September 2024


Warframe [Sihroa Rok] - A less than tender rendezvous


Summary | Once a solo worker, now the owner of a private mobile dungeon, Juno extends an invitation to an old friend. While he has used it multiple time with himself, with clients, with the volt Lorren; T'viska is still a bit skeptical about the whole arrangement - sheepish.
Characters |  Juno the Excalibur Prime & T'viska the Loki Prime
Contents | BDSM, Dom/sub, Sex work, Sex tapes, Degradation kink, Impact play, Vaginal plug, Anal plug, Anal fingering, Anal gaping, Sounding, Fisting, Extreme penetration, Fucking machine
Length |22,160w (four sections + one post session)

Mild warning for degredation with the word 'cunt'


A simple ‘tak’ of the datapad is enough to announce his presence in the crowded bar; the loki keeps his hand upon it as he surveys the boisterous crowds bantering about the tables and the galley floor. A low-tech band plays loud among the horrendous acoustics as the beats blisters in his sensitive hearing - but his auditory receivers drowns out the distractive chatter of the other patrons as his ‘business partner’ comes across loud and clear through his neural net. An assurance of shared secrecy is all it takes to drop the act, sliding into a seat across from the ashen excalibur on his third glass of imported ostron wine.

“Any difficulties?” the ashen excalibur slides the pad across the table and tucks it into his palm as he continues to watch the roving patrons, giving the loki the barest glance.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” the cream and bronze loki breathes a sigh through their link - a hesitation palpable as he leans on a palm, his unoccupied playing with the jewelry on his sash. He too looks where the excalibur is watching; yet its only surveillance of a squat of chroma bucks.

Though the ashen excalibur leans over upon his elbow, his posture is animated as he looks to the loki half-cant. With a light externalized chuckle he offers a hand in jest, towards a can be brushes towards him. “Don’t be so nervous, T,” he rasps the table with his knuckles, “you want to tell me now, or later?

There’s a light twitch in the muscles upon the loki’s jowls, looking upon the excalibur’s offering. Datapad for a drink - it’s been shuffled away to be processed by a receiving cephalon. He pops the tab. “It’s all on the drive,” he insists, fiddling with his sleeve as he leans on the table, downing the light beverage with a glance towards the back entrance just a few steps away. How he got in, of course.

Again, the excalibur chuckles, leaning in as he draws bronze nails over the loki’s golden claws, along the ridges of gold against the loki’s scarred forearms hidden just beneath. “You can leave if you have any second thoughts, T. No hard feeling if you back out now.”

With an annoyed sigh the loki sits back, dodging the excalibur’s sincerity. “Who’s the data for? Have you been pulling strings to get your clients working cross faction?”

“Just enough ‘we’ can benefit,” the excalibur purrs, “its for one of my clients. I can dangle it over his head next time he comes around to ‘shop’ for parts. You wouldn’t believe how many of them have an interest in financial blackmail.”

“Spoken like a true saint,” T’viska tilts upon his seat as he watches the crew of rowdy chroma circling around the galley. “How long do you have?”

The ashen excalibur rests his chin, a smile cutting through the void key visage, “as long as you need me, T.” In the low light, the excalibur’s cuprous tone glints; from cranial horn to the curve of their forearm juts it cuts through the roaming shadows of the open galley, opposed to the loki’s covers as he reclines in totality, unashamed as the rest that roam around them. As the soft steps of the loki passes him to the door - the excalibur is dragged to his feet by the golden of T’viska’s claws.


“Where’s it at?”

“They won’t let me park it nearby,” the excalibur sighs as they make their way through the station’s port, stepping around crowds made as planetary merchants transport their wares one ship to another. Barters made in the various pubs and commons yet fully rectified; open air auctions of ship salvage, coordinates to promising wrecks of grineer or corpus make, squanders of illicit goods otherwise seized by controlled port authority if there was a profit to be made. “Where is yours?”

T’viska gestures to the sky, “keeping it in orbit.”

“On you for using a precious mantis,” the excalibur laughs, “how goes the sanctuary? What’s its name now?”

“Key sign is still the same,” T’viska steps around a lumbering moa modified to advertise the newest freighter derelicts, “handled off the helm to the Corpus refugee I told you about before; he handles it better than I ever could.” He smirks, “how about you, Juno? You’ve been sending a lot to Sihroa the last couple years. Expanding operations?”

Rattling through the datapad, Juno perks up as he reads over the loki’s hushed over request, claw tapping against wrist as they walk over the armistice boundary marked out by rope and tatters. “Could say that; I got others funneling washed money from what they make, Arri washes the rest along the route. You couldn’t imagine the encounters that get paid for now, used to have to dredge through for a few hundreds and sniff out if it wasn’t another scam I could get from just killing a couple grunts. Now I get corpus executives doing hired kidnappings on themselves for a post session debt-free life,” he cackles, “they leak a few classified secrets, and that’s enough to stamp off their death in the eyes of an eager replacement. Smack on the ass and they’re free to try and make something of themselves from scratch.”

T’viska glances to the excalibur as they walk through the scattered ruins beyond the outpost’s reach, “sounds scummy.”

“Course it is,” the excalibur smiles, “they know what and why they’re doing it. They just want to save their own necks.”

“And grineer?”

“Oh, they’re a lovely bunch. If you’re lucky to get repeat customers. Pay well enough, and willing to trade with more than credits or information. They don’t care to fix their busted machinary if they can just get sent another one. Trade it off for someone looking for intact scrap. No one is known the wiser.” The excalibur gestures to the port they just left, “come here too often, they get suspicious.”

“Fair,” T’viska sighs, “this ship of yours,” he seems to hesitate as he stops, searching for words as they walk up worn clay steps.

“It’s everything and more,” Juno whispers as he passes, looking back from the eave of the steps. “I’ll show you when we get there - has Lorren told you anything?”

“No,” he tries to piece through if the young volt told him anything in specific, “just that he enjoyed his time with you.”

Turning back, Juno continues, “was originally a merchant vessel, Corpus, got it off a chief captain. Can’t remember her name, but she wanted me to have it after I blasted into her over a long session. Voice modifier and everything,” he shrugs, “it was her choice instead of creds. Didn’t want to risk her at risk debt or something of the matter. But you’ll see,” looking to T’viska, churns a grin, “she also got recordings.”

The mildest hint of a cool blue blush draws over the loki’s face as he matches the excalibur’s pace. “Do you. Still have them?”

“No,” Juno crawls his claws up the loki’s spine as they stop, letting it linger at his neck in the ruin’s shadow. “I only do single copies - they stay with the client. It’s up to them what happens next.” His hand rests on the loki’s neck, pushing gently to pressure against a wall. “I already went over those requests, T’viska. Is there anything else you would want added to the list?”

Although the loki’s features speak less of a face, it still makes out the warmth brought to the scarred spy’s forward cranium, the haughty tension of forced breaths as he looks up the ashen excalibur. “Yes,” his voice is almost small, “how many-”

“Observers? Arri’s my cephalon and assistant - they can record, stream, broadcast. No limit, as many and as long is not a quantified question, T’viska. Arri is not just a normal ship cephalon; and that chief captain did more than ‘wash’ the ship of being a corpus asset. So ‘I’ don’t have to worry about fussing with cameras while I work.”

T’viska’s leg twitches. “How are they transported?”

“Do you want them encrypted? Within an aya star?”

“I’m... not sure,” the loki whispers, arching as the excalibur’s hand roams over his clothing that makes him feel as the fabric is drawn into a fist, pulled as the excalibur’s leg is between his own.

“Then lets go over,” Juno whispers, “arms and legs in bondage, you want to feel helpless, is that correct?”

T’viska nods.

“Minimal vaginal penetration - all anal?”

T’viska nods, the blush grown larger as the excalibur grinds his knee at his crotch.

“Some oral, do you want my dicks in your mouth, old man?

“Maybe,” T’viska breathes, “I’m not sure how everything will fit together.”

“I got some ideas,” the excalibur chuckles. “Sounding and fisting; little bit of the first, more of the second. Have you been stretching them?”

“A little,” the loki breathes as the excalibur steps away. “I try not to get, caught up in doing too much practice.”

“You should!” Juno chuckles, grabbing the loki’s face again, “as for degradation, and punishment. How much are you thinking?”

“More on the verbal,” T’viska lets the excalibur turn his head to the side, “I like the green-yellow-red system.”

Juno pats T’viska’s cheek as he proceeds towards where he parked the planetside cargo ship, “we’ll work on the safeword once we get there, T.”


Externally, the corpus vessel looks no more different than any other localized cargo ship. Its metal shielding has long been grayed out by atmospheric entry, the numerals painted over and over along the upper shielding to replace the prior paint that has begun to melt away. As little difference as it is at a glance, hidden beneath the unremarkable visage of a long perused ship made to hull resource from mining sites to processing plants, the legs have been reinforced at their junctions, focus enhanced as the boots hug the terrain of the abandoned courtyard. Its shadowed by the martian ruins as the pair works their way down from the remnants of old shelling, nondescript as it has been hushed beneath old machinery save for the lights as the excalibur approaches. Acknowledgment as the forward door partitions open, overt as the side cargo doors remained sealed.

“Come,” the excalibur gestures to the forward door, standing aside to let the loki step aboard.

Internally, at least at first glance, the cabin section looks typical. At least in the usual modifications made to preform it’s manufactured duties as a temporary home. Enough space for a squadron to move around and sit, an arsenal station, the forward cabin clear for two people to monitor the routes; and the small things stood out. The expensive looking lockbox made of intimately patterned wood; the fabrics that decorate the small shrine to the void, hand embroidered on close inspection; the open storage of jewelry coveting rare minerals that Juno closes on his way in behind him.

T’viska pulls open his outer puff sleeve jacket, out from beneath the wide sash around his center. “Cold in here,” he watches as Juno checks on the cephalon’s station in the forward cabin. He lets it drape over his shoulders as he looks around the smaller space, towards the bulkhead painted over in orokin scripture. Of what he’s not exactly sure.

“It’s unlocked,” he calls down, “you can set everything on the table on the right side, I’ll be down in a minute.”

Golden claws tracing at the door, the bulkhead door slides open to either side of the entry way, letting T’viska view the mobile dungeon for the first time.

Across the ceiling, anchors have been set into place in neat rows stern to aft; to one side technical fixings hang in categorized bundles as nearby other gear is carefully stored large to small; along the walk he can make out the various machinery that has been modified for their specific usage out of alignment with their manufactured implement. Along the walls he can make out the pylons of nullification enigmas, tethered to the forward hull as he wanders to the right side to rid himself of his clothes.

Pulling the long sleeve shirt carefully over his halo and horns, Juno reappears in the doorway.

“Like what you see?” The excalibur teases.

“Which thing?” T’viska sighs as he pulls the sleeves down his scarred forearms, “you got nullifiers set up?”

“Can’t be too careful,” Juno walks to the other side of the space around the technical gear, picking out from along the many. “I loan it out sometimes, and they can get a bit rowdy. It’s expensive to repair a custom corpus ship like this.”

“Can’t you just go anywhere?” T’viska leans against the table as he carefully folds his jacket, watching as the excalibur picks out a few pairs of purple shibari rope carefully wound into a hank.

“Nah; I’m just picky,” Juno shrugs, laying out the ropes with two folded pieces of bulky fabric and leaning a metal spreader bar against the edge. “Arri’s still warming up,” he pats the folded bulky fabric, “got these just for you.”

“Thanks,” T’viska begins to unwrap the sash around his center, looking over as the excalibur has moved to another section of what he assumes to be the storage area, as the rest of the space is sparse except for the heavy machinary strapped against the surrounding walls. He does not see what items the excalibur has chosen out from him as he begins to pull off his pants, back turned as he hears Juno fusing about in the storage units. As he works on removing the coverings around his paws and heels, Juno wheels the table over to where he stands.

At first nonchalant, T’viska’s hands stop where they are against his feet, leaning against the table behind him as Juno proudly displays the toys chosen out for him on maroon velvet.

The fabric the excalibur was mentioning are large jacket sleeves with the ends meeting enclosed, ending with a pair of rings that join to the heavy latch at the end, the top housing a single thick strap to hold around one’s biceps. Besides the shibari ropes and the spreader bar is a chest harness folded over upon itself and three lengths of chain. The toys of choice? Small sounds, a row of anal and vaginal plugs, two different shapes of anal beads, a metal device made of a ring and four extendable prongs, and a range of at least twelve different dildos of various shapes and sizes. He looks over them in silence; in possible anticipation as his hand slowly drifts from his heel.

“Go ahead,” Juno seems to smirk, “we can start with a sound and one of the anal plugs, get you all warmed up first.”

T’viska carefully picks himself out of his final attire, “all of them?”

“No,” Juno clicks in a mocking disappointment, “dirty old man, one of each, maybe two of the plugs to get you warmed up, and up to four of the dildos. If you want to get fisted, you’re going to need to fit some girth into that old war body of yours.”

T’viska almost seems crossed for a moment. Disappointment? Even he’s not sure as he finishes up riding himself of his human clothing, the last thing separating his lingering dysphoria of his lost humanity. “What’s that metal device for?”

Juno holds it up in one hand with a smirk, inserts index and middle through the center, and splits them against the ring. “It holds you open.”

Stood bare and nude, T’viska makes one last check over himself that he’s rid himself of everything. “That seems... unpleasant?” Even he can’t hide his interest as he watches it return to the velvet surface.

“We’ll see,” Juno snorts, “go ahead, choose.”

And the excalibur waits with a smile as the loki stands there, as bare as he is without shame as he watches the loki’s claws roam over the items on offer. He goes over each of the items in detail, how they’re to be used, which they’ll go through first, until T’viska is satisfied with his selections moved over to another surface barren of any flattery the excalibur was presenting. Bare metal reflects the toys as they’re each laid down; Juno insists the selection process takes place before foreplay, it wouldn’t risk the loki getting... ‘overzealous with his ambitions’ in his own words.

