”
Teeth biting lip, Warren complains.
Sight lingering to close as he feels the weight knocking inside him, his pressing groans belies as he directs the pressure forward through his body. Drafting his innards outwards, in line with each hip shuddering thrust that begins to hollow out his stretching body. It pulses in a wave as he reconstitutes his anatomy; where as a thrust pushes inside him, it's rhythm is what is guided forth as his slight lulls, his hands struggling down to the display of his down below. Yearning not only to watch as he takes it - assisted by the chimera - but also for as his body pulses from perineum to his perking glans. “Fuh-uck,” he shivers, skull pressing back as hips meet the gentle thrusts.
Beyond, the chimera smiles.
All it takes to stop is a simple hand gesture to his gut - a palm holding it still.
A sigh breathes.
“Want the gag back, love?”
Warren nods, head resting back against Malaphin. “Oh fuck… can’t believe it's actually working,” he barely laughs, welcoming the scarf back into his mouth, hissing a breath against the cloth as his hips roll against the static girth.
Claws are on him again - a palm gentle as the chimera’s cool skin brushes against his tethered parts. “You’re doing so well, babe,” Malaphin hums, inspecting as their claws move further down, stroking between the divide of coils. “Almost closed your inner seam,” with a tease, they stroke between, drawing upwards as hips beg for the contact. As the thumb presses against the divided tip, their fingers strum and messes the sigil cloth with moisture.
Warren’s hands paw at his chest, he gestures to change a position.
Malaphin unclips one cuff, guided over by Warren’s arm as he has it pulled to his other side. It leaves one across his chest, the other handly holding the chimera’s phone. “Want me to try and guide in more? You’re, maybe, around a third of the way around it,” they can see as the toy sits heavy against Warren.
Breathing around the scarf is Warren’s initial response. Nodding with a gentle strum of “uh-huh.”
Two fingers brush against his stomach… and drags over his skin.
Legs curl as best they can as they hang in the open air; inhaling deep as the ossisgari’s spine begs to meet the pressure. A groan is splintered by the scarf as words slur with a sudden gasp, legs struggling within the restraints as it shudders into him - notching a heavy swell inside.
Malaphin pats his chest; a reassurance as they not the fingers pawing at chain divided vents.
After a moment, listening to their partner wheeze against the cloth, they go to withdraw it -
But Warren growls, a soft denial breathes.
Down below his concentration is back to his body, spurred by the tension in his gut as he combines his lips into a gentle mound - something he gestures to on Malaphin’s phone before them. Cheeks lied heavy with flushed umber he struggles to keep his attention from the weight even as his hips betray him, his sight is on his own body as he crafts his own biology.
Even still Malaphin does let the pressure go lax, listening as Warren breathes in a steady relief as the swell departs, trembling as he yearns for it's return. “A little more, Divi,” their voice is gentle, almost a whistling coo as they admire Warren’s shape in process. Groin smoothed by the collected coils, still on the cusp of drafting himself the weight of balls as his glans still aches divided, split down the bottom where they once meet lips. “Want me to guide you through? Almost got a pair down there, but might need to help you shape into my hand.”
“Ahrigt,” Warren drools between the cloth, hips shifting to meet the palm as it slides down his stomach, setting at the set seam between his skin and inner white. His crossed hand turned down to his side, he suggest to the chimera to return the pressure as steam seeps between his jaws.
They nod - and lets the weight ease back with a slow pattern thrust that shudders coaxing exhales.
To and fro, the weight knocks between his thighs; a gentle tempo that gives him a brief time to think, to attend to his self-craft as the weight fills out against his coil drawn seam. With the dance of claws he can feel his sack beginning to weigh down against them, fondled as he takes the thrust once more, clawed feet drawn curled as it shudders inside. “Very good,” Malaphin purrs, caressing them with loving care, “give it as much as you want, I’ll keep touching.” Their voice is velvet soft as their hand moves forth, gripping and cradling as it fills out.
Warren shifts into it, shivering as the weight falters from him once more. Bent into the sweet attention as it begins to provide against his glans, his voice creeks, drawn to the the claw that tweaks between his glan’s split, rubbing the space as he tries to build his girth. “Moh,” he stumbles to speak, drooling as his feet splay against the bed.
“Want me to increase the speed?”
A nod; the phone tilted down as sight lulls near closed.
“Okay,” they whisper, hand abandoning Warren’s body. “One step at a time.”
Warren taps the phone against him, four times.
Four fingers drift over his gut; much stronger than before as beggering hips relent.
It almost moves his hips for him as the weight presses aggressively; almost too much for what he’s already taken, kept out by his stubborn body even as it all lies slicken. Again and again, as he churns into the thrusts knocking into his pelvis, he can feel his weary muscles beginning to give as he tries to attend to his erection - the one the chimera continues to toy.
Claws drawn between the connection, stroking his tender edges in gross enticing intentions that barely feed his arousal hunger. As fingers cradle his shifting coils, holding the firming girth as he can all but concentrate on it as his senses are swarmed by the sizes that continue against him. Where even as he’s stunned it has begun to take, pressing against his insides he wasn’t sure was entirely possible for him to give in - the duality of the motions causes him to sink. To no longer bend his back as his shins rest against the spreader bar, his clawed feet the only means of which he can watch it beyond his turned sight to the chimera’s hand at his body.
