Monere [Mythos] - Tethers and Wood bark (Cavern cuddling)

Exploring for samples of a Cretae subsystem is exhausting; taking a deour, they spend some time alone together. For the silence and the sighs.
Characters | Diviyoni-Jacob Warren and Malaphin the chimera
Contents | Heat, hot spring, transformation, oral, prehensile genitalia, open body anatomy, riding, knotting
Length | 3169w

Beneath the heave of bared cretae tethers, a gentle ambient hum filters amongst the cave slicken stone, snowed with the dull fibrous dust of the overhang glows. Debris clings in the air as clawed steps resound with the jangle of buckles and weary leather sighs; worn open toed boots preceding the click of claws as a bag hangs half open over the ossisgari’s shoulder. It heaves against the floor a moment later – dropped as the samples of ancient winding roots droop within it as he takes another carve passed down from above. Handled with gloves, wrapping it up with parchment, secured and isolated for analysis.
Tying it up in twine, Warren packs it snug among the other samples – catching the chimera’s descent with his body, bearing the weight with shoulder and side as the roots sing above them in the maintenance shaft. “Careful,” his voice is hushed, his clawed feet keeping him stable as Malaphin’s remain slippery – boots better than paws to keep upright, just marginally.
Once certain Malaphin isn’t going to slip, he returns his attention to the samples.
“How many more will you need?” The chimera rests against the cave stone, folds of their body breathing away the cling of stray fibers as they fold away the knife.
Warren pauses; picking through the collection of dull and firming samples. “Well, we’ve got 27 so far… so three more should do it.” A guestimation; not certain of how many he needs. Snapping the buckle back into place, he throws the bag over his shoulder. “Can pick up from northern end,” sighs, rubbing sweat away from his neck as his throat vents flush. Exhaustion, leaning back against the steep carved stone as his hands pull back through his matting hair.
Malaphin makes a brief glance, glancing towards the depths of the cave system. “There’s a spring not that far from here,” their body breathes, only restrained waist down by pants as the scaling of their back scratches stone. “Could use the charge,” speaks soft, coughing up the haunt of fibers; energy sat low as the cretae sates itself upon them.
Hands clasp behind neck, leaning back upon the stone, Warren sighs. “Might as well.” Laughs, “I’d be fucked if we tried to climb over that knot, don’t know how much I’d be able to keep my shape in control and squeeze past it.” He heaves the bag over to his other side, picking himself carefully as alchemical moss clings to the stone beneath their feet. His shirt – damp – his pants – damp – his boots that allow his claws to place among the stone – water logged.
He meets the chimera shortly as they help the other remain stable in their strides, following the trickle of alchemically charged waters the flows through the streaks in the stone. Filtered energy, dispensed into the air as they finally escape the wisps of fibers; breathing pushed leveled, the sigh of their bodies made at ease as they slip into a quiet curve away from the mainstay of the maintenance shaft – his smile meets a kiss of teeth, claws curling against his back as the chimera’s stone-studded spine buffers them from the stone.
Just them; only them – breathing sighs.
“You’re hot,” Malaphin teases as Warren leans into the teeth that graze his throat, as claws dance along his spine as the air clings with alchemical charges. Bolstering – Warren complains with a rumbling sigh as he leans against the chimera’s palms.
“I know,” he buffers himself – annoyed – not as well verse as the chimera to take such a sudden energy surge. Restraint – he reminds himself as he moves to pull away, followed just the same by Malaphin as they step over the heave of support beams. Hearing the steam through draconic senses, he can smell it as the air sits heavy, begging his body to breath deep as the stain of cretae dust flickers from his body. His sight already adjusted; he barely keeps the fog from taking his sight.
The echoes of their motions continue as the space begins to open up – where the trickling water is forgotten as hands pull against pant bands – hands wandering against the belt as the broad cavern opens up before them, where a pooling pond sits gentle and dark with satiated waters.
“Malik,” breathes as a knee wedges itself between his legs, leaning against the chimera as claws pull at his jacket, pinning his arms at his side as kisses graze. His own drive around the belt that holds the chimera’s gear to their side, nudging removal as the leg is pressed between his own.
A chuckle, and kisses roam back to jaw, “go ahead and clean up,” whispers, “I’ll soak up, and we’ll take care of this heat of yours.”
“Right,” Warren grunts, taking a moment to scan for his bag.