Pulling the bondage sleeves onto the loki’s arms, he lets himself press his legs between the other warframe’s thighs, teasing against the bud of his sex as he pulls the strap tight. “Would you be open to let me improvise as we go?”

“Go ahead,” the loki breathes as his arms are forced to stay at his front, sleeves strapped tight over the bulk of his biceps as his hands are surrounded by soft padding. Cushioning his scarred forearms as he feels the excalibur’s hands run across his body, taking him in as he’s examined, legs spreading as they’re heeded as the weight of shackles begin to hang around his ankles. His head remains held high as he feels the excalibur’s palm rise up between his legs, looking the distance and away as the vents along his ribs breath long with anticipation. He feels himself open to Juno’s touches, his soft glow barely a whisper against the walls as his body is nudged and stroked in his nethers.

A sigh breathes low as a finger bows itself through the flourish of his glowing cyan, running along the flourish that connects through his glowing valley. A play that makes the excalibur chuckle, teasing as the growing wet is given more by the spread of lubricant. Even more as the wandering palm crawls up through his easing valley, between his legs along the seam of his anatomy to a peak of cyan. Lubricated fingers poke gently as the excalibur’s other palm roams around his stomach, over his chest, against his throat as they meet steely skin to steely skin. “Haven’t heard you get so silent, T’viska,” the excalibur breathes, working a finger into the loki’s ass, feeling the breath caught in the loki’s throat.

“Green,” T’viska breathes, “proceed.”

“You want me to be gentle?”

“No.” T’viska doesn’t glance back, resting himself against the hand at his rear. Jumping slightly as it meets his ass with a light smack.

“Light caning, soft whipping?”

“Yes,” T’viska swallows, feeling the moisture of the lubricant running between his legs.

“Got it,” Juno pats T’viska’s thigh. “I do need to finish staging everything else,” and softly turns T’viska’s head towards the center of the room, “walk,” he whispers, “and stand there for a minute.”

T’viska obediently complies - letting himself ease down to stand on his hocks as he listens to Juno behind him.

From behind his arms are lifted up, following a looping chain that is hooked into the ceiling as his arms languish on the ends, held up so his wrists rest above his crown. He doesn’t move more than to follow the excalibur’s hands as the spreader bar is put into position, keeping his legs a little more than shoulder width and opens him up to the cool cabin air. It tingles against his lubricated shaft as it uncurls from his loins, the furls following the slow engorging arch as he feels Juno’s hands upon him again - and as he is beckoned to shuffle backwards.

Again T’viska complies, hearing the click of another chain hook snap into place.

Looking down, the spreader bar has been locked to its position on the floor, his body slightly bent forward to meet where his arms pray towards the ceiling.

Behind him a finger is at his hole again, spreading more lubricant as he can hear the excalibur whispering to him. Beckons to open up, to relax, to back up a little more as a single finger turns to two, to three as it pets against the shy ring of muscle. T’viska lets his head bow, feeling his body perk up beneath him as he submits to the excalibur’s pleasant fingers.

And a pressure is his reward as a silicone plug replaces them, the anchor securing itself between the soft cheeks of his ass.

“Now the front,” Juno chuckles, “one down, one to go you naughty old man.”

T’viska huffs as he looks down to the excalibur kneeling beneath him. To the hand gently grasping his soft erection and the flourish of glowing cyan that runs along the sides and towards the base of his opened lips. It squeezes a sigh out of him, a murmur of a word as a small implement is ran along the slicken underside of his girth.

“Breathe,” Juno ushers.

And T’viska gasps as the slim silicone presses against the narrow hole. Toes curl as beneath him Juno coos, working him through the motion as slowly, gradually he takes it down to the base. Pressed into place as each flex of his member does not dislodge it as he stares down to the echo of his loins. A new found filling that draws him to sigh as his muscles twitch, making the feeling bounce as he does not listen to the excalibur moving around him, face flushed warm as he feels the pressure differentiate in his groin.

A tap to his growing erection draws his attention.

“Small thing, isn’t it?” Juno whispers, “pathetic little thing, no wonder you have no interest in doing the penetration.” The dark wooden cane props up his small growing erection, teasingly bouncing it as the loki breathes. “Let’s get it up first, then we’ll work on getting you all roped up hm?” The cane runs beneath his divided shaft as he seems to perch on it, feeling as it pushes against the anchor of the anal plug. Though he can see the loki following the motions, he still gives a haughty little smack against his inner thigh.

T’viska only lets himself breathe as the wood rasps against his inner thigh, feeling himself tighten around the silicone as his muscles react to the teases as they run further down. Bobs that weight down his soft cyan member as its drawn up against the length of wood, dropping reactive clenches drawing him around the sound as he snorts his breath. His sight lapses closed as his arms hang against his horns, hips drawn forward as the touch of wood leaves him.

When the touches return, its larger, smoother now as he follows the touches.

Hips jumping as it begins to vibrate between his lips.

Gasping, he stares down at the vibrator pushed against the base of his erection, between his folds and rolling against his warm clench of cyan.

“Enjoy that, don’t you?” Juno purrs, watching as T’viska tries to twist in his binds, amping up the vibrations as it rolls beneath the loki’s tender erection. “How much longer do you think you can hold back, T? 15 minutes. An hour?” He chuckles as T’viska’s hips jump again as the silicone head of the vibrator caresses the underside of his glans. Cradled by the individual furls of the loki’s soft ridges as he runs it back downwards against the slight bulge of the silicone sound. “So pent up,” breathes as the vibrator lingers between the loki’s lips, watching the slightest shift in the other warframe’s hips as he tries to keep it in place. “You want it to stay, don’t you old man?”

T’viska huffs above him. “Yes,” he whispers, leaning in as the vibrator runs back beneath his erection, gasping as the head rumbles upon the penetrating sound. Vents gasping along his ribs as its pushed further, to rub against the slicken sound as the sensation shoots down through his urethra. “Fuck,” he gasps, startled.

“More of that, toy? Pity you’re so quiet,” the excalibur charms, purring so very close as his other hand cups the loki’s chin. Turning it upwards as the vibrator presses the erection downwards, “do you want it to stay while I get you all ready to play with that tight hole of yours?”

“Hmn,” T’viska grunts, legs bowing as the vibration is taken away from him, body left to grasp on the cool air as he keeps himself bowed, attention downwards as he hears tape yank. He turns himself away as the vibrator is taped against his thigh, touching enough to make him yearn, to wiggle as the silicone head brushes against his cyan folds, far from where he would like it as he grunts. Rough hands run along his outer thighs as the vibrator hums beneath him ever so gently, both crossing to press at his soft stomach as he breathes - and it crunches inwards as the gentle strum pulses fast for a but a moment.

“Now,” Juno rumbles beneath him, pushing against his stomach with one hand, “that sound is too small,” he curls, giving the loki not a chance to react as the slender sound as it pops from his ache. T’viska hisses as he’s left open in his aching hole, drawn back towards the vibrations pulsing against his furled labia, the pressure still awaiting in his slicken hole, pulling against his restraints as he can feel the excalibur nudge another toy against the small entrance. Slightly bigger is all he can tell as Juno hums to him, beckoning him to relax as the diameter stretches into T’viska’s glans.

For each moment shifted he’s brought between the stretch, the vibration, the pressure; bounced between them as the excalibur’s hands seize him still. Millimeter by millimeter he can feel himself stretch around the intrusion in his furling shaft as it screws itself into place towards his mound of cyan. It aches as the excalibur finally frees him, twitching as the vibrator strums its heightened setting between his soaking lips.

“That’s more like it,” Juno sneers, picking him up beneath his chin, lifting him to stand. “Good toy; now stay there while I get you ready to be my greedy anal whore.”

“Yes sir,” T’viska breathes.

Juno perks up for a second, enclosing himself from going any further. He rasps the cane against T’viska’s plugged erection, “don’t get too excited little stag. For that’s all that little pathetic cock is going to get.”

T’viska relieves an acknowledging sigh as he rest within his restraints. Riding along the sensations as he listens to Juno moving around him, letting his body yearn around the taunting coveting his groin front to back. Arches of his erection bounces in the cool cabin air as he can feel his urethra bulge against the furls played by the vibrator; how his body drools from within his glowing cyan and cascades down his thigh; how the taunting in his ass is not yet forgotten as the heightened rumbles make his pelvic floor clench. When he finally finds the sense to look up to check on what the excalibur is doing - his own body greets him.

Views from upwards and below; focused on his back, on his arms, on his spread legs where the vibrator has made its place taped to his thigh. It surrounds him as straight ahead his own plugged asshole greets him. Below that, his glowing body as it eagerly responds to the vibrations; his aching erection the spot of two or three more. A flooding in his vision he takes a second to properly recognize as transparent screens, cradled by a system of mobile monitoring equipment wheeled over from one side of the room. Relentless, enamored, he watches as his body clenches as the vibrator strums against his aching body again.

“Arri will handle the camera work,” Juno calls to him, his hand gripping the loki’s ass as he comes up around the side. “I hope you enjoy looking at yourself like this; it’ll let you see everything a mirror wouldn’t.” And smacks the loki’s ass, spreading it for the camera as the plug lets his muscles peak for the cephalon’s observers. “Now, with that set up,” his hand travels down and removes the vibrator, “look how wet you are already! Too bad that hole isn’t going to get much used today, little stag.” The excalibur’s ashen fingers pry between his cyan lips, spreading his obscured vaginal canal for the camera positioned below. “Hard to believe I could fit both of me in that gaping hole of yours.” And he gives the loki’s crotch a light smack from behind, making T’viska jump as his erection bounces, the silicone sound felt against his pelvis as he huffs.

“Like that?” Juno chuckles, giving another hearty smack upon the slicken lips, stroking them before rolling back around the plug. His other goes for the loki’s crown, pulling it back to which he submits. “Stay still; we can get to filling those greedy fuck holes of yours once I have you all roped up.”


Thin ropes embrace around the loki’s crown.

An anchor chain hangs from the rope’s hoop as it lies against his nape, his head resting against his cushioned arms as he holds a foot up for the excalibur, feeling as the rope tightens around his heel. From one side to another the purple ropes hug tightly against his sword steel skin, binding him no more in them than the spreader bars already keep his body exposed. It hangs snug against his pelvis as the ropes crossed against his spine linger in their own steel hoop. Ones to eventually connect to the ceiling he figures as the pressure within his front and back has more or less settled as he waited out the excalibur’s rope work.

“There,” Juno announces as he lets the loki balance himself, “now we can get on with the show.”

Taking the cane again he taps it against the loki’s spread legs, beckoning them to shift their positions for the observers, to return to center as it pushes against the strong ropes bound around the loki’s thighs. One loop settles itself just beneath the crest of his ass, another halfway down to force the loki’s legs to stand straight. Downwards from hips to soft paws and the golden heels the wooden cane tests against the binds, watching the loki trying his best to straighten his spine as he’s moved to stand back - presenting his plugged ass to the observer Juno steps around.

The end pushes against the plug’s anchor, wiggling it inside T’viska’s ass. “You’ve taken it well, toy.” And the cane moves downwards, riding along the valley between the loki’s holes. “This one still, look at how much you’re body is drooling,” and prods the end of the cane between the warm lips, making him sigh as he rides along the smooth wood.

He yelps as it smacks him, hips grinding for a moment as he gasps, tender felt as the wood pokes into his unattended hole, putting pressure against the plug stuck in his ass. Grunting as he feels his body ride from the position of his spine, arms pulled forward as his pelvis tries to grip around the intrusion.

“Look at that soaking wet cunt of yours,” Juno tsk in a hushed tone, letting the cane prod around the loki’s canal before its replaced by his rough battle worn fingers. “Look at you, toy; look at how well you’ve taken one, two,” and with a little pressure a third divides the loki’s folds, “three. Oh, I know you can take more. You’ll need to stretch that greedy pelvis of yours if those toys are ever going to fit.” One to three, the fingers thrust as Juno steps to the side, letting the observers alter themselves to zoom on the spread of cyan flesh, watching vaginally soaked fingers pry more of the loki’s breath.

T’viska bows himself as Juno plays within his canal, resting his head upon his arms, head adverted from the view presenting the work upon his pelvis. Flushed embarrassment kneads the fabric upon his crown of horns, closing himself off at the front as he begs himself into the excalibur’s palm.

Behind him, Juno removes his fingers, and smacks his ass hard. “Look, toy!” He grips T’viska’s ass, spreading his cheeks for the cephalon’s observers, “look at your hungry cunt trying to grip around the plug,” and for emphasis, yields against the plug in his ass, pulling gentle enough to get the loki to grip. “I could fit three into that hot hole of yours, think I could fit four? Would you like me to fit four in that warm cunt of yours?”

Another smack to the ass, shooting up T’viska’s spine as he gasps, “yes!”

“What do you want me to do, toy?”

“I...” T’viska shivers, feeling the fingers tracing around his folds, spreading along his inner thigh as the plug still hangs in his ass. “I want your fingers in me.”

“How many, toy?”

“Four,” T’viska gasps; grunting as he can feel each of them insert themselves into his aching hole. Squishes of his natural lubricant and the excalibur’s spread makes him shiver; feeling his body stretch around to take each of the intruding fingers, feeling as they gradually begin to easily slip themselves past his cyan and into his canal. “Hmph,” he grunts as the excalibur’s thumb presses against the valley between his mound and his ass; though a partitioned sight he can see the excalibur trying to fit the crest of his palm.