Overlooking the white glow that peers between the chimera’s fingers drool continues to caress his jaw, mouth hung lax as he merely rests upon the chimera. Sight laid lull, he continues to stare as his hips are driven to bounce, giving in as he feels his body hollowing out with each successive thrust, filling himself into the chimera’s enticing grip as his tether coils draw thick. Each gesture drives his face hotter as steam continues to drift from his body, petting his sensitive vent as he fills out the chimera’s fist.
Malaphin eases the toy to slow - nearly having it withdraw.
Warren complains; missing it.
Claws pull behind his head, releasing his mouth of the scarf once more.
Briefly, he spits out the lingering taste of his own saliva, shifting into his chain pressed vents. “Not sure how much longer I’ll last, Aurum.” His body squirms - he wants it back - his near complete arousal complains. “I think I can take all of it,” he smiles, head tilting up to the chimera’s, “give it some good hearty thrusts - I might be as big as I want to right now.” Arousal bakes his breath, steam seeping as he squirms around the prevalent tease.
“You sure? It’s still a lot you’re not used to.”
“Yes,” Warren grunts, his feet perking his legs up. “Best to knock it all out now than to regret it later.” He chuckles.
“Fine, fine,” the chimera sighs, adjusting themselves. “If you craft all of it before it's inside you, I’ll finish you off.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Could let you squirm until you do - you look cute in bondage, Divi.” Malaphin purrs.
It could only bring a smile, a snort as Warren shifts his hips. “Take my hands and lock them around your head - then that would get me -perfectly- stretched out.”
“Thought that was the purpose of the toy,” they tease, taking the phone aside before undoing the cuff clips.
“Keep me held down, play with me as much as you want,” Warren reaches up around Malaphin’s head, kept light as the chimera snaps the clips into the other.
“Want me to play with your vents?” Malaphin pets them for emphasis.
“Please,” Warren sighs, his head crooked so he can only look down upon himself and - across - his phone set on a stack of their stuff. “Get me squirming, make it as hard as possible for me.”
A smirk plays across the chimera’s lips, granting Warren a gentle kiss. “Of course.” One hand lies on Warren’s side, hooking itself into the chains of the chest harness, “hold on, love,” purrs. Hand resting against Warren’s stomach, it drafts the details of the coming pressure, four fingers dragging again as they move from stomach to chest.
Open gasps are remarked as the pressure begins - the girth pushing itself inside him with a slide turning tilt. It echoes through his body as his fingers draw against the chimera’s head, pulling ever so gently as hips beg into the girth. Just slightly, and just firmly, it moves from full to partial thrusts, curling his legs as he tries to draw his attention to his aching erection, to concentrate as the pressure makes him quiver and beg. Words slur between his lips, stumbling and biting his lip as claws pet his vents - wet strokes spurring his desire, twitching against his stomach as his erection grows to fruition. The glans stumbles to twitch, barely in a split as the soft tender parts flux and flare against his gut. “MALIK,” Warren gasps, legs trying to fight against the restraints, templing as the weight surges into him again, the swell pressured within his gut.
“I’m here, Divi,” Malaphin purrs, petting Warren’s vents between the warm huffing steam. “You’ve done so well, love. Look at you, your erections in full shape,” their hands guide Warren's head, cradling it as fingers linger to his mouth - he takes them in full, mouth dropping as his muscles twitch his erection. “You’ve been so good, here,” one hand moves - departed down his body - slowing the thrusts until it's near still.
Hand around the glowing erection, claws tender against the aching white. It doesn’t take much to finish him off.
Legs shivering, Warren bucks into Malaphin’s hand as his breathing huffs. His hands grip against their head, fingers praying against their hair as eyes screw close, heaving steam as he anxiously aches into their palm. Harder and harder still he thrusts into the chimera’s hand, until his legs eventually falter to their own fatigue, hips made weak by the pressure that churned his insides as a complaint snarls.
It lasts not long - Malaphin’s strokes are gentle, guiding as they dance from base to tip; an entire hand tending as it moves along his entire length, coaxing anxious muscles calm as Warren presses his mouth into his bicep, groaning as he gives weak, tired contractions. Though white does not coat his stomach, the orgasmic twitching is more than enough.
His breathing pants, pushed against skin as he coils.
Unlatching Warren's arms from their neck, Malaphin lies them across his chest, leaning down to press a tender kiss. "You did well, love," they hum, "we can work on streamlining next time." A hand wanders down to stomach as their heads press, commanding the pressure to completely depart. "I'll take care of the rest."
Arms lied over his face, Warren grunts.
Stepping off the bed, Malaphin sets forth to rid of what they can't process into material slugs - trashing the idle matter before soaking the used towels with water.
Warren eventually stumbled himself up to an awkward crouch, freeing his sore wrists as his strength returns in full. In the space of relief, as he frees his legs of the spreader bar and ropes, he can't help but notice the persistent tent in the chimera's loose pants. Wondering to himself why he hadn't felt it against his neck earlier, "Mal."