As Malaphin retreats from the pin, watching as Warren tugs his shirt over his sweat matted head, they begin to unbuckle their pants. Leaning up against the stone outcrop, mutually undressing, their clothing is stacked atop the other as the bag and gear are set aside, secured into place a distance from the pool of water. Warren’s glow gives them the much-needed light to maneuver towards the sterile pond – the water drifting up to their knees as they step down into the daunting warmth.
Bowing down into a kneel, Warren clears himself of the clinging sweat, stroking the charged waters against his breathing vents, over his weary muscles; heaving a sigh, letting the weight lift from his tired muscles as his alchemical charge is brought back into balance. Stomach down, it pools beneath him as he goes silent, breathing in the stone scent stain as he can feel the chimera somewhere behind him, relaxing against the stone face just the same. “I’m back to level,” his breathing heaves as wet hands pull through his hair, pressing it backwards as the vents lining his ribs whisper.
“I’m going to lose form, just so you know,” Malaphin sighs as Warren moves to stand, compressing their distance as the chimera remains reclined – half buried in the warm waters, body separating as the water filters through their innards and soaked into the golden folds.
“That’s fine,” the ossisgari heaves as he straddles the chimera, too well aware of how his body has begun to split, seam separating bright as he sits above the chimera’s lap. “I don’t mind if we try something different,” sighs as teeth kiss beneath his throat, claws spreading upon his body as his own hands find themselves on the open grip of the chimera’s chest. “As long as we’re this close, we can initiate telepathy.”
Hot breath over throat vents make Warren shiver, shifting against the chimera’s body. “Okay,” breathes, body folds shifting in the waters between them. “Hold on, not sure how fast it’ll be.”
A snort, and Warren’s arms rest beneath the horns, around Malaphin’s neck. “Got it.”
It’s a grip remained firm only as the kiss of teeth move from neck to chest, where the ever so gentle force applies as the chimera’s body grows beneath him – lifting his legs from the water, easing him to retract his legs to fold over the enormous thighs as the alterations are held paused – halted as a lap of tendrils trace over exposed chest. He shivers as the large maw moves to spread his sensitive white, as claws hold around his ass and divides his thighs from shins as the large fingers hold him in place. It dawns a growl to rumble through the chimera as Warren squirms, breathing huffed as his sensitivities are granted with a sly press.
Hands cup beneath him – lifting him from lap to chest as he holds onto the rising horns, to the folds of amber that makes the chimera’s blunt-head as the teeth move over his stomach, down to his crotch. It’s an insatiable kiss that draws him to huff, as his white folds are meet with the lick of tendril tongues, spreading down as the coils reach back for fulfillment. His hips roll – pressing himself against the gentle warmth as his erection begins to press, as his sac begins to fill with his expressive coils. “Mal,” he whispers against the chimera’s face, arms bent to hold, fingers pressing as desire is met.
Beneath him – around him – the chimera rumbles. Loving that, aren’t you?
Tying it up in twine, Warren packs it snug among the other samples – catching the chimera’s descent with his body, bearing the weight with shoulder and side as the roots sing above them in the maintenance shaft. “Careful,” his voice is hushed, his clawed feet keeping him stable as Malaphin’s remain slippery – boots better than paws to keep upright, just marginally.
Once certain Malaphin isn’t going to slip, he returns his attention to the samples.
“How many more will you need?” The chimera rests against the cave stone, folds of their body breathing away the cling of stray fibers as they fold away the knife.
Warren pauses; picking through the collection of dull and firming samples. “Well, we’ve got 27 so far… so three more should do it.” A guestimation; not certain of how many he needs. Snapping the buckle back into place, he throws the bag over his shoulder. “Can pick up from northern end,” sighs, rubbing sweat away from his neck as his throat vents flush. Exhaustion, leaning back against the steep carved stone as his hands pull back through his matting hair.
Malaphin makes a brief glance, glancing towards the depths of the cave system. “There’s a spring not that far from here,” their body breathes, only restrained waist down by pants as the scaling of their back scratches stone. “Could use the charge,” speaks soft, coughing up the haunt of fibers; energy sat low as the cretae sates itself upon them.
Hands clasp behind neck, leaning back upon the stone, Warren sighs. “Might as well.” Laughs, “I’d be fucked if we tried to climb over that knot, don’t know how much I’d be able to keep my shape in control and squeeze past it.” He heaves the bag over to his other side, picking himself carefully as alchemical moss clings to the stone beneath their feet. His shirt – damp – his pants – damp – his boots that allow his claws to place among the stone – water logged.