And he gasps as the hand retreats, leaving him gaping, gasping as the wetness between his thighs is spread by Juno’s careless hand. Off on display he can see his thighs shivering, past the bondage of his arms he can see the hints of his eager hole as he still tries to cover his face. Behind him, he can feel pressure push against the plug in his ass - notching as the weight is pulled against the ring of muscle.

And it pops free - only to be easily pushed in as his loins grip.

Another smack to his ass. “Look, toy,” Juno caresses his fingers along the plug, pulling the loki’s built in halo to look to the observers floating around him. “See how it tries to grip around the plug?” Again the plug is taunted, yielded, pulled out his ass with a pop before it pushes back into full - his entire pelvis tries to grip it, hung around a phantom penetration felt in three holes. “Looking to be milked, little stag? That pathetic little cock of yours is trying so hard with that plug, and that drooling cunt of yours look so lonely without something to grip on. I think I’ll plug it up, let you sit on it as we work that hole of yours to give to something bigger.”

T’viska whines as the plug is taunted again, almost pulled from him before Juno relents.

And just as quickly, the excalibur is back to him again, this time with an arrow shaped plug without an anchor, and a roll of tape.

One hand hooking itself onto the plug in the loki’s ass, Juno keeps T’viska in position as the arrow shaped plug prods between his lips. Though the loki tries to wiggle into it, gasping as the plug in his ass pulls against the ring, he gives in as the plug is pushed into his cunt, shivering as his folds are brought together and as strong tapes force it into place. “There,” Juno smiles, “that’ll teach that jealous cunt of yours, gagged and drooling as we play with that eager fuck hole of yours,” he pushes against the anal plug’s anchor, teasing again with the loki’s ass as T’viska groans.

“Look at you,” the excalibur purrs, spreading his ass to the observer, to the loki’s embarrassed gaze, “we can’t let that hole of yours get too shy,” and gives it a brief smack, “lets tape it open; lets get a good look at the ass of yours.”

Out of the corner of his sight, T’viska lets himself peek through the binds of his arms as he feels his ass being played with, as the tape spreads his cheeks wider than he could by just standing himself exposed. The sensations pushing within his lower gut draws him into the brief of shivers, shifting around the trio of intrusions sitting within his loins. Stuffed in his cock, his cunt, his ass as he can hear the excalibur stepping away, to retrieve something as he looks upon his granted body.

While the black tape dilutes against the deep browns of his ass and thighs, it breaks up the shimmering glow of the traversal between the head of his engorged cock and the seal of his folds. Within he can feel the tip of the arrow shaped silicone pressing against his withered organs, internally kneading against the silicone sound eased into his bladder as the weight of the plug hangs heavy over the intrusions. His nub of a tail and the metal plates along his spine glows in the magenta lights; erotic and exotic as he can’t help but watch his body move to the sensations held inside him.

In the background, he hears as music begins to play. A low droning tone, thumps lingering slow as he hears Juno before he sees him, watching as sticky pads are placed along his inner thighs and on either side of his ass.

“Still good?” Juno checks, taking the loki’s head in hand.

T’viska nods, “still green. What did you get?”

Juno holds up a controller, “electric stim, lets see that pelvis suck.”

Starting low and slow, T’viska sighs as he can feel the muscles of his lower torso follow the flow - desire clenches drawn by the dance of electricity. A dance he can feel, but not control as the two intrusions further back seem to thrust into him without external pressure - left to linger as Juno holds his chin forward, and clips the hoop on the back of his head into the ring of his arm bondage. Forcing him to watch as his body seems to suckle upon the plugs as he sighs.

“You will watch, toy,” Juno curls, smacking T’viska’s inner thighs with the cane. “You will watch how your body suck and make those plugs thrust, fucking your ass and cunt,” the smack diverts to the other side, watching the loki’s mouth twitch in a nearby monitor, drooling as he rides the pulses. “Look how greedy it is, wanting it all for yourself - look how much you’ve already soaked that tape over your plugged cunt.” The cane taps where the end of the vaginal plug might present itself, a shadow in the neon lights as the excalibur increases the voltage, drawing T’viska to gasp as his legs seem to seize upon themselves - stiffened before Juno makes them relax. “If you’re a good stag, I won’t have to use this much. Just stay still - don’t move until I tell you so.”

“Yes boss,” T’viska sighs.

“Louder, toy!”

“Yes boss!” T’viska breathes, feeling as some of the electrodes are moved down his thighs, standing himself straightened back towards the observers as his head is craned beneath his useless arms.

“Now then,” Juno moves the rolling table around, presenting the next pair to T’viska under the purview of one of the observers. It flashes to the center under the cephalon’s direction, showing the loki what next will press at his hole. “This one,” he breathes, letting the thick beads roll over his opened palm, “I want you to wet it first with that shameful mouth of yours, drool around it as I,” he moves to the next - a longer plug, the anchor a thick T - “stretch that adorable blue butthole of yours.”

Head held in place, coveted between his arms, T’viska licks saliva from his chin.

Juno steps between him and the transparent monitors - his dual erections glow in the shadows, directing the loki’s attention to the dark silicone orbs. “Open, toy. Don’t drop them.”

And T’viska complies - his mouth parts splitting his features as his dark tongue embraces the first of the orbs, made to suckle upon it as Juno presses his mouth closed, made to hold there as he looks up to the ashen excalibur between his bowing limbs. The first moves to the fourth, sanctioned in the center as the folded side portions of his mouth grips around the silicone neck between the heavy balls. They hang from his mouth as the excalibur moves behind, spreading his ass over the lubricant slicken tape and the head of the smaller plug.

Shivering, T’viska whines as the plug is removed from him, left to roam to the cool air as the prior is discarded, silicone hushing against metal before cool lubricant spreads over his ass once more. Preparing him as a finger ventures into him, another checking his stretch with a wet pop. “Move back, toy,” Juno demands; and T’viska complies. Wider than the prior, the throat of the toy takes a moment to breach his ring of muscles, making him hum as the weight presses against the plug in his cunt, body clenching for the attention as fingers pet around his softened hole, caressing him as it sits within his ass. “There we go,” the excalibur purrs, teasing against the anchor, pulling against the tight ring of muscles, “heavy. Isn’t it? It’s pressing more on that plug in your cunt, tightening that pelvic floor of yours until you can’t take anymore.”

Fingers divide over the plug, pulling it, pushing it as T’viska breathes around the anal beads held between his teeth, hearing as the loki’s body ‘pops’ around the swell before the anchor. And pushes it back in, denying the belied resistance as he gives T’viska a show through the remote observers, listening as the loki groans around the beads as he pushes and pulls the plug through the cyan ring.

“It’s only been a few minutes, and already you’ve so hungrily sucked it in,” Juno rubs the tender ring, “those greedy little noises, suckling upon it as I hold it halfway in that tight hole,” teases, rolling the 15cm plug along his wall, teasing as the soft hole tightens as it tries to tug the silicone back into rest. And pushes it to home, hearing the loki’s startled noise as he pulls on the chains, rattling them as his body shivers. “Close, aren’t you? Already? I thought you had more in you than that, how disappointing.” Juno cooes as he lets his other hand roam the loki’s chest, following down the exhale of rib vents, over the scarred torso, down over the soft and plump belly and to the heavy mound failing to weigh over his eager erection.

T’viska shivers as the ashen excalibur fists around his erection, palm pressed against base, holding him front and back.

“Oh how I’d enjoy to let this last,” Juno swoons, “but I want to hear you, my greedy old fuck toy.”

And in one quick motion Juno pulls the plug, and pushes it back as he tightens his grip.

T’viska bows against it, aching as his hips quiver, trying his best to arch into the fist and the silicone punishing against his ass. The grip is firm - pinning him as he tries to lean against the excalibur - made to stand in position as the spreader bar beneath him is stood against the floor. Behind him he can feel the silicone popping against his muscles, penetrating, taunting, tugging his ass to let go as the fist around his cock never moves, held firm as he can do not more than writhe as the excalibur plays with his pelvis.

That is, until the silicone sound is pushed from him.

Gasping, dropping the anal beads he held so desperately in his mouth, his body clenches around the intrusions still there, around the anal plug pushed back into his ass as he soils the ground with a mix of spent. Clear and white messes along the floor beneath him, puddling around the dropped beads as he buckles against Juno’s palm. Begging, pleading; T’viska’s legs twitch, cursing the void as his body rolls through the contraction phase, lingering in the lull as the pressure within his body still remains.

Juno’s hands leave him, letting him wandering in the afterglow.

“You dropped the beads,” Juno’s voice is poignant.

“Sorry, boss,” T’viska grunts, half-hearted as he wanders through the lingering sensations in his loins.

Still, his body lurches as his legs suddenly stiffen, forcing him to his toes as his legs are shocked straight. It lifts him as Juno exchanges a reach for the cane for the reach of a short whip, stuffed ass presented to the observer he’s forced to watch as the leather strokes on either side of his tender hole. Silence lingering as he can only make out his own breaths, the steps of the excalibur wandering around him as the short whip dances along his extending thighs. “I told you not to drop them,” as the whip traces along the inner graces of his thighs, over the tape over his cunt, along the side of the plug stuffed in his ass.

The weight of the whip paws against his ass, testing his reaction, that he’s unable to move as only is ass is able to draw back.

T’viska shivers, watching his cock twitch within the camera. “Green.”

He does cry out - more of a moan as the leather whip gives his ass a swift tap. And again as its met on the other side and over the taped plug as he writhes. Though his upper body shifts, his legs remain stiffened, tenderized as the electricity ran down his muscles are made slightly weaker, almost freeing him as his ass lightly stings. Groaning, wandering to the sensation ran across his thighs as the whip paws against his skin, crawling forward to tap against his lingering erection. Letting him wait as Juno retrieved the ejected sound and drop it among the small plug out of reach.

“How disappointing,” the excalibur rolls as a thumb presses against the loki’s chin, forcing his mouth open. “Now, you must clean it, cornflower. It’s covered with that pathetic seed of yours, but don’t you need it for later? When you’re all battered and lazy from getting stuffed up inside.” And parks the first on the loki’s tongue, piecing the second towards - for T’viska to suck as his tongue guides the way towards his throat. “Don’t drop them again, cornflower, or I’ll make you wait much, much longer.”

T’viska nods as the second lies upon his tongue, the first pushing past the base of his tongue - his body tries to reject it, forcing it from his throat as the heavy silicone crosses as the third moves to his tongue, pushing the rest further as he leans into taking the fourth into his mouth - whimpering as it parks itself behind his teeth as Juno pushes on his chin, drooling around the cum soaked beads as the heaviest drums against his chin, lingering towards his throat as fists against his binds.

“You were doing so well, my cornflower stag,” Juno sighs; giving T’viska’s ass another swift tap, fingers piecing at the tape made slick by lube. “But since they won’t move now, stuffed in that disrespectful mouth of yours, maybe I can get more sounds out of that precious ass of yours.” And smacks the loki’s ass before picking off another piece of tape. “Maybe you’ll be more vocal now, maybe you’ll listen to me when I say stay,” and drops the voltage of the electric stimulant, watching the loki’s legs shift as he regains the control of his muscles. “At least for now, until I tie you up and make you gape.”

“Mhmn,” T’viska whimpers around the anal beads, drooling as he can only watch as his ass is played with once again, as his whipped cheeks hold a slight blue-ish tint from his contained energy. Light bruises his body might otherwise already tended to, but under the weight of the nullifying field, its held hostage inside his veins.

Fingers attend to him again - four dividing around the plug pushed inside him - and pulls it past the anchor’s base.

A hand grips around the ring holding his head and arms in place, pulling the chains to sing as the plug is pushed back to base.

Tender thrusts that soften his taunted hole, popping the width of the anal plug through the outer ring over and over as he chokes and groans around the beads rolling against his chin. “Look at how well you fit around it now, cornflower,” Juno purrs behind him, pulling the plug out complete, letting T’viska’s gape linger in the observer’s view before shoving it back in the stretched ring. “Beautiful, look at that stretch, toy; feel that brushing against the plug in your cunt? Rubbing deeply inside you as I thrust it in that fuck hole of yours? We can go bigger. do you want me to try?”

“Mhmhm,” drools.

Seizing the ring to the loki’s upper body, the excalibur divides fingers over the plug - popping it out one more time.

T’viska whines as three easily slide their way into his stretched hole, spread easily to take a fourth, fingers hooking as the excalibur purrs and pulls his back to arch.

“What a good hole you have there, stag,” almost making T’viska stand on his toes as his hand inside pulls upwards, taking grip as the loki groans around the beads. “It’s a good start, but lets see if you can take my fist. Hm?” And, just as he lets T’viska return to his feet, his palm is already pushing with thumb hooked outside, catching against the space between tail and hole as the fingers work within the cyan walls. Petting, stretching, giving the loki’s ass a smack before each slippery dive into the widening gape, Juno yanks against the loki’s restraints as his spine arches to the stiffening penetrations, of knuckles baring against the softened ring as the excalibur puts more force behind the tactile thrusts.

Drool crawls down T’viska’s throat as he watches the excalibur’s dark palm vanish into his softened blue; breathing sharp around the silicone beads dancing against his chin, within his silenced throat as his hole is stretched and more easily takes. Again and again he can only watch as Juno dives his fist into his ass, feel as lubricant and his own eager mucus collate around the staggering plug still inside him and rolling between his spread thighs. Voice muffled, he still tries his best to call out as another smack is granted across his ass, cheek spread for the observer as the chains on his head and arms finally relaxes.

“That should be good enough for now,” the excalibur sighs, his lube soaked hand dancing across the underside of the eager cyan erection. His other hand unbothered by playing with T’viska’s ass catches the loop of the anal beads, giving them a slight encouraging pull. “Open.”

Mouth soaked with drool, T’viska releases the beads; almost gagging as the one at the end releases itself from his throat.