They kneel against the bed, retrieving the cuffs. "Hm?"
"Really enjoyed it, huh." He gently teases, gesturing to the captive arousal.
"And what if I did?" Their voice is soft, taunting as they put away the gear only just so they can share space on the bed. "I can take care of it later," but is coaxed over, following Warren’s hands as they are pulled into a kiss. “Don’t worry about it, love.”
“No, I insist,” Warren rumbles, hands cradling their jaw. “Just, can you take care of my tail first?”
“Certainly,” Malaphin grins, pressing back the kiss, crawling to sit behind the ossisgari as he leans forward to give space to his idle tail. Claws run tender as they undo the subduing fabric that holds the tethers restrained. And, as they cast it aside and cradle them to revert the charm placed upon it, it's interrupted as Warren moves - retrieving his phone. “Do you have anything in mind?”
Warren sits back, tail barely moving as he glances back. “Go ahead and lie down - I want to try something.”
“Care to tell me what, perchance?” Malaphin snorts, lying down on the bed as Warren gives them room to extend their legs; and is straddled by him, his ass resting above their bulge as the tail wavers. Without a moment of hesitation they free themself, zipper pulled down as their hands caress Warren’s thighs.
“Well, since I can control my coils more,” Warren smirks, leaning against his legs so his tail can curl over Malaphin’s stomach, still gaining sensation once more. “Wanted to see what else I can do,” he offers Malaphin his phone, still set in the shared camera mode. “Where’d yours go?”
A smirk creases Malaphin’s mouth, amused as they fetch theirs from the sheets and hand it forward. “We’ll see,” they tease, lying back as they aim the camera to where Warren’s tail has gently begun to wrap around their erection.
Shifting, Warren presses his rear against their golden girth, thighs pressing him gently back as his ankles press against the chimera’s sides. Easing into a gentle roll that rubs his ass against them, his tail sinks down into the chimera’s pants, curling and drawing around their sack still held within their pants. As he eases himself against it, watching as he rubs back ever so gently, his tethers embrace the glowing gold.
“Oh, Divi,” Malaphin sighs, watching ever so amused as their fingers play with the peaks of Warren’s thigh coils. Even as the motions are firm, concentrated as they move in a coordinated mass, the touches are tender, smooth as they pull and press. Pinned against the bed by Warren’s weight in their quiet calm, Malaphin eventually breathes gentle sighs, voice lying quiet as ass and tail tend to their ache.
"I can't hear you," Warren hums as he sits back, his tail drawn to tighten as his hips roll. He rocks himself as his tail follows him through, the motions controlled by his hips as the tethers only hold a collective strength. Guiding it, jerking it, his tethers do well in the confines of the chimera's pants, tightening around their balls.
Malaphin sighs, an arching into the tether holds eases into a complete sit as they begin to kiss along the rifts that line Warren’s spine. “Divi,” they breathe, holding the camera awkwardly to the side as their bodies meet, watching over Warren’s shoulder. “Hmmn…”
“How does this feel, aurum,” Warren purrs, a hand holding Malaphin’s head against his own.
“Intoxicating,” they breathe against his neck, kissing the flutter of throat vents. “Lords – it’s so tight, and soft,” they relent, hips begging against Warren’s own as swiveling hips draw them firmly at attention, engulfed by the gripping tethers. “Oh Divi, love,” groans.
“Yes?” Warren pushes his hips back, keeping Malaphin pinned by his heavy thighs.
“Starstruck,” shivers as the slick friction holds the golden to be pinned between their bodies. Held well captive as the tethers waver with the tail’s central motions, jerking it aside as their mouths meet, as teeth graze over skin. Rolling hips are kept in their place, each yearning buck suppressed as the chimera’s breathing groans, needing as their hand moves from thigh to chest, grasping Warren’s harness tight. “Diviyon, oah,” the enraptured tethers never relent.
Even as their breath is brought to quicken nary is there a sense of the coils stopping – claws dig around Warren’s body, holding him close as between them the chimera aches. Ever so gently they’re able to grind against Warren’s hips, rutting against his ass as the coils threaten to do them in.
And, as their mouth presses against spine, quivering a groan, there is relief – freed from the coils as the phones are discarded, as Warren pushes them back to the bed.
With their golden girth redirected between the ossisgari’s thighs, Malaphin pulls Warren down on top of them. Fucking his thighs as the vice grip of coils lie upon them again, pillowing the erection against Warren’s body as the tethers continue to taunt and tease.
They pull tighter – responsive as the chimera’s claws pull around Warren’s gut, as teeth grit against vents and is then brought into an anguished kiss.
Huffing – groans growling –
Malaphin aches between his thighs.
On top, Warren can only smile as he holds the chimera’s head against his own, riding out the chimera’s relief as he pushes them back against the bed. As they waver, basking in the afterglow, claws dance their way upwards and cup at Warren’s head against Malaphin’s as they lapse intimate.
Heads pressing, temples kneading – Warren rubs his legs against the spent chimera, kneading it as cum drools down his stomach and thighs.