He meets the chimera shortly as they help the other remain stable in their strides, following the trickle of alchemically charged waters the flows through the streaks in the stone. Filtered energy, dispensed into the air as they finally escape the wisps of fibers; breathing pushed leveled, the sigh of their bodies made at ease as they slip into a quiet curve away from the mainstay of the maintenance shaft – his smile meets a kiss of teeth, claws curling against his back as the chimera’s stone-studded spine buffers them from the stone.
Just them; only them – breathing sighs.
“You’re hot,” Malaphin teases as Warren leans into the teeth that graze his throat, as claws dance along his spine as the air clings with alchemical charges. Bolstering – Warren complains with a rumbling sigh as he leans against the chimera’s palms.
“I know,” he buffers himself – annoyed – not as well verse as the chimera to take such a sudden energy surge. Restraint – he reminds himself as he moves to pull away, followed just the same by Malaphin as they step over the heave of support beams. Hearing the steam through draconic senses, he can smell it as the air sits heavy, begging his body to breath deep as the stain of cretae dust flickers from his body. His sight already adjusted; he barely keeps the fog from taking his sight.
The echoes of their motions continue as the space begins to open up – where the trickling water is forgotten as hands pull against pant bands – hands wandering against the belt as the broad cavern opens up before them, where a pooling pond sits gentle and dark with satiated waters.
“Malik,” breathes as a knee wedges itself between his legs, leaning against the chimera as claws pull at his jacket, pinning his arms at his side as kisses graze. His own drive around the belt that holds the chimera’s gear to their side, nudging removal as the leg is pressed between his own.
A chuckle, and kisses roam back to jaw, “go ahead and clean up,” whispers, “I’ll soak up, and we’ll take care of this heat of yours.”
“Right,” Warren grunts, taking a moment to scan for his bag.
As Malaphin retreats from the pin, watching as Warren tugs his shirt over his sweat matted head, they begin to unbuckle their pants. Leaning up against the stone outcrop, mutually undressing, their clothing is stacked atop the other as the bag and gear are set aside, secured into place a distance from the pool of water. Warren’s glow gives them the much-needed light to maneuver towards the sterile pond – the water drifting up to their knees as they step down into the daunting warmth.
Bowing down into a kneel, Warren clears himself of the clinging sweat, stroking the charged waters against his breathing vents, over his weary muscles; heaving a sigh, letting the weight lift from his tired muscles as his alchemical charge is brought back into balance. Stomach down, it pools beneath him as he goes silent, breathing in the stone scent stain as he can feel the chimera somewhere behind him, relaxing against the stone face just the same. “I’m back to level,” his breathing heaves as wet hands pull through his hair, pressing it backwards as the vents lining his ribs whisper.
“I’m going to lose form, just so you know,” Malaphin sighs as Warren moves to stand, compressing their distance as the chimera remains reclined – half buried in the warm waters, body separating as the water filters through their innards and soaked into the golden folds.
“That’s fine,” the ossisgari heaves as he straddles the chimera, too well aware of how his body has begun to split, seam separating bright as he sits above the chimera’s lap. “I don’t mind if we try something different,” sighs as teeth kiss beneath his throat, claws spreading upon his body as his own hands find themselves on the open grip of the chimera’s chest. “As long as we’re this close, we can initiate telepathy.”
Hot breath over throat vents make Warren shiver, shifting against the chimera’s body. “Okay,” breathes, body folds shifting in the waters between them. “Hold on, not sure how fast it’ll be.”
A snort, and Warren’s arms rest beneath the horns, around Malaphin’s neck. “Got it.”
It’s a grip remained firm only as the kiss of teeth move from neck to chest, where the ever so gentle force applies as the chimera’s body grows beneath him – lifting his legs from the water, easing him to retract his legs to fold over the enormous thighs as the alterations are held paused – halted as a lap of tendrils trace over exposed chest. He shivers as the large maw moves to spread his sensitive white, as claws hold around his ass and divides his thighs from shins as the large fingers hold him in place. It dawns a growl to rumble through the chimera as Warren squirms, breathing huffed as his sensitivities are granted with a sly press.