Out of the loki’s attention Juno dances the beads in his palms, gracious with the spread of lubrication as he takes position behind the stunlocked loki. “One bead at a time,” he curls, weighing the heavy beads in his hands, “can’t imagine how amazing it’d feel against that plug, ready?”

Taking a moment for a deep settling breath, T’viska whimpers, “please boss.”

“Please what? My cornflower stag, whatever could you want now?” The first bead teases against the soft ring, against the pretense clench as it rolls gently.

“Put them in me,” his back yearns to ache against them, body gripping again around the plug still inside him, feeling where the tape gave up already. “Put those beads in my ass and fill me up.”

Smacking upwards against the puckering hole, Juno laughs, “that’s a good three holed whore; a shame two of them aren’t the star.” And the first bead easily slides itself into the loki - followed by the second as each is followed by a guiding palm, keeping the dance of the beads from faltering outside. The second is followed by the third. Third followed by fourth as he can feel the loki tense, a light resistance as the beads find position inside him, before the quivering whines shiver the from the loki’s soaked chin. It leaves the fifth and six still yet from finding their place, left outside as Juno smacks T’viska’s ass.

“Let them settle, toy,” and gives the lead a light tug, watching as the tethered orb peaks itself from within. “You’ll fit them; don’t you worry.” Resting a hand on T’viska’s spine, he pulls the lead again, hearing the loki whimper and try to retrieve the bead that has been tugged from his hole. And it’s so easily pressed back in by a teasing thumb, pressing against the others already inside as the fifth meets the softened ring, taunting as T’viska tries to let it in. “Relax, cornflower, let them in.”

“Please,” T’viska complains, his hips shifting, trying so desperately to roll as the excalibur’s hand still rests at his spine. “Put them in me.”

As the fifth meets the other inside cyan walls, it’s as easily retrieved, tugged with such a force T’viska tries to catch it back within himself. Or at least tries to as the rest of them hang from his hole.

Hands spread over T’viska’s ass, claws catching on the ropes that cross his hips and to the ring resting over his tail. “Not yet, toy. We’re not letting you come that easily. You’ll watch as that adorable fuck hole of yours clings to the beads you dropped, weighing you down,” out of the loki’s sight he pulls down one of the hoists built into the ceiling, one used to maneuver heavy cargo onto a sled. As he watches T’viska desperately try to pull in the beads, as he watches the soak of mucus fight against the loosing tape, he hooks the ring attached to the loki’s legs onto the hoist’s heavy strut. A fixing intended for later. But, how could he resist?

Fingers curling around the still holstered beads, Juno purrs, “look at you, T’viska. A spy of the old war turned into another cum drunk hole. I can see how hard you’re trying to keep yourself from coming undone - stuffed inside your cunt, beads hanging helplessly outside your ass. Can only watch yourself so eager to be stuffed up like a helminth mule. Have you been learning from Lorren?” His hand wanders between T’viska’s thighs, pressing against the mess of excitement and soaked tape, finger finding against the butt of the vaginal plug. “We’ve only just begun, yet look at you,” he chuckles, hands running over T’viska’s outer thighs, over the ropes that wind themselves around his thighs, his calves, down to his feet and the eager click of metal heels. “Those strong legs of yours,” and back up he goes, roaming again, ignoring the beads hung out the loki’s ass as his attention is to T’viska’s hips, “so worthless now, all tied up, they’re the only thing still keeping you upright.” His own erections prod against T’viska’s back as his hands wrap around the loki’s stomach, grabbing the softness of his belly with a sigh.

“There’s so much here, you’ll never see your body bulge... unless,” he teases, hands roaming up to chest, over the hasty breath of rib vents as T’viska stills himself against the excalibur’s rubbing cocks, teasing between his thighs. “You still have so much to stretch before you can take them, T’viska.” Juno kisses his nape, a hand pulling on the ring above his head as his other returns to the loki’s ass, shifting himself so they can both see the observer’s view. “About... this much wider.” And his fingers make a circle around the beads still inside T’viska, noting the diamater of one of the many toys the loki chose for himself. “We’ll get there, cornflower. But for now,” his fingers catch on the fifth bead, “fit these.”

Watching in anticipation, T’viska gives himself into Juno’s hand as it wraps around his neck. Tightened enough to make his voice hoarse as he inhales.

And Juno pushes the last beads into him, leaving the tail sticking out of his tugging hole.

Wavering, thighs desperate to knead one against the other as the pressure rests inside his pelvis, T’viska whines against the excalibur’s hand, whimpers withheld as can do not but shuffle around as the ring above his hips keep him from moving too much in either direction. It captivates him as he can do not but writhe around the pressure built against his pelvic floor, against his lowest gut as each breath makes the beads rumble and roll their taunting weights. Staggering breaths are allowed as Juno releases T’viska’s throat, letting the loki moan as he tries to restrain himself against the pressure pushing around within him.

“Desperate, cornflower?”

“Please,” T’viska whimpers, begging as he pulls on the hoop overhead, “Juno, fucking let me come.” He snarls.

Juno laughs, setting his hand between T’viska’s thighs, ignoring the dance of the anal bead’s lead. Rubbing as he leans in, “try again, toy.”

Frustrated, T’viska growls, caught between his own desperation and annoyance at the excalibur, he finds enough in himself to verbalize the haze going on in his saturated senses. “Please let me come, they can rest inside me, I don’t care, I just need to come, I feel like I’m going to explode.”

Juno grabs the ring above his head, yanking T’viska towards the lift holding his hips steady, “when I say.”

T’viska shivers as a hand curls around his aching erection, the furls spreading themselves - steeling. Hips holding desperately.

He gasps, body trembling as he can feel the rough hands on his soft cyan flesh, as they touch around his base, curling themselves towards his crotch, sliding so tauntingly upwards from the direction the furls hold themselves.

Standing on his toes, trying to get closer.

Though he can’t feel it; the lift has hoisted him into place.

“Now,” Juno whispers.

With one swift flick of the wrist, T’viska spends himself onto the void of the monitors before him, splattering towards the image of his own taped cunt, on his stuffed ass as his teeth clench and vents steam restrained energy. Desperate huffs shiver from T’viska as his hips lurch, bucking into Juno’s hand as he rides the plug and the beads in one swift motion. Back and forth he rides himself out; grunting, quivering, he doesn’t yet realize his legs have been lifted as his hazed mind lies only on working on the pressure still against his pelvic floor.

“There we go, cornflower.”

“Fuck you,” T’viska barely snarls out as his still works on catching his breath, exhaling through the vents lining his throat and ribs as he inhales through his mouth. “Wipe that smile off your mug, key face,” he shivers out, stepping daintily on his toes as he tries to adjust. “That was...mmm, fuck,” he grunts. “Green, green, green,” he mutters under his breath.


Juno smacks him on the ass, “doing alright, T?”

“Halfway... we’re halfway.” He has to remind himself.

“Need a moment?”

“Yeah,” T’viska exhales warmly, “did you lift my ass?”

“Yep,” Juno smirks, “why wouldn’t I?”

T’viska rolls his visual receptors... or at least the nudge of his head that would follow the motion, “yeah. Give me a moment around these, then we can move onto the rest.” His body squeezes around them, shifting as the mucus continues to crawl down his thighs. “Could you,” he mouths on his words, “remove the plug in my cunt?”

“Think it’d get too tight in there to proceed?” Juno fingers around the tape.

“Yeah,” T’viska’s nostrils flare as the tape pulls on the skin of his crotch, feeling a finger prodding against the vaginal plug. “Give us more room to play with.”

“Or do you just want to see it drool as I stuff you?”

“Shut it,” the loki snaps; exhaling deep as the pressure in his pelvis relaxes.

Juno offers it to him to lick, “some light play?”

T’viska sighs, opening his mouth again.

Against his tongue he tastes his own sweetness - the tang of his body’s own lubrication as he suckles upon the silicone as to one side he can see his cyan canal gaping behind him. Stretched from the duration, aching for attention, it still continues to drool to the floor as he licks the silicone weight. It’s firm, a firmness he felt as Juno stretched his asshole, a firmness he had felt taunted against the plugs and against the sound wedges into his cock. It rests against his tongue as he holds it in his mouth, letting his body relax as much as it can with beads still stuffed inside his ass.

Behind him he can feel Juno removing the estims danced along his thighs - figures they were temporary as he looks to the observers again. Some zoomed onto his stretched holes, others wandering around his stretched out limbs as he lingers in the afterglow. As perverse as it might be, wandering over his soaked thighs, taking a glance at his saliva soaked throat as from a side it takes glance at his entirety. He ignores that it’s a cephalon at the helm; what could’ve they done before being handed off to Juno? It’s a passing thought easily discarded; he doesn’t care.

What he does care about, beside the pressure yielding inside his pelvis as he becomes accustom to the weights inside his ass; is how fucking *perfect* his body looks under the neon the excalibur set up. His whites stand out stark against his tawny browns; his golden spine reflecting the calming pinks and hearty blues. Not too bright, not too sharp. The backdrop of the monitors that follow his body as they catch every lowered breath as his glowing cyan genitalia stand out stark. Unavoidable, unrelenting; unafraid as he strips away any lasting linger of shame.

Juno fingers around the anal beads, testing the loki’s ass as he admires himself in the screens. “Ready, cornflower?”

“-Yes, Captain Juno.-” T’viska mouths with a nod.

The first of the beads pop from him, his ass tries to tighten, and the second pops out noisily as Juno purrs. “Noisy hole you got there.”

T’viska, for all the good he felt, is still flushed. Gasping as the beads are popped back through the restraint of his hole, worthless as the excalibur just as easily pops them out again with a satisfying chuckle. “They’re so warm, stag; are you sure you don’t want to keep them?” He makes the loki gasp again as one to one they easily make their way inside, wearing against the tugged hole again. “Look at that tug, cornflower, look how eagerly are to get that nasty noisy hole of yours played with.” A hand swats the loki’s ass, gripping his cheek to push it aside. “Since we’ve gotten that girth worked on, how about working on your depth?”

“Mhn,” he mumbles against the bondage sleeves, gripping against the fabric in lieu of gripping against the ropes holding his head in place. Left to wander again around the anal beads as all he can do is watch his body grip desperately around them, watch as his cock twitches and his lips try to clench around the intrusion in his ass. He can hear Juno fetching the next set - he’s almost forgotten what he picked out from the excalibur’s stunning collection of weird cocks and toys.

The rolling table rattles as it slides around behind him, the weight of it noticeable as the excalibur makes a little ‘houh’ as there’s a soft tap of silicone on the metal - T’viska shuffles in the restraints, watching down at the view of his stuffed ass. He can’t see as Juno handles the long slim depth probe, drooling the thick lubricate along the 45 centimeter length, careless as it noodles around on the metal table. He leaves it beside the second of the selection, a baton shaped toy covered in all sorts of fun textures to tease against the loki’s walls.

Finger hooked into the anal bead’s tether, Juno leans on T’viska’s spine. “Ready?”

“Hmhn,” the loki wanders, easing his stomach and pelvis.

“One,” and pulls, “two,” letting the beads cascade as the two nearest the end carry the rest out of T’viska’s ass, weighting the loki to shudder, to dance on the tips of his toes as it leaves him vacant and gaping. Clutching against air as all he can push out is the air that rushes into his gaping asshole. “There we go,” Juno purrs, discarding the anal beads as the observers take careful view of T’viska’s hole.

Ring above his head pulled back again, T’viska watches as the remnant lube from the anal beads drools from his stretched colon, as his body tries to grip around the missing pressure anguishing enthralled in the remains of his ruined hole. “I can’t tell, little stag. Is that your mouth, or your ass?” Juno taunts, easily plying against the stretched ring with a rumble, fingers easily finding their place as again he works it down to the wrist. The exchange of air pressure inside and out makes the loki shiver; less from the sensation as Juno fists his ass, but from the -noise- his body makes wet and sloppy. “Look, cornflower, it’s speaking for you,” fingers curl around the top end of it, pulling T’viska back to the tips of his toes with a shuffle, “a noisy hole is a happy hole, toy.” And with one last smack on the ass, lets T’viska find his footing once again.

He can only watch as it takes two hands to direct the cool wet silicone between his thighs. It limply slides between his outstretched legs, taunting against his gripping cyan lips as it taps against his forgotten erection, teasing as its brought upwards between the cheeks of his ass, resting against his softened gape. “Beg,” Juno peaks the end, but holds it for the loki to waver.

“-Please,-” T’viska breathes around the plug in his mouth, soaking it with saliva as he uses his tongue to push it out, gasping as it drops to the floor with a wet ‘plop’. “Put it in me, sir.”

“Put what, pariah?” Juno curts, letting the probe tap against the soft lingering bruises.

“Put that toy in my...” he fumbles, “please bury that toy inside my asshole.”

“Good stag,” Juno purrs from the floor where he kneels.

The tip easily finds itself into the loki’s body, pushing so agonizingly smooth against the cyan walls as the diameter begins to thicken, curling up and upon itself as it presses against the second ring. Back and forth Juno makes it thrust, careful to have his fist tightened against the mid-length as he listens to the loki’s noises. “Relax, cornflower, it will find it’s way,” cooes, tilting the bit sliding against the loki’s ass more towards the left, keeping the thrusts slow and constant as he searches for the sigmoid crest.

“Juno,” T’viska whimpers as he can feel the soft silicone bundle up inside him; comfortably weird and pleasant as it searches within his lower gut, tender and slow as his body easily takes the growing girth. He himself hums as he leans towards the pressure dancing in his ass, watching with a downcast sight as the observer zooms in on the play with his hole, from above and below as he is entranced by the gentle tug his body has on the toy. “Mhn, by the void,” he gasps as he feels a shift towards his left side - a catch that makes the probe ‘jump’ inside his body.