Hands cup beneath him – lifting him from lap to chest as he holds onto the rising horns, to the folds of amber that makes the chimera’s blunt-head as the teeth move over his stomach, down to his crotch. It’s an insatiable kiss that draws him to huff, as his white folds are meet with the lick of tendril tongues, spreading down as the coils reach back for fulfillment. His hips roll – pressing himself against the gentle warmth as his erection begins to press, as his sac begins to fill with his expressive coils. “Mal,” he whispers against the chimera’s face, arms bent to hold, fingers pressing as desire is met.
Beneath him – around him – the chimera rumbles. Loving that, aren’t you?
Warren smirks, eyes drifting open. “What’s not to,” he jokes, pressing himself against the tendril tongues held around his groinal seam. “Want to, try with your larger one, hun.” He sighs, looking back over the furred thighs that sit in the water still – how his own claws still drift in the waters.
Certain about that? The chimera kisses his inner thigh, supporting the ossisgari’s recline as the erection is left abandoned between them. You can’t even take this ones.
Warren shifts above, “Just the whole, size kink thing I think, want to bask in you while filling me up I guess.” He smiles, hand taking preoccupation with a twist of a tendril tongue.
A chuckle breathes through Malaphin, adjusting themselves to rest against the stone outcrop. Fair enough, and kisses Warren’s thigh.
And, in full, the chimera’s body begins to unravel from the general humanoid shape – body becoming undone beneath Warren as the folds of smooth skin result in chitin shells, where the gentle grip of strong hands are replaced with the grip of daunting claws that hold over his hips. As he sinks down, relaxed upon the folds of glowing satin flesh, the chimera’s form rests centipedal – the hollows of their body taking the water into the valley of their body, pushing water to cascade down the pathing as their tail follows suit. A large crown of horns meets Warren’s hand as he shifts against the warmth beneath him – the weight that heaves him to sit upright as the expressing muscle rests.
A tangle tendril coils around his hand, slicken as the chimera sighs through the hollow of their body - golden through and through. Come, Malaphin rumbles as their spindly limbs gestures Warren close, towards the plush of their flesh cradling warmth.
He leans into it - a hand searching through the tangles of prehensile flesh for the gloss of the chimera’s stone heart, pulsations strong beneath his hand. It draws a flutter through his chest as Malaphin’s heart beat meets his own, tempo echoing in total through his body as the feathering grip of the tendrils trace his legs. It’s where their thoughts meet in the moment, as Warren makes himself comfortable in the slick embrace pooling against him - around him as the tender touches direct his form to recline. Warren rests back against the crowd of tendrils, sinking into their grip as touches tingle across his back, over his spine to relieve a heavy sigh.
“Mal,” his voice whispers as his hands play amongst the ones above his head - pulled back behind his skull by the golden touches to where it eventually finds grip with the tendrils that line the chimera’s viscera. A solemn sigh breathes as his entire body sinks amongst them, touches tender as a form flexes beneath his thighs as he soaks into the intoxicating warmth that holds him close. Further more drawn to relieve tempered breath as the touches glide aside his sides, gently splitting between by tender tendrils.
Slowly, gently, he takes stock of the shape that has rose from the chimera’s form, claws tracing the immense shape that has begun to line the chimera’s lower hollows. Shins find them first, divided around the slick warmth as they grind the grown warmth. Far larger than his own legs - his feet trace the near-ends, feeling it flex as they knuckle against the slicken golden as the tendril touches reach between his legs - his tail directed aside.
He grinds - wanting.
“Hmm, fuck,” his voice catches into a snarl, sight dropping as it sits in a hazed fog - his eyes drawn with dark sclera and a tempering glow. Warren soaks into the chimera’s energy, drawing it into his own as the sensations draw him to keel in a tense frustration - grinding against the smaller grips tempering at his rear. “Be gentle,” heaves with a sigh, glancing down as his legs drift to dangle upon the enormous size presented below. Twin ends perk, twitching in the cavern dark.
Warren’s hesitation is belayed - too drawn with heat for second guesses.
I will, Malaphin bellows beneath.
Warren sinks into the tangle of flesh pressed at his back, against his thighs, cushioning him as the girth rises to arch towards his stomach. Eyes widen, stunned by the size, his breathing is eased to a huff as tendrils trace against his throat, against the vents lining his ribs as the chimera’s body so gently shifts position so the twinned ends rest at the glint of glowing white.
Well slicken with moisture and mucus, the ends curl downwards, to rest down between his thighs before there’s a pause. A beathed hesitation before it strokes broad and strong; guiding a shiver and beveled groan as he leans into the returning glide.
“Mal,” Warren whispers between his teeth, shifting against the touches that centers back between his legs, stroking him through-and-through as his member forms from his glowing slits. The golden continues the gentle laps as his body forms to his heating desire; the forked ends lying against his base as his erection mends into form, his sack lying heavy and saturated with the chimera’s lubricants. Touches below continue as the forked ends stroke his heating desire, tender and petting as hips lean. “Babe, please, more.”
Easy, Malaphin purrs against his spine, limbs holding Warren close as a tapered leg hitches around one of Warren’s thighs to keep the space. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your heat, Divi. A rumbling rolls from one to the other as the twinned ends continue to stroke, ends pressing the glans perked before grazing down against the heaving sack.
And back upwards, they continue to roll in complete, to guide hips to rock as the strength breathes anew; to guide him to ride around the insatiable grip as the temperate heat pulses through his veins - but only just so too close, they wane. His hips press at the grips grazing around his body as they come to rest at his hips, rocking against the touches that glide his grinds.
“Mal,” whispers, practically begging as cheeks run flushed.

Slowly, carefully, they continue.
Beginning at first to explore down his rifted sack, they resume stroking upwards between his thighs as the furled undersides touch tender against his skin. It leaves him soaked with the expressive slime that drips from the smooth ends, lubrication that traces back between his legs and around the base of his girth - touches he is unable to sate as his arms are still held fastened above his head. Upwards, around and stroking, the ends pet down around his erection before they trace around his balls, stroking downwards as Warren still stands firmly at attention in the cool cavern air.
A hump of flesh presses beneath his tail, divided as Malaphin shifts hips to gently rise, cradling Warren as tender attention presses against their lover’s rear. Don’t move too much, okay? Malaphin whispers, adjusting their grip, giving Warren back his hands even though they still hold tendrils firm. I’ll go slowly, one at a time… is that okay, love?
“Yeah,” Warren huffs, watching as once more the ends depart from his erection, stroking down around his balls and cradling his rear. “I do… want to try them both,” his breathing heaves, swallowing his anticipation, his desire to hold himself and finish off.
I don’t want you to get hurt if you squirm, Malaphin’s spindly hands hold over Warren’s hips, gentle in their hold as the ends flex between the ossisgari’s thighs.
Warren smiles, resting himself against the hold of the enormous, slicken, prehensile girth. “Just, get as much in me that I can comfortably fit. I’ll tell you.” He shifts, sight half-lid as he rocks against the touches, anticipation hung high as one begins to ring itself prominent, pressing his voice to hitch as it catches against him.
Okay, the chimera breathes, gentle as their hands press his hips down. Just relax for me… breathe.
A prelude - each stroke is granted with a steady exhale, daunting against the muscle hold as the pressure begins and groans are drawn to heave. The thrusts are questing, exploring as hips shifts wanton for the girth so yet not taken; slowly, easing, stroking against hole before gentle thrusts are made, tempering as each stroke brings groans as the other slides to the side, rubbing against the open groinal slit.
“Malik,” Warren quivers as he shivers, granting himself down towards the girths, breath drawn to hitch as the presence is drawn from him - replaced with the other as his feet knuckle against the plush flesh. “Fuck… more,” bubbles up through his throat, barely muffled as his heat breathes through the vents of his neck. He grinds down against them as they continue to alternate, gripping as they continue their exchange… stretching him. “Malik,” he shivers, eyes drawn tight, “please.” He quivers
Easy, Malaphin rumbles, hands pushing hair from Warren’s face before their hands dance along the ossisgari’s hips, pressing them to slow as their twinned erection holds them in place. The moments are made gentle, holding still, waiting for the trembling to settle before their strokes return.
Held firmly in place, Warren shivers, laid intoxicated with his own arousal warmth as the chimera rests inside him. Not even certain how much he’s been able to take, or how much more there is he may be able to fit.
His breath resigns as the pressure withdraws - it leaves him empty as his legs squirm.
Ends hold against his body, cradling him beneath his tense sack.
Ready to continue? Malaphin’s hands hold against his chest, tender as they remind him to relax into the cushioning at his back.
Staring down, sight glossed with alchemical heat; Warren nods.