Fingers pester against T’viska’s erection, drawing it down as the other hand keeps the probe settled in position. Strums that distract the loki as he rides around the halfway point of the slinking toy. “Only halfway, my dirty stag,” Juno leans his hand on T’viska’s hip, “I can feel it shifting in there; can you feel it curving in there? Making its way around the bend as I thrust it in that noisy asshole of yours.” He pushes gently, using his shoulder to hold the probe’s butt as he pulls and pushes around the halfway point. “Testing against your pelvic sling, making that hungry ass of yours open up more and more,” one more shudder as the toy snaps itself into place and he pulls it in its entirety - letting it fall to the floor as his hands spread T’viska’s ass.

Another clench around forgiven penetration, another embarrassing huff of air for the loki as he squeezes it from his gaping hole.

Juno smacks T’viska’s ass with a grin, showing the stretched asshole for the cephalon’s observers. “Growing bigger, isn’t it cornflower?” Juno laughs, fingers sharing in the lube slicken hole, stretching it side to side as the internal cyan is shown to the observers as a light shines inside him. “What a beautiful, hungry hole.”

Embarrassed in being show his own insides the loki clenches - clenches against Juno’s fingers holding him open just squishes his walls, pushing air out before it so easily rushes back inside him.

“It’s going to get louder, cornflower.” Juno laughs, waving away the cephalon to shut off the examining light, “as you take bigger, and deeper, you’re guts are going to sing whether you like it or not.” And as he releases the loki’s hole, they return with the limber toy, easily pushing itself to the mid-length as T’viska leans his left-side into the pressure - gasping again as the end teases at the second ring.

And further the excalibur presses on - watching as the loki keeps his left hips tilted to the curl.

Attempting to lift one foot is squandered as he feels the haughty pressure extending along his left side; T’viska can feel it stroking against the second ring somewhere inside his ass as the weird sensation curls along his lower intestines. Though the pressure dives through the low curve takes the most of his attention, the sudden internal thumps as Juno taunts with the long slow thrusts, he becomes enthralled as each thrust moves further and further up. Though he cannot find it among the cephalon’s observers, of his soft stomach bulging, it’s certainly still felt as he breathes.

“Careful, toy,” Juno purrs behind him, pulling the probe out halfway, “we can’t have you come just yet.” And pushes it back through T’viska’s ass. “You’ve not taken the knot yet.”

T’viska pauses for a second after feeling another speed bump in his ass, looking towards the view on his stretched hole.

Right, that knot.

“Oh, void,” he mumbles as he watches it draw tauntingly near. A few more thrusts and it’ll be pressed against his ass, watching and feeling as the probe begins to curl around somewhere in his stomach - as he can feel the slight pressure weighting somewhere against his diaphragm as he tries to breathe settled and calm. He keeps himself opened as Juno pressures the depth probe through his ass once again, watching for the knot to draw near. It’s not too bad, he can still handle it.

Yet his toes still try and curl as Juno pushes it against his weary hole, gasping as the excalibur puts the force of his entire arm behind it.

And it pops into him - leaving him breathless for a moment before the pressure kicks in.

“Fuck, Juno!” T’viska snarls as he can only see the thick T-anchor left outside of him. A triumph if he could somehow coherently string two thoughts together as he rides around the pressure pushing against his pelvic floor. In the observers he can see his ass struggle to contain the knotted end of the probe inside of him - perversely stretching the cyan ring away from the dark chestnut color of his ass. Each attempt to fully suck it inside of him, each effort to push it away, only displays it more for his overridden senses and the captivated observers.

Writhing, withering, T’viska can only watch as his body fails to even make it budge as beneath his cyan lips are spread by the girth in tow, pushing out the internal drool that has soaked his thighs and continues to descend in thick mucus lines to the spreader bar shackles keeping his legs spread. “Ah, captain,” whimpers, “Juno,” riding around the pressure.

Juno pulls the ring above his head again - making his back arch harder as his legs shake, over blown and over stimulated as he struggles to keep standing. “There we go, my patient toy,” his other hand cups around T’viska’s crotch, spreading inner lips as an observer zooms in. “Look at that useless hole, bullied to make room for that hungry ass. I can barely fit a finger in there,” he hums as the hand explores the loki’s behind, barely grazing around the anchored hole. “All 45 centimeters, my perverted stag, swallowed up by stretched hole, shoved up into your stomach like some infested tendril.” His attenuating hand gropes around T’viska’s soft stomach, pressing against the muscles seizing around the probe buried inside his body.

“Please,” T’viska quivers as the hand wanders just out of reach of his aching cock, the tender furls searching for salvation as the excalibur’s hand caresses his lower stomach to push against the semblance of the loki’s innards. “Juno,” he groans, watching as an observer has taken interest in what Juno is doing, following his hand.

“Here,” the excalibur plays, “I can feel you squeezing around it in there,” his hand roams towards T’viska’s left side, seeming to push the fat of his stomach against the path. “Can you feel it? As I put pressure here,” the weight traverses the loki’s organs as he breathes, “and here,” further upwards, a wrist away from the bright exhale of T’viska’s rib vents. The shifting pressure makes him groan as the excalibur’s claws spread the tender breathing cyan, sensitive as he tries to lean into them.

They dance down the path again, “it’s all right through here, you old toy,” from his left ribs, down along his left and back to the crest of his pelvis. “It’s all resting in there, waiting for you to come, old stag.” He releases the top ring, making T’viska stumble for posture as his body clenches around the probe, making him gargle and groan. “How much more do you think we can fit in you, cornflower? Look at you; leaking all over the floor, soaking the metal and the chains from your cunt and your restless cock.” From behind T’viska he grabs the whip and the cane. “Let me help you along; we still got three more to go.”

T’viska whimpers, hiding himself within the soft arm bondage. “Please, boss, let me come.”

Juno hums as he walks around the loki, whistling to the beat. “Arri, 50 percent.”

Around them, the music that was merely playing as background grows louder; T’viska can feel the bass reverberating through the floor, through his body and through his mind, through the silicone toy inside him. Juno leans before him, grasping his chin tight.


“Green,” T’viska whimpers, squeezing himself around the toy stuffing his guts.

The cane touches first - gently as it plays beneath the yearning of his erection, tapping along the furling pieces as the loki whimpers for more, begging with bucks as it relents - exchanged for the whip.

Testing, it brushes across his erection. “Yellow,” T’viska whimpers.

Across the crest of his spine, “yellow,” T’viska quivers.

Across his ass, “green,” T’viska simmers. His thighs, “green - oh please.”

It plays against his inner thighs, smacking back and forth playfully as Juno pulls the upper ring again. Seizing the loki still.

T’viska cries out as it strikes his inner thigh, hissing in surprise as the leather wanders along his other thigh, letting him anticipate in the low drone of the music as it begins to build again. Another strike and he doesn’t recoil as much, splaying as he lingers on the gentle welts building upon his skin, letting his mind be led by the beat. Another strike of the whip across his thigh, outwards this time as it marks further up than the last. And another as the next strikes follows the same on his other thigh; realizing Juno latched the two rings together as he feels the whip and a hand upon him at once, pushing the weight of his ass aside as the whip taunts above his aching hole. ‘Red, Red,’ his mind anticipates.

And the strike is across his outer ass, making him gasp as it hit harder this time. He mumbles, groaning as the hit makes his body drool. “Almost there, cornflower,” Juno smiles, “look at that cock drool.”

“Careful,” T’viska works out, almost at a mumble as its cut short; another strike to his ass.

“I won’t hit there, T,” Juno grabs his chin, “if anything, it’d be the handle going inside.”

T’viska groans between his teeth, trying so hard to ride himself out against nothing. Begging as his ass is struck again and again; gasping and moaning with each successive wack across his dark chestnut cheeks. His pelvis surges each time, tensing and pleading around the toy buried inside him, feeling it bounce his every inhale and swift exhale.

That is until Juno pins the cane against his hips, pulling his cock against his soft heaving stomach.

The pressure unravels.

Desperately T’viska bucks against his own stomach; his voice squealing as he comes hard, thrusting against nothing as Juno pins him in place, struggling against the cane yanking his erection to lurch against his taut belly, shooting upwards and against his squeezing stomach. The pressure cascades downwards and out - Juno catching the end of the probe, holding the knot against T’viska’s ass as he buckles and continues to beg. Pleading, whimpering as he can feel his body give, slightly more empty than before as his pelvis continues its contractions.

And, as Juno pushes the knotted bottom against him, kisses his spine. “There we go, cornflower,” and feels the knot taken again - sweeter this time as his body’s been already spent. “Give me a minute, and I’ll be right back.”

“Mhngm,” T’viska slurs, restless around the plug again. Attention incoherent, he doesn’t take note of the sounds behind him as the music still plays too loud; out of place now as his ass for now can’t get anymore sore. “The music,” he mumbles.

“Want me to turn it down?”

“Uuhhn,” he shuffles, “too loud.”

“Arri, 20.” Back to T’viska, “good idea; we can’t hear your ass over the music.”

“Shut the fuck up,” T’viska hisses; relieved as Juno unlatches the rings.

“Another minute?”

“No, no,” T’viska fumbles, hailing the pressure still in his guts, “lets move on, please.”

Unimpressed. “Hurt anywhere?”

“Just my feet,” the loki grunts, “how long have I been standing like this.”

“40 to 60,” the excalibur shrugs, “you can check later.”


A hand cups beneath his ass, rubbing where the whip struck him at least five times. Ten times? He hasn’t counted either. “I got the machine set up,” whispers against his neck.

T’viska’s foot knuckles across the floor, “the fuck are you waiting for then? For me to push it out?”

“Why, you’d do that? For me?”

T’viska groans, picking at his senses, “please, just get this thing out of my ass,” pleading.

Catching the loki’s chin, Juno kisses his forehead - T’viska returns it as the void key covets his vision.

“Can’t wait to see you all fuck blown out,” Juno breathes.

“Get a move on then, void sentry,” T’viska hisses, “or I’ll wipe that smug look off your stupid void key.”

“I’d love to see you try, old man.”

T’viska only grunts.

“I’ll help you start,” Juno purrs, hand cupping around the anchor of the probe, “but you must stay still, my toy.”

“Mhn,” the loki wanders, letting his body relax into the excalibur’s hand. Fingers trace around his aching hole, creasing around where the probe pushes the muscles outwards, stretched and swollen from attention as the palm hails beneath the anchor, notching it between index and middle.

A slight pull, a pop; T’viska whimpers.

He can feel himself try and press it out of his body, squeezing as the pressure pushed at his upper stomach begins to sink. Relenting as he can feel Juno thrust the toy into him again - smoother this time as his body has already allocated the space, emptied as it strokes his inner ring. More and more of it he can feel slink, its reach descending, feeling himself empty as Juno laps the toy inside him. “Almost there, cornflower,” breathes, notching the knot into T’viska for one last time, “then we’ll start pumping you full,” and lets it drop, slowly pulling as the loki whines, “lets see how much that hole of yours has grown.”

Discarding the depth probe among the rest, Juno lets the observers take center stage.

As they crowd around the loki’s battered hole, he uses one of the loki’s horns to direct his attention to his own pilfered body, his other hand pulling against the bruised and slicken ass. “Look how puffy it looks,” he purrs, curling two fingers into the stretched hole, “so soft, so wet,” and pulls, flashing the loki’s innards to the camera again. “We’re almost there, cornflower; the next one is going to take a little longer to fit - but I’m sure you know that, given what you asked me to fit.” And releases T’viska’s horn.

T’viska roams around the emptiness inside him, groaning low as behind him Juno twirls the whip.

He strikes him across both cheeks, certain to leave marks as T’viska almost crumples, biting back groans as even the sharp instances of pain, even he can’t completely close himself, still gaping as Juno spreads lubricant across his hole - into his hole as the fingers easily slide down to palm. Two light thrusts leave him to wander as the excalibur’s fist is slicken with the spread lube. “Now,” Juno resumes, letting his hand thrust around the toy, assuring an even coating of the thick lube before grabbing the ring above the loki’s ass. “Stay steady, and ride, old man.”

With one hand he points it against the loki’s soft ass, his palm cupping around the butt as he begins to push. Watching as the ring of cyan begins to catch around the ripples surrounding the head, tentative as he can hear T’viska whimper, breath catching as the ring begins to stretch. “Easy,” he cooes as he puts his thigh against the butt of the toy, using his leg as he pulls the loki’s hips closer.

“Oh void,” the loki mumbles as he feels his body stretch again, body taken around the silicone as the textures traverse against his inner walls, petting and stroking as each tender centimeter crawls up inside him. The rippled head strokes against him so eagerly as the nodded center plays against his restraint, making him suffer as Juno stands there, waiting for him to beg backwards, to penetrate himself upon it as it pushes against his gut. His attention to granted by the pressure in his stomach as he rides around the textures, sated as he takes more and more past his stretched ring as he rumbles and whines.

His body tugs against it as Juno pulls it out, “such a hungry asshole you have there, pariah,” and it rumbles T’viska to gasp as it nearly pops back into place halfway inside him. “You fit around it so perfectly, old toy, look at how you embrace it, how eagerly your body takes it in.” A finger is all it takes to push firmly into place, locking T’viska around the lower ripples that seat themselves just inside. “Hold it there, stag; feel it press against your stomach, feel the weight holding you down.” He grabs T’viska’s ass, spreading a cheek aside for an observer. “Look at how big it is! Stuffed inside that noisy hole, look at how it’s stretching out your cunt as well,” and smacks, watching as T’viska grips around the firm silicone.

“Good stag, you didn’t drop it,” and two fingers crease around the butt of the toy, one fingering the middle slot. “See this, my toy?” His finger moves back to stroke either side of the stretched ring of cyan, “It’ll help open you up, get you nice and wide for me.”