And a shiver sighs deep through his throat as the pressure begins their return, a division made as the girth both press to him, alarming his nerves as the girths draft slime. Withdrawn, alternated, one presses itself into a return, welcomed into his body as his spine temples from the plush of flesh, gasping as the shape draws slender, slicken as he can feel it in his guts. But only for a moment does the sensation remain, retreating before the other does the same - stretching him all the same.
Hips held, arched towards the touches, Warren is pinned against the fold as the motions repeat - sizes grown as his mouth hangs agape and meeting with well open groans. Not yet overwhelmed, sensitive, his hips pivot around the warmth pervading into his body, gasping as the swells begin to hold himself from not yet swaming for more - their joint shape shared beneath. Gone ignored until it eventually presses against his body - both ends inside him to his non-expressive joy as sweat lingers from his skin.
At last, a hand pulls down to hold himself, fingers dividing over his stomach as the can feel them dance inside him, the sizes shifting in each alternating moment in gentle lingering moments.
Erection twitching, his blinded arousal draws him to grip himself tight as the chimera continues to hollow out his body through shapeshifts alone. Even as they hold his hips still, the thrusts pulsates through his body as the weight lies heavy against his rear, a temptation he does not yet indulge in. Not just yet; as his fingers dance around his aching erect white, wallowing into the indulgence as he squeezes the chimera tight as well as he can. Just barely he can keep the concentration, hand weak as his thighs tremble as the chimera continues their well-timed pumps. “Mal-!” he grips back on the chimera’s flesh behind his head, pushing down against the swarm storm into his body.
Arching, tender.
He presses against the swell placed at the fork of the intrusive thrusts.
Quivering, gripping firm as his sight blurs - struck with tears as his nerves burn with passionate desire, again welcoming the chimera into his body as hips buckle against the thrusting ends - tempered by the swell that rests against him. “Malik, please,” quivers.
And, he rocks, buckling as his slicken body begins to take the swollen shape beyond what’s already set inside him - a relieving groan levels as the thrusts pause inside him, as the chimera’s grip splay over his hips and the tendrils grip his skin. An unexpected take; Warren grins, taking the swell even as his muscles once held taut.
Not yet satisfied with the daunting desire that rolls through his body, internals brought to near ruin by the pair of girths held inside him, Warren relents. Aching, “Mal,” shivers as the chimera begins anew, thrusting into him entirely, “fill me -up, my sweet,” saliva drools.
As you wish, Divi, Malaphin purrs. Holding Warren firm.
The entirety of their member flexes, full body thrusts drawn to burrow through Warren’s body as he’s held against the chimera’s cushioned body. Dangerously firm as a precise deep thrust draws Warren to shiver a groan, breathing a depth as he comes across his stomach. A moment that is lost among the noise as Warren can’t help but to press himself against the returning warmth - ruined as Malaphin fills his stomach with sticking white pumps.
He does nothing except to rock among his exhaustion as it still presses inside his stomach, a swell of a finish that leaves the chimera breathing full body exhales beneath him. Moments lingered as the tendrils go soft and flicker, form flexing within the ossisgari to the choir of soft noises as their sensations are met.
But once it does eventually relent, withdrawn from the finaled thrusts, it drips down Warren’s thighs in an overflow onto the chimera’s glowing features. “Fuck,” is all he can muster, sweat stained as the muscles pop from his body at long last, left to squirm around the lingering sensation of being well burrowed as his legs squeeze around the phantom pressure.
"Fuck," he snorts, does it adores it. His head lies back with a sigh.
He can feel as Malaphin shifts beneath him, as the size falters to let him sit amongst the waters that distills his energy even as his nerves still blare. Leaning back, sighing, he rests as claws pull around his hips, as he finds place back between the chimera’s furry thighs – he pulls the chimera into a kiss, brimming with a smile. “I enjoyed that, love,” he whispers against the breath of teeth, flaccid and bare as the chimera’s body vents water through their torso.
A purr rumbles through the chimera, claws curling through hair before a thumb presses throat to exposed. “Good; think about that’s all that would safely fit.”
Warren’s tail flickers in the water, curling his thighs up against Malaphin’s side. Pressing another gratifying kiss. “Let’s stay here, for a while. No one will care how long we're here.”
A chuckle, the chimera shifts again to relieve themselves of the constant amber and copper features – returning the kiss with their own smile. “Agree.”