T’viska whimpers as his body continues gripping around the toy, eager to move on as it lingers at the peak of too much, not yet acclimated as he hears Juno moving around behind him. The weight of the instrument heaves against the metal floor, of metal singing against metal as all he can do is wander around the pressure, to wiggle in his restraints as the observers don’t show what is happening just yet as his crotch aches. Head heavy, held up only by the ropes tied around his arched halo and horns, he watches the view of an observer taken focus on the toy inside him - humming as it rubs against his insides. It swings downwards, gently away, as it follows the lead of Juno’s final instrument, watching as a plate with a locking protrusion slots itself into the butt of the toy.

And it pushes it against him, testing as he gasps, yielding as it draws back. Metal clicks against metal behind him as the instrument holds the toy straightened to his guts.

The machine begins to hum.

“There,” the excalibur purrs, stepping around T’viska to grab his chin, “now, don’t be scared to make any noise, cornflower.” Leaning them close as the machine begins to move - pulling the toy out T’viska’s ass. “We’re going to go until you’re nice and ready for those trophy cocks, I’d hate to see you break on them.” He kisses T’viska as the machine begins to push, slow and steady as the loki leans into the sharp teeth.

“How long do you think it’d take...?”

“30 minutes, maybe an hour,” he chuckles, watching as T’viska melts in his hand as the dildo drags through his ass. “Look at that tug, cornflower,” squeezing the loki’s face to watch as the toy dives into him again, as the vents lining the loki’s throat huff as the soft cyan blue of his asshole sucks around the textured toy. “Absolutely stunning performance; but lets step it up shall we?”

Between the loki’s hands, Juno places the controller. “Go ahead, toy; fuck yourself while I watch.”

Though it does fumble around the bindings above T’viska’s head, he’s able to get them to press against one another to keep it in place, somewhat. He can feel Juno spreading lube across his ass, over his hole, watching as lube is rubbed over the toy as it drags out his ass again as his toes curl and splay. Back and forth it pervades through his colon towards his second ring - he can feel it poking at the bend in his stomach, watching as the halfway point pleads against his ass. A pressure that continues to knock as the textures stretches his hole, as he watches it sink between his cheeks and tugs on his overworked hole.

Left hand turning inward, Right hand turning outwards; he hears the controller click.

He’s humbled as the pace quickens, just enough to begin knocking on the second ring with an increased fervor, not making it quite yet as it extends out to the furthest position. Grunting as it presses gently, retracting just as smoothly as the machine thrusts. Again, he clicks the controller to the next setting - almost losing his breath as it rubs against his walls quicker, leaving him gasping as he watches it tug against his hole.

T’viska yelps as the whip snaps against his ass, timing with the peak thrust as Juno whistles. “Want it deeper already, pariah? How very greedy of you,” and snaps across his other cheek, making the loki hiss as the toy thrusts back into his clenching hole. “Tone it down, and just ride it out pariah. You’ll attain those deep fast thrusts, just relax before I take that controller away.” His hand spreads T’viska’s ass for the observer, watching as the cyan ring follows the thrusts. “Just watch, feel it pull that hole of yours open,” and his hand smacks hard, grabbing T’viska’s ass as the loki openly groans. “That’s a good toy - leave that mouth open, let me hear every last noise you can possibly make as the machine fills your ass.

“Juno,” the loki whimpers, letting the controller rest somewhere against his tethered halo. “Please,” begs as his toes curl; leaving the machine unimpeded as he feels it press against his lower stomach. Juno doesn’t answer him - instead he’s fetching the next cart across the room, leaving the loki to his own self-imposed torment as he fists within the restraints, left to watch as the textured toy burrows itself into his asshole and the drool descending from his cock and his loins. It’s hard to ignore as a pair of observers shove it in his face - his cock bouncing with every gentle thrust, his spread lips wearily gripping against the penetration it’s not yet granted. His feet are aching, almost numb as it alternates between standing on the knuckles and upon his small paws - thankful for the ropes at least holding around them top to bottom.

For a moment, the machine stops its thrusts - he can hear as the machine is moved, feel as the machine is moved as the slicken toy pushes a little bit further again his ass - and continues - bowing against his inner ring. Just as quickly, it strikes again towards the narrow with a gasp, cursing as it seems to go deeper than before.

“Better?” Juno teases, standing before T’viska as the loki grovels.

“Warn me next time,” the loki whimpers, feeling the broad toy searching for the passage.

“Nah,” the excalibur reaches around the loki, snapping a new harness around his arms and chest.

“Carrion,” T’viska growls before groveling to the machine, gasping loudly as it seems to find the way, whimpering as it slides back.

“Hitting that sweet spot, isn’t it cornflower?” Around T’viska he attaches the harness, tightening it so it rests flush against the loki’s chest. “A few more minutes and I’ll put it to max reach,” and slaps T’viska’s ass, playing with it before grabbing the next item on the menu. Hooking the harness up to the rings.

It pulls the loki back slightly to the one lashed around his legs, body counterbalanced by the one above his head before the final latch grabs back onto the lead again and leaves the remaining chain to dangle down his body. Where it dances against him as he continues to endure the near filling thrusts, whining, begging as Juno continues setting up the next phase of the restraints. “Get in there,” his voice whimpers, back arching as he feels it press, “get in that fucking hole,” begs as he drools. Failing to hold his breath as it presses through him again, yelping as his ass is struck.

“Careful, cornflower,” the excalibur curls, a hand fingering through the rope along his side, “I can just, let it slip if you’re not careful,” and pets the whip over the stretching hole, letting it drag as T’viska whimpers. “Just a little longer, I promise,” and palms over T’viska’s inner thigh, “relax, stag. Just relax and feel it thrust. Do nothing else.”

“I’m trying,” whispers as he feels the hand crease down his leg, making him shuffle and quiver as it tilts the angle of the thrusts.

It yields him to lift one foot, letting his other follow suit as his body becomes completely suspended. Carefully as Juno hooks the length of the shibari rope bondage on both sides of calf and thigh, forcing the loki’s legs to lean forward as the spreader bar still holds his ankles firm. Although they’re still anchored into the floor, albeit at a longer length to compensate for the bent legs, T’viska’s body sways with the drawn thrusts. To the detriment as the pressure against his inner ring feels farther than before, making him shuffle and whimper as he tries to find salvation in the form of the further stretch. “Juno,” whimpers as his chest and hips take the weight of his entire body, his arms and head still forced into position as he palms around the controller. Quizzically as he fumbles it into place.

T’viska shudders as the dial turns up the speed; feeling the toy tunneling through him with far less resistance, mouth hung agape as it slips past his once tighten hole and prods against his inner ring.

Another smack across his ass makes him cry out; whimpering as it only makes the pressure surge as his body clenches.

It crosses across his other cheek again as Juno stands behind him, watching as the machine thrusts into the wet mess that is the loki’s behind. Already anticipating the possibility; he locks the drum of the machine to the loki’s hips. “Very well, you old used toy,” and flips off the master switch, temporarily quieting the machine, turning the machine to withdraw nearly out before ratcheting it to its further setting. “Have fun, pariah,” and he takes back the controller, “try not to come too hard while I step away.”

He turns it on, letting T’viska watch as the machine begins to agonizingly, slowly, tauntingly, push itself into his ass.

“Every five minutes the strokes will increase,” he purrs, soaking in the loki’s satisfying whimpers as the toy finds its way, “I shouldn’t be gone longer than 15, 20, maybe 30. Depends on how long you last,” and spreads T’viska’s ass for a nearby observer.

“Fuck,” T’viska gasps as he can feel the sudden lurch in his body as the toy pushes through his inner ring, “you,” he slurs as he hears Juno walk away. To where he’s not quite sure as his mind is far too preoccupied by the rhythmical thrusts; although for now they remain tepid, almost gentle as it slides through his ass and against his stomach, its the anticipation that gets to him as he remembers how little he turned the dial. For as far as he can throw Juno, especially now, he can’t trust him to be consistent.

And he’s right as it thrusts thrice as hard - making him shout as it snakes past the ring, thumping into his belly down to its base. It harshly pulls his intestines in-line as it continues to bare down on his walls as he quivers and whines. “Oh, fuck that hole,” curls between gnashed teeth, mumbled as he curses at the excalibur, pleading for more as the toy centers his thoughts. The pressure built inside him with each steely thrust, feeling the internal shift as the air brought by the textured shaft burrows into his stretched guts. Though as his body tries to hold around it, tugging against the lube stroked thrusts, he’s made to senseless putty as he can barely continue to count the second until the next stroke shift, leaking and drooling as his body gives in.

The strange sensation of his tested sigmoid continues to ease as the machine continues its battle against his guts, hitting harder against his walls as his body lurches in tow, hips quivering as he rides around the swifts pilfering his any last reservations. Strung up by the ceiling and lashed to the machine, there’s no escape as the timer ticks to zero - plowing its way against his belly.

It saws through the loki’s body as the strokes seem to turn ten-fold; shattering him to open pants as it bounces his cock against his belly. Time blurs as he sinks around the smooth thrusts carrying from ring to stomach, feeling every texture within his anxiously squeezed hole as the machine pulls the air from his guts, making him noisy front and back as he begins to come undone.

Buckling, jaws gnashing between the shower of drool as he whimpers and shouts, he can’t help but spray the floor with fresh white as the machine continues to knock sounds through his guts. Over and over the wet slap of his ass and his yielding guts brings him higher as he calls out to Juno - pleading as his body contracts around the instrument’s thrusts, stammering as he whimpers to himself about his own battered body. Repetitively, even as his body hangs limp and twitching as he wanders in the afterglow, he can’t help but yearn for more. Even as it continues to slide through his ass.

A hand pulls his cheek aside as the machine goes quiet - slowing its thrusts as Juno unhooks the machine from T’viska’s thighs.

“13 minutes,” Juno purrs, “old toy only lasted 13.”

“Shut,” T’viska gasps, groaning as the toy pulls through his ass one last time, “the,” his breath stammers, “hell up.”

Satisfied, Juno fingers the cyan hole. “Look at that stretch, cornflower.” And more than easily slides in his fist, testing the reach as T’viska curls in response. “A good sized fuck hole now, toy. But you should rest a little first; can’t have you faint while there’s an infested limb curling up inside that precious stomach of yours.” His wet hand still remains as it spreads it for the observer, again showing the soft glowing insides of T’viska’s ass. “But we can’t let it shrink,” Juno belies a taunting tone, “oh, whatever. Shall. We. Do.”

In his other hand, the metal device they spoke about earlier - the prongs resting at a slim diameter.

“We’ll keep that stretch while you rest, old stag,” and slides it into the stretched hole, spinning the wingnuts until the prongs each press against T’viska’s hole, holding him open. “And then some,” and locks it into place - lashed to the ropes along his legs and along his inner thigh. “We’ll give you,” he disregards the loki’s whimpers as he widens the anal spreader a touch more, “15 minutes to rest around it. What do you think, T’viska?”

Face ran tinted with soft blue, T’viska says nothing as the observers show him his gaping inner walls.

 Elbow Deep

Strung up by the ceiling, restricted and constrained as the spreader bar lashes him to the floor, T’viska can do no more than quiver as he feels his body filling the empty space. Air that creeps into him from his well held hole, able to only weakly grip against the metal prongs as its held on display for the perverse observers. Recording every twitch of his tender loins as they try and tighten around the implanted device, as they watch the ropes of hips yield him back to placid again his body fails to reject the spread of his hole. T’viska whimpers within his throat as he basks in the sensation of being held wide open - helpless as air is compressed out of his body as he breathes.

Each wet sound of tightening muscles; either within his pelvis or within his stomach, carries through the loki’s mind as his body billows air. A fluster he continues to sink into as the mucus and the lube continues to mess along his spread thighs, continues to drool from him front to back as he tries to relax - yield to the spreader in his ass - only to crumple all over again as air fills ever crevice left in his stretched stomach. Further than just his pounded walls as it creeps past the sigmoid bend and along his left side, careful as he exhales and feels the shift made to his insides as again his body clutches around the device.

“Open,” Juno whispers behind him, cane tapping along an inner thigh.

T’viska empties his lungs - breathing only light as he can feel his body act like a billow, filling up again as he fists in his restraints.

He can feel something tap against his walls; forcing himself to look as Juno rubs the end of the cane along his insides. “Absolutely beautiful,” the excalibur charms, grabbing the ring connected to the loki’s thighs. “Look how deeply the observers can see inside that ruined old hole of yours, cornflower.” And pulls T’viska’s ass upwards, letting light shine deep into the squeeze of gentle blue, “and such a noisy hole too. Soaked with all that lubricant still drooling in there; I bet you can feel it sickly slick, can’t you? As air fills against all those twists and turns in your intestines,” and makes T’viska whimper as he drops the ring slack, watching as the loki tries to roll against the spread held flat against his ass. Again he taps inside the loki’s spread hole, prying to push it deeper as his other hand dances along his thigh. “Looking perfected suited to be some infested’s fuckmeat, cornflower. Is that what your aiming to become? With all this stretching,” the cane drifts to dance between his lips, against the underside of his spent erection, “you’d be perfect beneath some monstrosity, riding against its belly.”

All T’viska can manage out is a simmering groan, sharp teeth bared as he tries to keep the imagery at bay.

He yelps as the cane strikes against his ass, body gasping as it tightens. The second strike is lighter as he pulls upon his restraints, groaning as he can feel Juno gripping his bruised ass, brushing across it as his body begins to billow again. They continue to grip against him as he tries to keep his breathing low and slow, feeling his body filling again with air as the whip dances gently across his ass. Touches feather light as they run up along the rear of his thighs, upwards along his cheeks and over the lashings keeping the device in his ass. Anticipation overruled as it begins to go inside him - feeling the leather brushing along his insides in such a strange way he loses concentration on his breathing.

“There we go, pariah,” Juno purrs as the whip returns outside, licking the mix of mucus and lubricant across the loki’s ass, “just like that. That’s how you’ll handle getting filled to the brim,” and he departs the whip from play, removing the binds that keep the metal device in place. “Does anything need adjusted, cornflower?” Gently reducing the diameter of the prongs.

“Mhmn,” T’viska groans as he feels his ass finally begin to relax, ignoring the noise coming from inside his body as he breathes, “no. I think everything’s fine.” He can’t help but groan as the device is replaced by Juno’s fingers, spreading him for the curious observers.

“Good. Good,” the excalibur hums, leaning against T’viska as he dives a fist into his ass, listening to the relieved sigh coming from the old spy. “Two left, T. Which one do you want first?” His hand thrusts against T’viska’s walls, fingers petting as the loki rides the thrusts.

“Care to remind me?” T’viska enamors himself with the pressure baring down against his stomach, feeling the soft of his belly stretch once more as the excalibur yields his tender walls.

“Well,” Juno purrs, his other hand cradling T’viska’s gut. “One of them is modeled off an ancient’s arm,” and his own retracts, petting the soft ring of cyan before diving in again. “Longer than the one that lapped against your side - it’s going to traverse up against your lungs, T’viska. Perfectly capable of hollowing that useless old belly of yours and filling it with slick seed.” And pushes his wrist further into the loki’s ass, enjoying the sound of his whimpers.

“By the void,” he gasps as Juno leaves him again, petting against his hole.

“But,” Juno dives in again, his other hand holding the harness around the loki’s chest, “you must last 30 minutes. With me at the helm.”

“Mhn,” T’viska tries to curl as he feels the pressure against his groin. “The other one?”

“Well,” Juno pets against his hole again, “I can’t believe you chose something so thick! I can best describe it something from a reptilian chroma, or from a large nidus given the textures.” And purrs as he slides his hand into T’viska again, “but, either one, you’ll need to last 30 minutes with me at the controls. The other I’ll let you go as long as your ass desires,” and pets the cyan hole.

“Mhn,” T’viska lingers as he longs for Juno to go deeper inside him, hesitant only from the juts that rise from the bones of his forearms. He can only rely on his fuck fogged memory of each of them; the first more infested, the second more warframe shaped? “The second one,” he whimpers as his hole is played with, “I think - can I see them?”

With the little space he’s able to see, he watches as Juno rolls the table before him of the his two options - both of similar diameter but vastly different in texture and shape. “Here, stag,” Juno purrs, handling them one at a time, “this is the first; the infested limb you want so desperately shoved up that hole of yours,” it flops heavily under its own weight, staggeringly longer then the depth probe for certain, “and the second... on I can’t wait to see you try and take it.” It’s almost as heavy in the excalibur’s hand as he shows it to T’viska, watching the loki’s reaction as he comes to realize the size of the knot.

Too far to back out, “the second one, captain,” his voice shakes. Senses on alert as he can only wait as Juno circles around to his gaping ass, waiting as he still sits in his own intoxicating lust as the head laps against his hole. In a nearby observer he watches as Juno seats himself behind the thick toy, resting it against his stomach as it aligns with the loki’s worn hole.

“Relax, cornflower,” Juno’s hands curl into the ropes along the loki’s ass, ready, “timer only starts once your around the throat of it,” and pulls.

T’viska whimpers as the head breaches itself easily into his body, feeling as the tender top spines tingle sweetly centimeter by centimeter as Juno pulls them together. Feeling the rough hands taken against his hips, feeling the swell of the toy as it begins to slowly crawl up inside of him, it leaves the loki to whine as it pushes pressure against his pelvis, left feeling taunt as he slowly somehow manages to down the broad swell beyond the head as the throat of it pops inside of him - almost gargling as it notches into place.

“There we go, pariah!” Juno whistles as he spreads T’viska’s bruised ass, enamored by the stretch and the knot that has already begun weighing the hole down.

“Oh, void,” T’viska groans as he feels it pressing against his second ring and weighing down his stomach.

“Feel it, cornflower?” Juno carries his hands upwards along T’viska’s sides, the left hailing forward as it begins to press. “It’s right there inside you. Arri, focus here for the old man. I want him to see the bulge in his belly this time!”

“Oh, void,” T’viska whimpers as he can feel Juno’s hand pressing against the weight inside him - making the toy tense just so more against his weary hole. “It’s inside me,” he murmurs, already drooling as he hears Juno preparing the machine.

“Not all of it,” Juno sings as he locks the instrument behind the loki, aiming the rod to seat itself into the toy’s butt. “But I love the enthusiasm, cornflower. I hope you’ll be as vocal when that knot is breaking open that hole of yours.”

Right, that knot; T’viska’s mind blanks it out as he rides around the pressure already inside of him, even as the knot gently presses against his stretched body and makes him sway, it does nothing to dissuade his thoughts lingering on the gentle pressure inside of him. It slowly scrapes along his walls as the machine is set to its trajectory, the body of the machine once again tethered towards his pelvis as the gears begin to whine. Set still low enough he can count the seconds as the swell taunts against his cyan hole, as he can watch as his hole tug around the thickness before it leverages back into his stomach. “Ah,” he breathes as it pushes back through him, slipping around the bend, “Juno,” he whimpers as it begins to retreat - dragging his body along with it.

In the view he can see Juno squirt more of the lubricant against his battered hole, spreading it along the shaft of the emerging toy and the swell of the quad knot. “Remember, T’viska. You must endure 30 minutes. Ever five minutes Arri will crank it up by one.” And give the loki’s ass a pat, “you’ll do fine.”

T’viska grunts as it begins to press against his walls again, breath gasping as it slips along the bend, “don’t patronize me.”

“I’m not,” Juno purrs, “just as a reminder, you asked me to do this to you.”

If he had any sense left in him T’viska would’ve already had a retort; but as the toy slides from him again and stretches out his hole, the thought is already out of mind. Vanished as it continues to ply along his tender innards, feeling his body lurch as the toy slips along the sigmoid bend.

His mouth hangs open on the first dial turn, feeling the slip happen just so faster as the knot pleads against his ass. It pushes the girth in farther as it knocks between his legs, unable to meet as his body still holds that bit of restraint. All T’viska can do besides vocal proclaims, besides kneading within his restraints, beside his toes curling up beneath him as the machine continues to thrust inside of him, is submit against the pressure pushing against his stomach, giving him just the slightest of a bulge. Watching it in the observers along side the toy being thrust inside him again, alongside the curl of his lube stricken feet as his cock dangles and drools with fresh pre.

The next dial change is all the same as his body sways with the rolling thrusts, feeling air brushing against the moisture slicken along his ass and thighs, along his lips and cock as the machine continues to whine in the low impact thrusts. His attention lies only in watching as his body continues to endure as the knot is not yet taken, his body easily sliding the broad swell through his colon as he breathes settled and calmed. As well as he can in time with the thrusts as he does his best to keep his voice down - to save it for if he needs it as the knot continues to knock against his ass - a little more slippery this time, a little more given to tilt to one side as it presses against his ass.

And labors it still preforms as the next step of the dial turns; yielding him to hold his mouth open once more as the tender spines ripple along his walls. Sensations that crawl along his spine and make it bend, beckoning his body to continue to give in as the broad swell continues to course through his low stomach. For more and more as he feels it start to twist inside him - only just slightly but more pronounced as he watches the knot helplessly. As his body still bounces from the thrusts, as he watches between his thighs as his cock waves helplessly; he wonders how much further he has to go.

The answer comes quicker than he expect as his body suddenly stills - an ache crawling up his spine as the knot continues to plead against his hole, beckoning as each swift thrust knocks him against it again and again. Over and over it pushes against his arching spine; pleading more noises to cradle in the loki’s throat as his body loosens up further - opens itself up further as the knot twists against his ass.

And with a shout, finds its way into him.

Slammed into an orgasm T’viska can’t help but snarl as he comes undone; pawing helplessly as the knot has narrowed out his sense of control, as the observer gladly shows him the bulge it has made in his belly. And almost as quickly as it has marked the path it retreats - popping from T’viska loudly and making his pelvis lurch, contractions casting his orgasm against the floor, the rest returned in kind as his lips clench helplessly as the knot pops into him again brilliantly.

“Oh, it’s all in me,” T’viska can’t help but whimper as his crotch continues to ache, screaming as the knot pops free of him again, snarling as he still lingers in his first orgasm as his cock drools cum. “Oh, it’s all in me!” He shatters as he tries to curl backwards in his restraints, helpless as the knot burrows itself into his guts, helpless as the broad swell near the tip bulges up against his stomach in the cephalon’s uncaring sight.

“Six minutes,” he hears Juno call out.

He braces.


And his voice sings as the machine is brought up a pace, thrusting hard into T’viska’s body as he lingers in the aftershock of his first orgasm, left quivering as his loud ass is punched over and over by the silicone knot. Opening him further and further and further as he can’t even feel the tell-tale tension of his sigmoid bend anymore, internals so smoothed over as each thrust knocks within his pelvis, brought to heel as he can barely breathe deeper than a gasp as it burrows deep into his body. Danger and concern blare in some space of his mind as he drools and whimpers; all forgotten as he feels the pressure pushing against his pelvis renewed, body set to come undone as once more the knot begs against his tender walls.

Hips lurching, legs twitching, he spends himself helplessly onto the floor once more.

“Two more minutes,” the cane taps against the helpless loki’s emptied cock, “almost there, cornflower.”

“Fuck off,” T’viska gasps, still twitching as he can feel the machine begin to slow. Whimpering as he can feel Juno palm over the light bulge pressing at his side. “By the void,” he murmurs, “I fit it,” lingering in shambles as the machine rubs the toy through his ass.

“You sure did, old man,” Juno spreads T’viska’s ass to the observer, making him watch as the knot pops out of his ass, “just look at that hole, cornflower. Look at how you swallow that fat fucking knot into your useless body.”

And, slowly, the machine comes to a stop - T’viska still impaled on the machine.

“Mhmn,” T’viska slurs as he languishes in the pressure still lingering in his belly, drawn near limp as he fists within his restraints, watching in an observer as Juno unlocks the toy from machine.

“Oh,” Juno hums as he has to hold the toy in place as he moves the machine back, “won’t you look at that, old man.” And his hand yields for the toy - keeping it from falling as the knot easily pops out the loki’s hole. “You fit around it so perfectly it won’t even stay in!” He chatters, letting T’viska watch as the weight of the toy begins to pull itself from his battered body, letting it tease as he brushes the lube soaked whip against his hole. “Push,” he taunts, “push that toy out for me.”

Trying to piece together the rest of his salient mind, T’viska tightens his stomach muscles the best he can, and pushes the rest of the toy out of his ass.

“Good stag,” he quickly discards the thick toy to exchange it for the next, “last one, pariah,” Juno purrs as he once more slides lube along the organic shape of the final probe, caressing the flattened sides as he angles it to T’viska’s worn out hole. “And relax, one more time for me, cornflower.”

T’viska rests his aching muscles; only letting so much as a whimper as it easily smooths itself into his body. The tapered tip has no problem peering itself into his lube laden hole, nor has it any problem curling around what remains of his sigmoid bend. He can feel the shape twisting inside of him, the flattened sides following the rounding center along his cyan walls, back bowing as the textures pet along his stretched insides. “Juno,” he whimpers as the size relents - thrusting back into him with a shiver and curling toes.

Notching the toy onto the machine, Juno helps the rest of the lingering length into the loki’s body.

50 centimeters vanishing into T’viska’s body with a sigh.

“There we go,” breathes with a kiss, “you’ve got 50 centimeter inside you, my old toy. Now lets see if you can handle the remaining 21.” And spreads T’viska’s ass as the machine begins a gentle roll. “Look at all that infested girth vanish inside you, cornflower.” Hums as he steps around to the loki’s front, the controller in one hand as he grabs the drool laden chin, “the closest you can get to being some infested’s fuck puppet.” Grabbing one of T’viska’s horns he leans in, “it has a tube,” he whispers, “every couple strokes pressure will build on a pedal that’s calculated to give a steady release of new lube.” He lays the controller between the loki’s bound palms, letting it rest against the tethered halo. “So go ahead, fill every curve of that useless gut of yours with infested spunk, if you wish. I’ll be watching.” He squeezes that certain portion of the machine, watching as the loki arches to the sensation of thick sticky lube drooling inside his body.

“T-thank you,” T’viska whimpers as the machine slowly slides the measure’s entirety into his body - feeling as it pushes against his lungs. “Thank you,” whispers, “boss.” Groaning as it nudges inside his belly.

“You have an hour,” Juno leverages as he walks away, to find a seat nearby as he finally begins to play with his paired erection, “that’s all I’ll let you go.”

Obviously, T’viska doesn’t hear it as all he can hear is his own body singing to the pressure curling around in his belly. Slowly at first as the textures rumbles inside his intestines, beckoning for his attention as outside he watches his body sinks around the penetration, enamored as he can tell where the end of it begins to sit in his hanging stomach. Still lingering in the laps of prior over-stimulation, his body still tries to grab around the filling thrust as they yield for the machine, sliding out and against his hole before perfectly filling him up all over again.

And he continues to languish as his body gently sways with the tepid thrusts, back arching to ride the slow motions of the long slender toy filling his body, palms fishing for the controller as he humbly groans. Inwards and out the instrument continues to play with his body; as he soaks into the sensation of being filled again and again, sinking into the slight twist it makes through his pelvis, through his sigmoid, through his traversal guts as it leans against his diaphragm.

Tenderly, he turns the dial of the machine.

T’viska twitches as it continues to slowly pull through his body, caressing his inner most being as the thick lube continues to coat his insides. A dial up that still in sensations feels almost tender as it pleads around in his body, filling him up beneath his arching spine as Juno only watches.

Aside as T’viska fills himself with the deep pressing probe, Juno tenderly strokes himself with the machine’s thrusts, leaning backwards against the wall as internally he swaps around the cephalon’s perverse observers. Unwilling to touch the loki drowning in his own self-satisfying lust, the excalibur satisfies himself by watching the bulges in the loki’s belly shift in time with the long drafting strokes. Pleading around his pair of erections as through the observers watchs as T’viska tries to let his head hang from where it’s bound, drooling and mumbling as again and again the machine drafts the thrust.

Juno holds both of himself in one as he watches T’viska sluggishly turn up the dial, breathing himself low as the loki tries to bite back a cry as the machine fills him again with the warm sticky material, a simulation of his organs he is unable to predict as his legs quiver with every thrust. Juno, in all his efforts, can’t help himself but switch over to controlling one of the observers for himself. As lent by the cephalon, its vision isn’t shared with T’viska as he maneuvers the small camera closer to the ring hailing the loki’s thighs.

Watching along T’viska’s spine as he bounces to the machine.

Silently, watching as T’viska body continue to submit itself to the fucking machine, Juno extends his hands out in his mocking vision, letting his mind explore feeling T’viska beneath him. Letting himself sink onto the memory of filling the old spy with both of his cocks. His hands pushing down upon the old warframe’s back as he fucks his old cunt. Feeling the loki clenching around his pair of coral shafts as he fills T’viska with his own seed.

Thoughts he lets linger as he returns the observer to Arri, watching from afar as the cephalon has used the position for its own advantage in taunting the old warframe.

T’viska begs himself around the silicone as he turns the dial again, trembling as the spill of fresh lubricant sinks itself further down his body, enabling for more broad swift thrusts as his body sways. It dives through his body again and again, squishing among the lube and the soft cyan hole, slinking itself easily in the warframe’s old body as his breaths become lighter. Softer as he’s already begun to go hoarse, breathless as his hands anticipate above his head, shaking as he readies himself.

And turns the dial.

Swiftly the machine burrows itself into T’viska’s body, basting him in one stroke before pulling itself free and sinks back into him. Faster than he could anticipate as he tries to push his legs apart. To open himself even more as his body trembles with each energetic thrust.

Out of sight as Juno watches, he taps into the cephalon’s correspondence. “Move machine back 15. Increase reach by 15.”

Unassuming to the loki as the machine continues to battle against his insides, the machine’s sentry adjusts its position on the withdraw, the angle drawn back by 15 centimeters as it extends the reach by 15 - and thrusts back into T’viska’s body.

“Ah!” T’viska gasps as the thrusts become longer - moving from narrowing along his right traversal all the way to the crest of his left. Strokes made longer as he continues to beckon for more, whimpering in stammering breaths to more, to be filled up as his body continues to shake. Again he steps up the dial - arching as the machine races the probe through his ass - gasping as all the tender textures run against his suddenly tensing walls as it continues to fill him with the enthusiastic mock spunk, letting himself linger around the overburdening pressure as his hips lurch and decorates the floor.

Through an observer, Juno only watches as T’viska drools as he at last found a spot of zen in his fuck drunk fervor. His body spasms with orgasmic pleasure as his body tries its best to clench around the assailing probe as his body drools mucus, cum, and warmed lube. His thighs are slicken and marked white by the toy sailing through his intestines, spreading the eager mess further as he hangs there, only able to so much as whimper as he finds some sense of feeling before coming overburden with pleasure all over again.

The controller lingers between the encased palms as T’viska drools senselessly; only able to so much as breathe as the machine continues to drive through his spent body. Where Juno watches, stroking along his twitching erections, he watches the old warframe’s senseless body with an eagerness he edges himself upon, even more so as he watches another spend cast to the floor. Waiting as he watches the 35 centimeter section snakes itself into the loki’s receptive hole; made messy as though he’s endure far better than the work of a single pair of hands. His dark chestnut ass is decorated with the pale white of the mock spunk lube, still hailing with a slight tint from the awaiting bruises he’s inflicted, watching as the loki’s body is filled by the swift thrusts again and again.

Juno, checking the time, is satisfied enough.

Grabbing one of T’viska’s horns, he leans in. “Filled, cornflower?”

“Mhnmh,” is all T’viska can manage as he palms against the controller’s shape, voice slurring as he still submits to the machine, pelvis buckled again as his thighs quiver from the over-stimulated orgasm.

“You’ve made such a mess,” Juno teases as he walks around the loki, admiring his own handiwork and the mock infested limb pounding itself into the loki’s guts. “How degrading, to be all covered like this,” purrs as he pulls T’viska’s cheeks aside, baring the observers to the soft weak tugs his body tries to make. “Look at you, pariah, just look at this wonderful ass sullied by your own whorish desire. It looks like a group of grineer ran a train on you, or a group of infested used you as their personal dredge.”

Pulling on the lead to the harness, making T’viska’s spine arch painfully so against the thrusting machine, Juno fills him with the remaining reserve of mocking spunk and quiets the machine once and for all.

Anguished, T’viska comes undone again as he feels his belly fill with the warm slime of the white lube, fucking himself around the stilled member with sudden gasps. Whimpering as his pelvis weakly contracts, worn down by the repetitive pulverizing thrusts all his body can do now is drool. Even as Juno releases the lead he continues to echo in his finalizing orgasm; twitching, whimpering, moaning as his body blurs between old sensations and new. His mouth continues to gasp as he feels the toy slowly leaves his body, leaving him empty as Juno backs up the machine and begins to work on the restraints.

As first he undoes the seizing bind around T’viska’s legs, the loki’s legs pool with every movement as he’s more occupied with steadying his breath more than to find his footing. His head is the next to be freed from its binds, left to wobble and sway as his neck muscles fail to catch up with the excalibur’s careful touch. His arms comes next as finally he’s able to let them rest against his worn out body, able to breathe deeply as the harness around his torso still holds him in place as Juno makes the hoist drop - and T’viska’s feet knuckle uselessly against the floor.

When it comes to finally removing the harness, T’viska wraps his weak arms around the excalibur’s head, having him bare his old weight as his body still screams from being so worn down. “Thank you,” he mumbles as Juno helps him to the floor, helping him partly sit in a puddle of his own mess of mucus, cum, and lube.

“No problem,” he yields the loki’s arms back to his body, watching with a smile as T’viska tries to placate his lingering erection.

Watching as the excalibur leaves him to put away the toys, T’viska can’t keep his head from spinning. From between the cephalon’s lingering observers showing pieces of what he’s endured, the sizes of toys he has managed to fit inside his blown out body as he can’t stop drooling all over himself, T’viska looks to the floor as he grounds himself. Helpless as the lingering zen has turned to frustration as his bound hands try uselessly around his erection.

“Hey,” Juno kneels beside him.

“What,” T’viska asked exasperated, sensitive as he can feel his worn out hole against the metal floor.

“Mind one more round? To cool you down some more,” he motions to T’viska’s useless hands, “and if I can get off too.”

Leaning back against his aching spine, T’viska sighs, and lies himself on the floor, weary. “Just hurry up before I get sick of you.”

Lying beside T’viska as a hand snakes beneath the loki’s body, reaching around against the sighing stomach as his other strokes the tenderized hole. “Mind if I fill you one last time, cornflower?” One hand traces around the weak clenches, his other curling and rubbing the tender blue furls along T’viska’s shaft.

“Mn,” T’viska grumbles, his hips weak as he leans into the hand enraptured around his erection, beckoning himself to the pair of hands. “Go ahead,” he groans, shivering as Juno fills the vacancy as his right leg lifts weakly, lingering in space as Juno slides against him inside and out.


“Easy, old man,” Juno sighs as he tenderly pets the loki’s battered insides, his other hand pleading T’viska’s erection downwards, fingers splaying over the spreading furls. Slowly he pushes himself against the loki’s stomach, teasing as his other hand marks where his fingers pet. “Look where it is, T,” he breathes as his hand slowly thrusts, pushing against T’viska’s stomach with both. Enamored as T’viska tries to look down his exhausted body, trying to rest his head against his still bound arms, quivering as his head lies senselessly to the floor as the cephalon’s observers give him a show above. Of Juno’s fingers rolling against his tender underside, of Juno’s hand buried in his ass and pushing up against his exhausted and worn stomach. Together they linger in the strange embrace as slowly T’viska finds sense of his body once again - just enough that his muscles don’t completely lose against gravity.

“Hmn, Juno,” T’viska whimpers as Juno traces around his wrecked hole, “could you,” sighs as the fist fills him again, “would you, fuck me.”

“If you wish,” Juno purrs, righting himself with his hand still taunting against the loki’s guts.

He removes it only as T’viska fights himself over onto his chest, almost laying himself face down in his own mess if he couldn’t rest himself against his arms. He lets Juno take control of his thighs as the excalibur seats himself behind him, between his legs as he can feel the cephalon’s observers buzzing around them, only weakly peering to see them focused on his ass once more. “Fuck,” his voice slurs, half guttural as Juno spreads his cheeks.

“Here?” he whispers.

“Mhn,” T’viska fists his hands down beneath him, tired as he shifts his hips back towards the warmth of excalibur’s cocks. “No, lower,” his voice whispers, gently fighting his arms down to let the latches of his restraints rub against his aching erection. “One inside me... the other against me.”

Kneading his fists against T’viska’s back, Juno purrs as their hips rub. “I’ve got one better, cornflower.”

Watching as T’viska keeps the position, and one hand held firmly against the loki’s spine, Juno easily slips one between T’viska’s aching lips. He can feel as T’viska grovels himself against the floor, spine arching to meet them as the weak pelvic muscles beckon for them to meet. Juno shallows a single thrust before he pulls himself out, and, fisting around his twinned erections, guides both of them into T’viska’s glowing canal. Hearing T’viska whimper before him, as he leans upon the loki’s spine, he burrows himself deep, holding himself there as he can feel T’viska twitching, hear the angelic pleads as T’viska begs for him to move inside him.

Taking one last glimpse as their bodies lie embraced hip to hip, Juno spreads T’viska’s ass one last time, showing him the bulge of his shared erection buried in his cunt show through his overstretched hole.

[ post session ]

Though his legs still shake, T’viska lends one to the excalibur.

Cloth runs carefully along the loki’s inner thigh, caressing against strained muscles as the foot is lifted to a knelt thigh. From mid-thigh down Juno checks for any lingering marks made by the rope, where the bite might have twisted as T’viska endured such internal beratement, and massages around where the metal shackle bound him to the spreader bar. “These should be gone in a few hours,” he parts as he brushes the cloth down around T’viska’s foot, pressing it between the digits and against the soft pads.

“Hm,” T’viska sighs as he sits upon another towel, one hand massaging against the marks left on his upper biceps. “You sure I won’t smell of anything?” He heaves as he looks down, watching as Juno checks his legs once more.

“Not once I’m done,” Juno retorts, tossing the hand towel to the rolling metal cart, “now up, the shower is at the back. Need any help?”

“No,” T’viska groans as he forces himself to his feet, grunting as he tries to stretch out his spine. He does nothing as Juno continues to wipe him down, taking just a moment too long as he cups around the loki’s crotch. But does take a moment as he tries to access if his legs feel stable enough to move unaccompanied - shaking and leaning against Juno. “Maybe,” groans as Juno curls a hand around his torso.

“No worries,” hums as the excalibur helps him to the end of the room, walking around the mess left by the hours worth of play. “You can take the bed while your body recovers, especially those licks,” teases as he helps T’viska sit down to the metal stool.

He rests himself for a moment before leaning down to stretch along his legs, feeling along the slight tremors left from the sensations delivered to his pelvis. Though he feels worse along the path of the toys, it’s just a weird tightness he needs rest to recover, his legs not so much as the pressure of the ropes, shackles, and being suspended by his hips lasts longer than he anticipated.

A small spray of water against his spine turns his attention, to Juno standing above him as he’s handed a fresh towel.

“Thank you,” breathes as he rights himself, letting one hand tend to the soap while the other lathers himself down. Crown to toes as one of the hanger doors is risen to call upon the setting sun. Its warmth doses against his showered armor as he watches the water begin to pool down the drain, split somewhere out the back as he tries piece together his next scouting mission. Probably just in another day if he’s lucky enough as he tries to call upon his own cephalon.

“Got plans, T?”

“Corpus scouting mission,” T’viska breathes as he lets the water roll down his metal spine, “spying on an arms shipment from one company to another.”

“Mind if I...?” Juno mentions to T’viska to stand up - gesturing to the wet towel.

“If you can keep me up,” the loki grunts, leaving the soap on the stool as he hands his ass over to the excalibur to thoroughly clean. A hand curls itself around his stomach as the water is sprayed along the base of his spine, seating between his legs as he can’t help but whimper as the water pets upon his still recovering ass. Against him the cloth is soft as it rubs between his legs, still stinging as it brushes along his whipped cheeks. “Careful,” he whispers.

“I am,” Juno rolls as he wipes T’viska’s thighs down. “Just don’t land on your ass anytime soon.”

“Don’t plan to,” he hums as the excalibur helps him down to the stool. “What about you?”

“Oh, plans?” Juno shrugs as he hands the towel back for T’viska to thoroughly clean his legs. “Probably drink some more; I got another client to wait for.”

“For what business?” T’viska sighs as the water pours down his head again.

“Got someone that wants to borrow the ship, so need to interview them on details before Arri will let them in.”

“Ah,” T’viska lets the water run over his throat vents, blowing water from his secondary respiration before it continues down his chest. “Anything other than that?”

“No clue; but I was wondering if I can have you drop a few pamphlets around,” he teases, “I’ll be out of the job a few days, maybe there’s some clients along your path.”

“I’m not going to do that.”

“I know; you’d want to keep me for yourself,” Juno laughs.